How to create meta instgram test users - testing

I am testing integration with meta (instagram messages). The issue is: I see only dialogs with instagram users, who has connection with Facebook, and put as test users at the settings. How can I add instagram users into test users at meta?


link my users social media account in my mobile app, allowing native app to open

I've got an app with user profiles. On the users profile, I let them put links to their other social media accounts. I know app linking requires the correct app's schema and I know those schemas depend on the system (iOS, Android). I want the user to be able to just copy the url of their social media profile (,paste it and save it. I will manipulate the string get the "userprofile" out and put it in the schema. HERE's the problem, Facebook, requires an ID for the schema, but most people don't know how to get their ID, while it's somewhat easy to get, it does require right clicking on a mouse and searching some code to get, Does Facebook have an api I can hit to send a username and get back a user ID? I feel like they would want people to link to their app easily. I've looked all over Graph API

Linkedin APIs for authentication, connection invitations and user search

I wrote this same question to #Linkedin support service and I was redirected to this link where they indicate to ask questions in Stackoverflow.
We are developing a mobile App for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and we plan to expand to other Universities in the future. This aplication will need in a first instance OAuth via Linkedin. It will also need to allow the authenticated user to send connection invitations to other users contained in a list. For creating that list of users, it will be useful if the admin of the system could search in a bar similar to the one which Linkedin has, write a user name and select it, retrieving its user ID or what is needed to identify the invitation destination.
Summing up, the App needs:
Connection request API
User search API
I have read on the web that some of Linkedin's APIs suffered some modifications in which most of them where limited to allowed users or apps. So the aim of this post is knowing:
Do the APIs my mobile application needs exist?
What do I need to do to obtain the access to those APIs in case they exist?
User search API
For this feature you could use something like Algolia Instant Search
LinkedIn has changed many things related to user data. If you need access to its data then you must follow the given guidelines.
Basically you have to create a LinkedIn App and then the users have to grant permissions to your app by installing it in their device(s) and then only you can collect their data.

Instagram api - get all photos by hashtag

I am new to this Instagram API, and I read their doc about endpoints, this is the endpoint that I am using:
It is fetching the images, but, only on my accounts photos. I want is, I will give an tag-name, and it wll display all, not just the photos on my account, but all the photos in Instagram too.
I know has been a long time, but just for the record.
Since you need the public_scope permission for this (the permission that gives you access to all public data on instagram, and not only your account) you need your app to be reviewed and approved by Instagram. However, if you're using the API for a one-site personal project, Instagram will not approve it.
Here's from Instagram's docs:
1: Which use case best describes your Instagram integration?
R: I want to display hashtag content and public content on my website.
A: This use case is not supported. We do not approve the
public_content permission for one-off projects such as displaying
hashtag based content on your website. As alternative solution, you
can show your own Instagram content, or find a company that offers
this type of service (content discover, moderation, and display).
You can find more information in the Permission Review documentation.
Your client is in Sandbox Mode and can only search for tags of photos posted by invited users. You have to login into, edit your client and click on the "GO LIVE" button.
If the "GO LIVE" button is disabled, you have get your app reviewed by Instagram first: Click on the Permissions tab and submit for review. (Company Name, Contact Email and Privacy Policy URL are required to start a submission.) Once approved, u will be able to click Go Live.
By hashtag you mean tags.
It works for me. Despite I'm using python client, it should work well when you're developing your own client. Look:
from instagram.client import InstagramAPI
api =InstagramAPI(client_secret=settings.CLIENT_SECRET,
result = api.tag_recent_media(tag_name='castle')
media = result[0]
for m in media:
print (m.images)
print (m.user)
print (m.tags)
You can try it and it is working for me.
My client id is created before "permission review", it is working now and I am trying to submit permission review to Instagram now, hope it will pass.

Is it possible to login as a page using Google+ Login

Is it possible to use Google+ login page to allow users to login as pages to the site?
Otherwise, is there an API to get information about a logged in user pages? Or do I need to request access to Pages API?
In some cases, this is possible. However, the user would need to register a password on their page, which, according to the help topic, "is currently not available to pages owned by Google Apps accounts or users under the age of 18". I don't believe most people have this set up. You could request having such people set this up, but if they fall under that group they would be out of luck.
As such, I would recommend that you look for another way of doing this.

Basics of Facebook login

I'm having a hard time understanding how Facebook communicates with my server when a user logs in (after approving my facebook app). I've been looking through guides and other Stackoverflow questions for hours on end but can't seem to get the hang of it. The documentation on isn't to much help much either.
What I want to do is to have a Facebook login button on my page which opens a Facebook login window (using Facebook's Javascript SDK). When the user then logs in to Facebook and approves my app I want to get the user's data (name, email, age) and store it in my database. How do I get this data, SECURELY (server-side confirmation/authorization)?
Basically, in this order;
a user clicks log-in button on my site
a pop-up is shown where the user can log in & approve the app on Facebook
check if user has already logged in before by getting user's user_id
if it's the users first time logging in, the user's Facebook data (specifically: full name, picture, email adress, age) is gathered by me and stored in my database
After the user logs/approves the app in the Facebook pop-up, where is the user's data then sent?
After the user approves the app, the user's data is not sent anywhere. You need to make an API call to retrieve the data.
Facebook is an OAuth provider. You use Facebook Login so the user can give you permission to access her Facebook data (such as email, friend list, messages, news feed etc). You can also get permissions to take action on behalf of the user (such as uploading a photo, posting to news feed etc.) While starting the OAuth flow, you specify which permissions you will request from the user. These are called scopes.
The authorization flow that happens in the pop-up window is there for the user to give you permission to access the data that you request. This permission is represented as an access token which you have to use everytime you want to retreive user data, or attempt to do something on behalf of the user.
Once you have the access token, you can use the Facebook Graph API to get whatever data you want from Facebook. If you try to access some data that you did not get permission for, then the API method will return an access denied error.
I wanted to give some more links about scopes and access tokens from the Facebook Developers site but my reputation score is too low :)