How to get the unicode of a character in Apache Velocity (VTL) - velocity

Im trying to obtain the Unicode(code) of a character in VTL.
For example I would like to get the number 902 from the character Ά
The analogue in JS would be:
Similarly the char code of a blank space would be 32:
' '.charCodeAt(0)

What you need is the Character.codePointAt(str, index) static method.
#macro(unicode, $chr)
#set($str = "$chr")
$str.charAt(0).codePointAt($str, 0)
Explanation: in VTL we need (dummy) instances to call static methods. We first convert the argument to a string and call charAt(0) on it to get a Character instance, just to be able to call the codePointAt() static method on its first character.
This seems rather convoluted, alas the Java API is not so great here.


Can't get key of object that is numeric

I'm working with an API that returns an array of objects. I can get all the keys, but two of those have numbers as keys, and I cannot get it. Give me an error.
I really dont know why I can not get it those keys.
Is there something different due to are numbers?
BTW Im using axios.
If you're using dot notation, you should change to bracket notation to access properties start by a number.
The code below uses dot notation, it throws an error
const test = {"1h" : "test value"};
console.log(test.1h); // error
Why :
In the syntax, the property must be a valid JavaScript
An identifier is a sequence of characters in the code that identifies a variable, function, or property.
In JavaScript, identifiers are case-sensitive and can contain Unicode letters, $, _, and digits (0-9), but may not start with a digit.
The code below uses bracket notation, works fine
const test = {"1h" : "test value"};
console.log(test["1h"]); // works
Why :
In the object[property_name] syntax, the property_name is just a
string or Symbol. So, it can be any string, including '1foo', '!bar!',
or even ' ' (a space).
Check out the document here

Is it possible to use apache's URIBuilder to set a parameter with percentage sign?

I want to build this complete URL:
using org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder method setParameter(final String param, final String value). At its javadoc, there's line:
The parameter name and value are expected to be unescaped and may contain non ASCII characters
But when I use setParameter("param1","%06") I always get ...param1=%2506 instead of ...param1=%06. Looking here I noticed percent sign is 25 in hex.
Should I parse this manually or there's a way to keep using URIBuilder and keep the parameters as is?

Sabre Web/ .NET - Special Characters In SabreCommandLLSRQ Response Not Handed Properly

I'm using VB.NET to consume Sabre Web Services, primarily using SabreCommandLLSRQ to send native Sabre commands. Sending special characters without any special encoding works fine, but when I try to manipulate any response that contain the Cross of Lorraine using the Response element of SabreCommandLLSRS all of the Cross of Lorraine chars are missing if I display my string in a MsgBox or try to manipulate it.
If I push that string into my clipboard and view it in Notepad++, the characters are there but they seem to be encoded improperly - they come through as something like "‡". I'm pretty new to unicode encoding so that's all a bit above my head.
I've tried using the Replace method of String Builder to change those characters to something visible no avail - anyone have a way around this issue?
Strangely, the other special characters (e.g. "¤") seem to come through just fine.
This section in Dev Studio includes references to special character hex codes:
Does this help?
This is a pain in the behind due to the invisible characters.
String replace does work you just need to make sure you capture the invisible character after the Â
Simply in the SabreCommandSend function before you send the string to Sabre put something like the below.
Hopefully this should copy and paste straight out including the invisible character.
if (tempCommand.Contains("‡"))
tempCommand = tempCommand.Replace("‡", "Â");
I figured out how to get this to work, but its not pretty so if anyone has a better way to do it, I'm all ears.
I couldn't figure out what char to use to do the simple string Replace method, so instead I'm casting the string to a byte array, iterating through the array and replacing any strange characters I find, recasting the byte array into a raw string and doing the string replace on that:
Imports System.Text
Dim byteArray() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sabreResponse)
For i = 0 To byteArray.Length - 1
If byteArray(i) = 63 Then 'this is a question mark char
byteArray(i) = 94 'caret that doesn't exist in native Sabre
End If
MyClass.respString = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray)
MyClass.respString = MyClass.respString.Replace("^", "¥")
For whatever reason, the string replace method works after I swap out the offending byte with a dummy character but not before.

Strip first 2 characters and replace with another

This seems like quite a silly basic question but it seems something I have completely passed over in my knowledge.
Basically I have a string representing a phone number (0 being the area code): 0828889988
And would like to replace the first zero with a 27 (South African dialing code) as I am pretty sure it will always be so, my SMS api requires it in international format but I want the user to enter it in local format, so should be: 27828889988
Is there a line or two of code I can call to replace that first character with the two others?
As is - I can think around a workaround solution but as I am not sure of the direct syntax will be quite a few lines long.
Dim number as String = "0828889988"
number = "27" + number.SubString(1)
return number //returns "27828889988"

What does "R"c mean when mapping a network drive using this function

I copied code to map a network drive from to map the drive and to delete the drive. I want to know what "R"c means in this code:
RemoveNetworkDrive("R"c, True)
which came from the first link and then I want to know how to simulate this notation in a variable so I can check for the first available drive and map the network drive to that letter. I would Google search it but since I don't know what "R"c means it makes it difficult.
"R"c is the Char version of "R". You use it when you want to specify a character rather than a string.
MSDN has some details here:
You can also create an array of strings from a single string by using the String.Split Method. The following example demonstrates the reverse of the previous example: it takes a shopping list and turns it into an array of shopping items. The separator in this case is an instance of the Char data type; thus it is appended with the literal type character c.
Dim shoppingList As String = "Milk,Eggs,Bread"
Dim shoppingItem(2) As String
shoppingItem = shoppingList.Split(","c)
It converts your string "R" to a char, as requested from function
Public Shared Sub RemoveNetworkDrive(ByVal DriveLetter As Char, ...)
It's the syntax for a character literal, basically - it's the equivalent of 'R' in C#, if that makes it any clearer.