How to jump to file at a specific line in IDEA? - intellij-idea

As per I can get a file/line reference in form of <fully qualified path>:<line number>; how can I jump to such a location in IDEA (e.g. if a colleague sent me that)?

Turns out you can just use Navigate → File... (CTRLSHIFTN), paste it there, and the file will open at that line :)


Cannot Delete UML diagram in Intellij

I am new to Intellij, I created an UML diagram for a class as below but didnt save it.
after closing the tab i could always see this file when i do double shift and search for files as below
Can someone tell me how to delete this UML diagram. as its bit irritating to see this all the time. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance
Your UML-Diagram is saved as an .uml file. Closing the tab does not delete it.
To find the location of the file open it and click on Select opened file.
Its the "aiming" symbol in your Project-Tab.
Then delete the file when you found it.

In Intellij IDEA, is there a way to copy the path of the current editor tab to the clipboard?

I'm doing some writing and would like to copy the path of the current editor tab (as shown in the tooltip here) to the clipboard:
Anyone happen to know a shortcut for this?
Ctrl+Shift+C works on Windows, even if your focus is on the editor.
I assume Cmd+Shift+C will also work on a Mac.
Press Alt+Home to select current file on Navigation Bar:
Then Shift+Command+C to copy path to a file and Esc come back to editor.
I found Ctl+Shift+Alt+C can copy path with UNIX slash, not backslash.

where to configure phpstorm 7 less compile directory

I'm using Phpstorm7 on mac. When I open one less file, Phpstorm tells me that it can be watched, so I just allow it to be watched. However, I want to compile this less file to another directory, instead of the same directory.
Saying, I need compile sites/all/themes/bic/less/style.less to sites/all/themes/css/style.css.
After a long research, it seems I need to edit some file watcher, but I can't find such file watcher stuff anywehre in Phpstorm7. There's no such 'File watcher' setting when I go to 'File' => 'Default Settings' in Phpstorm7. Now I can't stop this less from compiling either.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
File | Default Settings is for settings that will be applied to the brand new projects.
All settings (both IDE-wide as well as project specific) are located in the same place as every other Mac program does -- it's called "Preferences" (which you should now where to find, since you are a Mac user).
PhpStorm v7.x has a feature called Search Everywhere (Shift 2 times or by clicking on corresponding icon in toolbar) -- it searches trough settings/preferences as well.

Rename file and lock issue for P4V

When I use P4V to add one file(mark for add), then I rename the file, so now the file is locked and can not be submitted or deleted. The tip info is "The system cannot find the file specified.". So what am I gonna to do? Thanks.
Go to your change list, revert your changes to file.bad, add as the new name.

Does Xcode have a navigate to file/class shortcut?

I want something like in textmate where I can quickly navigate to a file or class
Command-Shift-O displays the "Quick Open" Window.
The 'Quick Open' shortcut was changed to Command-Shift-o (that's the letter o and not zero) in XCode 4
I don’t use TextMate, but maybe this is what you want: File -> Open Quickly… (or shift-command-D). Another useful shortcut is View -> Switch to Header/Source File (or option-command-up arrow) to switch between header file (.h) and source file (.m).
You can Cmd+Double click on an item to navigate there. Also, you can assign shortcut for either menu Edit->Find->Jump to Definition or Jump to Selection, but the behavior there is not accurate.
For anyone finding this question years after it was asked, you can jump to a file by having your cursor on the class name and typing