Snowflake stuttering Worksheet - sql

so I have this issue, that everytime snowflake is trying to save the worksheet I get a lag for almost 4 seconds and this happens a lot once you start writing code.
Does anyone have any idea how this happens?
I cleaned the cash and deleted google chrome and installed it again.
Any help much appreciated

If your Snowflake worksheet feels delayed, it might be because you have too many worksheets archived. When you click the x button next to a worksheet, this does not delete that sheet. To fully delete your worksheets, click the down arrow to the right of the + sign next to your newest sheet. Click on open worksheet, and it will show you all of your existing sheets. You can delete them using the trash can button on the top right.

I believe 4sec is normal. Snowflake highlighted "All changes to individual worksheets are auto-saved quickly in the background"..


multiple users running a locked google sheet

I am trying to run this sheet with multiple users and when someone else runs the script it comes up with a locked cell error.
I have tried starting with a locked sheet and then unlocking, doing what I need and locking again - this does not work. I have now locked particluar cells, so not the whole sheet, and I am getting the same error. I have been embroiled in trying to solve this for days and am now lost in where I am going wrong.
It would also be great if I could take the creditor's e-mail from the new sheet created and send them a mail and load them as having access to their new sheet ONLY these cells C34:H133.
Here is a link to my sheet and code. Help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to keep the creditor working in specific cells in their own sheet and the rest being locked and only for my control. Except for the entry page which has "except" ranges on the protection.
Oh.. and for some reason the request to hide the Sheet3 is not working.

Pause VBA Macro to allow manual input of data

I have an Excel workbook macro that opens another workbook and starts copying data into it and formatting it. At one point in the process, I want the macro to pause and let the user manually enter data into the target workbook and then resume processing.
MsgBox, Application.Wait(), and Sleep are all application modal and will not let the user update anything in the other workbook while they are executing.
I found this while searching for a solution. It gets me halfway there in that I can manipulate the other sheet but only with my mouse. No keyboard presses get sent to the workbook.
Any ideas on getting all the way there?
I was thinking that I could just have two macros. The user would run one, then perform his manual tasks, then run the other. This appears to work but I would have to convert everything to globals so hopefully, someone has a better idea.
Depending on the macro being run to copy and paste, is the main concern with user intervention during execution of the macro getting the active cell/sheet (if being used) back to being active after the user manipulates something.
I'd recommend storing the active cell/sheet address in a variable prior to the Application.Wait() and then setting the active cell to that stored value on resume.
Without a posting of what your macro is doing though, it is hard to know if this suggestion helps your current situation.

Is it possible to have my Excel table linked into PowerPoint update automatically in PPT when a change occurs in the Excel source?

So I copy a table in Excel > Paste Special > Paste Link > Hit OK and my table shows in my PPT slide
If I right click on my table, I can click update link, which will update the slide to reflect any changes in the spreadsheet
Problem is, the Excel table changes automatically, several times every hour, I can't be hitting the update link every time, any way to make the slide update automatically either if changes occur in the Excel table or every 2-3 minutes would work too? Using Excel and PPT 2013 by the way
Thanks in advance
Yes, there is a way:
will update all the links in your presentation.
Of course, if you have a specific presentation in mind, you can use that one instead of ActivePresentation.
However, I don't know any way to update links one-by-one without side effects. You could use
ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).OLEFormat.DoVerb wdOLEVerbPrimary
but this will open Excel Applications or Workbooks and there is no good way of Closing them and Hiding them while they are being used.

Selecting and switching to veryhidden Sheet not working properly

I have been writing a few macros lately to navigate around sheets / change visibility / import-export data etc. I normally just embed the macros as buttons on the sheets.
Normally this works well, however, I do keep experiencing an issue where with a macro, or a userform I unhide a veryhidden sheet, select it and exit the macro, or form.
I do this though via:
With Sheets("Sheet1")
.visibile = xlsheetvisible
End With
When I then try to manipulate the sheet - e.g. type in a cell, delete data from cell, or insert / delete rows using the GUI rather than doing it via code, the operations happen on the original sheet with the button that called the form or macro. rather than the new one....
Is anyone else experiencing this? Am I doing something wrong?
Give worksheet object for cells while referring the editing
for ex... sheets().range().paste
or activate the sheet which you want to manipulate before your code (which manipulates the sheet)
Found the Solution!!!
Upon further investigation it seems like this is only broken in Office 2013. I tried it on Office 2010 and it worked fine.
The solution is to invoke the vbModeless command after so that would be:
Userform1.Show vbModeless
Not perfect, if you want the user to dismiss the Userform before going back to the worksheet, but hey -it's a workaround :)
Let's hope Office 2016 will fix the bug (I'll be upgrading later this month)

find out windows in side-by-side mode

The "View Side By Side" and "Synchronous Scrolling" made the comparison of 2 spreadsheets easier than ever. However, there isn't a "Synchronous Switching tab" feature, so if I switch to a different tab in one of the workbooks and continue scrolling, the sync'ed scrolling become quite funny.
Well, I shouldn't complain, because it's all done manually, and I should use this feature wisely.
As a lazy developer, I would like to write some code to dig myself out: Can I write a macro to automate the worksheet switching on the peer window in side-by-side mode?
It breaks down to 2 steps:
how do I know if a window, most likely the ActiveWindow, is in side-by-side mode?
if it is, how do I tell which window is its peer?
I did my homework. It seems Excel is not very programming friendly on this feature. There are 3 methods
and 1 Boolean property
on the Windows collection related to this feature, but are insufficient to solve my questions.
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? Or, is it indeed impossible? Thank you in advance.
You can achieve this using the Workbook_SheetActivate event:
if you put this code in your ThisWorkbook Object, then each time you change the active worksheet, it will...
Cycle through all open workbooks with a different name
Look for a worksheet with the same name as the sheet you just clicked on
Activate the worksheet in the other Workbook
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
For i = 1 To Application.Workbooks.Count
If Application.Workbooks(i).Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Dim otherWB As Workbook
Set otherWB = Application.Workbooks(i)
End If
End Sub
Note that this requires the worksheet to exist in all open workbooks. An error will result if it does not. However, you could easily add error handling to ignore workbooks with unfound corresponding worksheets.
Also note that it's probably best to use this when only two workbooks are open. I have not looked into the other methods you mentioned, but there may exist a way to identify the two workbooks that are currently in side-by-side mode, at which point the code could shed its for loop and become more concise.