I am trying to run this sheet with multiple users and when someone else runs the script it comes up with a locked cell error.
I have tried starting with a locked sheet and then unlocking, doing what I need and locking again - this does not work. I have now locked particluar cells, so not the whole sheet, and I am getting the same error. I have been embroiled in trying to solve this for days and am now lost in where I am going wrong.
It would also be great if I could take the creditor's e-mail from the new sheet created and send them a mail and load them as having access to their new sheet ONLY these cells C34:H133.
Here is a link to my sheet and code. Help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to keep the creditor working in specific cells in their own sheet and the rest being locked and only for my control. Except for the entry page which has "except" ranges on the protection.
Oh.. and for some reason the request to hide the Sheet3 is not working.
so I have this issue, that everytime snowflake is trying to save the worksheet I get a lag for almost 4 seconds and this happens a lot once you start writing code.
Does anyone have any idea how this happens?
I cleaned the cash and deleted google chrome and installed it again.
Any help much appreciated
If your Snowflake worksheet feels delayed, it might be because you have too many worksheets archived. When you click the x button next to a worksheet, this does not delete that sheet. To fully delete your worksheets, click the down arrow to the right of the + sign next to your newest sheet. Click on open worksheet, and it will show you all of your existing sheets. You can delete them using the trash can button on the top right.
I believe 4sec is normal. Snowflake highlighted "All changes to individual worksheets are auto-saved quickly in the background"..
I have an excel workbook, in the workbook I have 2 sheets called Front Page and Drafting. Drafting worksheet is referencing some of the values in the Front Page worksheet. It is just a basic reference
I have formulas like : ='Front Page'!D46 (in the drafting page cells to reference the cells in the Front Page)
My problem is whenever I make a change to one of the referenced cells on the front page, I need to refresh my drafting page in order to get the newly entered value.
I need to press F9 every time I make a change in the front page to make it reflect back to Drafting Page.
I am not sure what is causing this issue? Could someone please help me fix it?
Thank you.
On the Formulas ribbon, find the Calculation Options drop-down and make sure to select "Automatic". Then changes will reflect immediately, without pressing F9
#teylyn have pointed out it correct, but If you would like to handle with VBA then you can use the below code where appropriate.
If you would need to forcefully make the Calculation to be Automatic then you could use the following code:
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
I have an Excel workbook macro that opens another workbook and starts copying data into it and formatting it. At one point in the process, I want the macro to pause and let the user manually enter data into the target workbook and then resume processing.
MsgBox, Application.Wait(), and Sleep are all application modal and will not let the user update anything in the other workbook while they are executing.
I found this while searching for a solution. It gets me halfway there in that I can manipulate the other sheet but only with my mouse. No keyboard presses get sent to the workbook.
Any ideas on getting all the way there?
I was thinking that I could just have two macros. The user would run one, then perform his manual tasks, then run the other. This appears to work but I would have to convert everything to globals so hopefully, someone has a better idea.
Depending on the macro being run to copy and paste, is the main concern with user intervention during execution of the macro getting the active cell/sheet (if being used) back to being active after the user manipulates something.
I'd recommend storing the active cell/sheet address in a variable prior to the Application.Wait() and then setting the active cell to that stored value on resume.
Without a posting of what your macro is doing though, it is hard to know if this suggestion helps your current situation.
Huge problem here. I sent an excel form (a workbook with several sheets, thousands of active x controls and many many macros) to several people that they need to fill and return to me. Only one of the completed form I received is now completely impossible to use. All active X controls have changed name. If I select one I see the old name, but if I click on it the macro doesn't start and if I try to see its code it opens a new empty Macro with the new control name_click (Ex: a button called cmd_button1 opens a Macro called cmd_button2_click). When I start the Macro in VBA, I get the Run-time Error '32809' every time the code wants to unprotect sheets or to change the visible value of a sheet.
I looked on other posts and every solution I found would require a huge amount of work. What happened? Is there an easy solution to this?
Thank you.
I saved the workbook in .xlsx and copy/pasted all my macros back, transfered the forms and modules back then saved it back to .xlsm and now the buttons call the macros and no run time errors occur anymore.
I have an issue with my Excel workbook. I have code both in modules and embedded in the sheet.
Until recently, everything was working fine but suddenly the code embedded in the sheet does not work.
I have a sub routine for right clicked cells. This used to create a drop-down menu of its own rather than the standard right click menu but recently it stopped working. I have tried deleting the entire code and simply putting msgbox("Test"), but it still doesn't work.
Macros are enabled as this is the interesting thing ... if I right click the sheet tab and copy it ... the new version works absolutely fine. It is as if the original sheet has become corrupt.
This is further evidenced by when I try to delete the original sheet manually (right click tab and delete).
This causes Excel to crash.
I can delete any other sheet no problems.
However, a colleague of mine opened the workbook and it works fine for him without having to duplicate the sheet.
When it first happened I did the duplicate fix then renamed the original to "OBSOLETE". Not a pretty workaround, but worked nevertheless.
It has now happened again, however, and I am reluctant to keep patching it in this way.
If I try to address the sheet using VBA from another sheet:
Code in sheet 2 ("Slave"): msgbox(sheets("Master").cells(1,1).value)
it gives the following error:
Run-time error 32809: Application-defined or object-defined error
I have tried addressing it as sheet1.cells instead of sheets("Master").cells as well and this gives the same error.
Changing the code to point to Sheet3 works fine. It is literally just this sheet causing problems.
I tried 'open and repair' on the document too.
I have read around extensively and tried the deletion of .exd files etc. No luck.
Any thoughts? It seems independent of code - more a specific issue with this workbook and its sheet which over time becomes 'corrupt' but only for some machines/users.
There is also a command button in the sheet. This also does not work (clicking it just does nothing). If I go into the VBA editor and manually activate the sub-routine, I get the following error:
Compile error:
Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found.
Again, this still happens even if I strip the code right down to a simple msgbox operation.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi i am having the same issue running code that populates combo boxes on my sheet. It seems that the sheet index is being deleted so the workbook o longer 'sees' the sheet you are trying to reference.
A simple workaround i found is to resave the workbook with a different name and it should work fine but this is not ideal when it is running on a regular basis. It does however allow you to recover the original workbook after it has been corrupted on the other machine.
It seems that some security updates made by microsoft in December 2014 have resulted in issues running sheets across the old and new machines. They are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it. This blog explains the issues and work arounds:
Their solution provided on the above blog requires all users to have this update and then to delete all .exd files from the temp folder that are related to the issue and then recompile the code (this still requires all machines to have the new update).
Another option (the one I will be taking until they resolve the issue) is to roll back the problem machines to a pre Dec version prior to making the update.
Hope that helps!