I tried using the build in profiler of visual studio, but since the update it wont work.
It just produces an empty screen:
I tired using the profiler in CS Console application, C++ and CS WPF, but nothing works. I also reinstalled VS.
Any ideas whats happening?
Found issue to be resharper. When I disable it it stop showing errors.
When I start a new Blazor fullstack project from Visual Studio it shows error in IDE. I have looked at Visual Studio displaying errors even if projects build but doesn't seem to help.
I followed the guide on Blazor (https://blazor.net/docs/get-started.html)
But the client side project shows lots of errors
and more details:
Any one else tried this and know how to fix it?
I am running VS Studio Enterprise 2017 Version 15.8.8
I have installed ASP.NET Core Blazor Language Services.
Everything seems to work as it should. I was able to add new page with external RestAPI calls and all.
Updated VS to latests version with no luck
Seems it might be resharper:
Well. Seems that jetbrains is aware of issue.
It can be found here:
Not much to do than disable Resharper for the moment and wait for them to fix it :)
If you need help to disable and enable it again:
How can I disable ReSharper in Visual Studio and enable it again?
Gave up trying to solve this by myself. My visual studio code shows red squiggles through everything.
It can't find the System. classes, even though I did not uninstall .net and .net core SDKs and runtimes.
Weird is that it builds the project correctly and even runs it but it becomes impossible to work.
is there any way the .net 4 debugging api can somehow corrupt the state of an application during startup?
the issue i have is the following:
if i start my application from within a debugger using the .net debugging api (visual studio 2010, sharp develop 4, mdbg), i get various random access violations.
if i start my application from within a debugger not using the .net debugging api (delphi 2007, windbg with sos extension) everything works fine.
if i start my application directly and later on attach a debugger to it (like visual studio 2010, sharp develop 4, mdbg, delphi 2007, windbg), everything works fine.
if i move back to .net 3.5 and clr 2.0 i have no problems at all.
so what changed from .net 3.5 to 4.0 in the managed debugging api causing my application to throw access violations if started with it?
the application is written in delphi (unmanaged) and c# (managed) using managed vcl to do the interop.
i can hardly give any example to reproduce this issue so i'm aware that answering this question might be impossible, but if someone with more insight to the debugging api can give me a hint in the right direction or could help me narrow it down i'd be very thankful.
Just for fun try and disable the Visual Studio hosting process. In Visual Studio right click on the project, go to the 'Debug' tab, and uncheck the "Enable the Visual Studio hosing process" check box.
We've seen some strange stuff in the managed/unmanaged land on 64 bit systems running 32 bit apps.
Some additional info based on experience: It is important to use the COMPLUS_MDA environment variable (remember to restart VS2010 afterwards), not the MDA registry key. I tried setting the registry key (followed by restarting the computer) as described by the MSDN article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d21c150d, as the article indicated this should have the same result, but that didn't work.
I'm using linq2sql and .net 3.5 with vs2010.
I'm experiencing bad sql performance when i run my program through vs2010, but not when i execute the same debug enabled exe outside vs.
Whats going on here? Any ideas?
If the program is running ok outside visual studio then maybe the sql or linqtosql isn't the problem. If you run it through visual studio with the debugger disabled is the performance better?
How do I disable the background compiler for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008?
For my sins, I have to work on a large VB.NET project and it often locks up for 20 seconds at a time whilst doing the very helpful background compilation which is extremely frustrating.
I'd rather work blind between compiles and be able to do some work.
No there is no way to disable the background compiler.
Have you installed Visual Studio 2008 SP1. There were several bugs we fixed in the RTM version of VS 2008 which can cause the IDE to hang under certain circumstances.
We take issues with the background compiler very seriously. If you can give us a repro of the problem it will definitely be investigated. If you can produce such a repro or even send us a memory dump when the IDE is locked please file a bug on Connect: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio
A couple of other steps you can take. Do you have any Add-ins installed in VS? If so try uninstalling them 1 at a time. I've seen several cases where 3rd party add-ins caused lock ups in the IDE which were completely unrelated to the C#/VB framework.