React Native check if the route is not null - react-native

I am getting route from react-native in one component as below:
const { route } = this.props;
const { fromPage } = route.params;
But sometimes the route is null 9perhaps it was not set when navigating), how to check if that is null before getting the value like above?

Should look at useNavigationState:
useNavigationState is a hook which gives access to the navigation state of the navigator which contains the screen. It's useful in rare cases where you want to render something based on the navigation state.

Probably you can use a conditional statement, as I have shown below.
const { route } = this.props;
if (route && route.params) {
const { fromPage } = route.params;
// use `fromPage` here
} else {
// handle the case where `route` or `route.params` is null

You can write like this:
const { fromPage } = this.route?.params || {}
fromPage param has type as string | undefined, you can check the condition of the param before using it


React native changing instance prop not rerender component

I have an entity class called order
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
export default class Order {
constructor({status}) {
this.status = status;
isCanceled() {
return this.status === CANCELED;
when passing order to a component throw mapStateToProps
when the status changes. mapStateToProps will be called again with the new status but the component will not be rendered with the new data
but if I passed the order as a standard object it will re-render with the new data
This code is not working
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
return {
This code works
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
return {
order: {...order},
I need the first code to work as I use some functions from the object inside the component like isCanceled()
Hello all I knew what was the issue
the problem was in my reducer as I was changing in the state directly so the method wasn't pure function. So, react didn't recognize the change in props
this link has an example
React Native components not re-render if props changed
can you try this, while keeping the {...order} (2nd method you're using)
export default class Order {
constructor({status}) {
this.status = status;
this.isCanceled = this.isCanceled; //add this line
isCanceled() {
return this.status === CANCELED;

React Native & RTK Query - IsLoading on refetch method

Why when I use refetch method in the code below the isLoading value does not return on true during the fetch ?
const [matchFilterSelected, setMatchFilterSelected] = useState('explorer')
// Query declaration
const {
data: matches,
error: matchesError,
isLoading: matchesIsLoading,
} = useFetchMatchesQuery(matchFilterSelected)
// Callback function from onPress event
const filterSelectedChanged = (matchesType) => {
if (matchesType && matchesType !== matchFilterSelected) {
No, isLoading is only true on initial load. You probably want to use isFetching - that shows actual activity.

React Native hooks - correct use of useEffect()?

I'm new to hooks and ran across this setup on SO and wanted to confirm that this is the correct pattern. I was getting the RN "unmounted component" leak warning message before and this seemed to solve it. I'm trying to mimic in some way compnentDidMount. This is part of a phone number verify sign up flow and onMount I want to just check for navigation and then fire off a side effect, set mounted true and then unmount correctly.
const SMSVerifyEnterPinScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const [didMount, setDidMount] = useState(false)
const { phoneNumber } = route.params
useEffect(() => {
if(navigation) {
return () => setDidMount(false)
}, [])
if (!didMount) { return null }
async function signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
const confirmation = await auth().signInWithPhoneNumber('+1'+phoneNumber)
return (
RN 0.62.2 with react-nav 5 - thanks!
Since signInWithPhoneNumber is a async function and will setState you will see warning it the component is unmounted before the response is available
In order to handle such scenarios you can keep a variable to keep track whether its mounted or not and then only set state is the mounted variable is true
However you do not need to return null if component has unmounted since that doesn't accomplish anything. The component is removed from view and will anyways not render anything.
Also you do not need to maintain this value in state, instead use a ref
const SMSVerifyEnterPinScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const isMounted = useRef(true)
const { phoneNumber } = route.params
useEffect(() => {
if(navigation) {
return () => {isMounted.current = false;}
}, [])
async function signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
const confirmation = await auth().signInWithPhoneNumber('+1'+phoneNumber)
return (

Navigation parameter is undefined

I am trying to pass a parameter by navigation screen. But when I receive the parameter at child screen it gives me undefined.
Parent Screen :
navigate('Screen2', {itemId: 'sales'})
const { navigation } = this.props;
const id = navigation.getParam('itemId');
Result :
You can try this code
const { id } = this.props.navigation.state.params;
const id =;
Hope this works!
Parent Screen
this.props.navigation.push('Screen2', {itemId: 'sales'});
const { id } = this.props.navigation.state.params;
//Hope you're using react-navigation
It looks like, the way you are using getParams method is incorrect. Try following:
const id = this.props.navigation.getParam('itemId', 'defaultId');
Or else you can also use solutions by #Jothi Basu & #hong develop.
Use navigate.state.params
const id = this.props.navigation.state.params.itemId

Getting the current routeName in react navigation

I want to get the name of the current routeName in react navigator. I came across three solutions:
1. const { routeName } = navigation.state.routes[navigation.state.index];
2. this.props.navigation.state.RouteName
3. const route = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index];
The first one seems to work fine. For the second one, I am not sure how to use it. The third option (as given in official documentation), generates the error with
ReferenceError: navigationState is undefined.
Please help me out in which is the correct way to find the name of the active screen while navigation.
function getActiveRouteName(navigationState) {
if (!navigationState) {
return null
const route = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index]
if (route.routes) {
return getActiveRouteName(route)
return route.routeName
// Example Usage
const currentScreen = getActiveRouteName(this.props.router);
if (currentScreen === 'Login') {
// do something