Azure Text to speech SSML bookmark tags Error - text-to-speech

Encounter an internal server error when there is a bookmark in multi-language SSML for Chinese voices
<speak xmlns="" xmlns:mstts="" xmlns:emo="" version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US"><voice name="yue-CN-YunSongNeural"><prosody rate="0%" pitch="0%">
试用唔同嘅语言同声音。改变语速同音调。你甚至可以调整SSML(语音合成标记语言),嚟控制文本唔同部分嘅声音效果。单击上面嘅 SSML 试用一下!
<bookmark mark="pronounce_1" />
there would be return correct audio data from the response


LabVIEW Parsing XML String without using tools

I am creating an information displaying mini-app for a device. The response I receive from the device when I send an HTTP Get request is literally as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
<root xmlns="">
<sns id="1" type="1" status="0" unit="0" val="25.0" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" -0.3" e-max-val=" 124.0" e-min-dte="01/01/2014 13:16:44" e-max-dte="05/14/2014 10:00:43" /><sns id="2" type="2" status="0" unit="3" val="56.4" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" 0.1" e-max-val=" 100.0" e-min-dte="01/27/2014 08:39:14" e-max-dte="03/04/2014 11:02:40" /><sns id="3" type="3" status="0" unit="0" val="15.7" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" -21.3" e-max-val=" 85.9" e-min-dte="01/27/2014 12:21:28" e-max-dte="03/04/2014 11:29:32" /><status frm="1" location="NONAME" time="01/02/2014 7:12:00" typesens="3" /></root>
There are 3 sns elements with incrementing ids, I need to read the val attribute of the sns element with the id 1.
I tried implementing the suggested way here:Get specific XML element attributes in Labview , and shown below is my implementation, but it does not work. I tested the XPath on and it fetches the value I need just fine.
The XPath I am using is: //root/sns[#id="1"]/#val
The result I get when I run is just nothing, no Parsing errors, no any other errors, everything seems to be okay but the String indicator is always empty, String 2 displays the HTTP response fine.
I am using (and have to use) LabVIEW 2011 SP1.
The reason why the result is empty is the wrong input of Get Node Text Content.

How can I Map from XML HREF+Text to Word Document Hyperlink?

I Have a simple XML file e.g.:
<some_link_text>goto microsoft site</some_link_text>
I have setup XmlMapping, but I can't seem to get a Hyperlink.
I tried using richTextControl and and providing RTF text
(e.g. '{\rtf1\pc some \b BOLD \b0 text}') but it just shown the raw RTF.
Note: even though I'd like to have a Text with HREF, I can settle for clickable URI
Is there any other control? other good methods to use?
also posted #

How to play hls inside VAST 4.2 using open-source players?

My site uses video.js with the videojs-ima plugin, but it didn't work with hls inside VAST.
I tested the xml using the Google service and I see the error Ad error: AdError 400: There was an error playing the video ad. Caused by: Error: Error: There was an error playing the video ad.
I tried the videojs-vast-vpaid plugin, but it throws an error about the inability to work with VAST 4.2.
I tried other free players - plur, openplayerjs, fluid player-but none of them worked with my xml.
my VAST 4.2 sample xml looking like that (Warning! NSFW content inside):
<VAST xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" version="4.2">
<Ad id="1" adType="video">
<AdSystem version="1"></AdSystem>
<AdTitle>Naked girl get cum on face</AdTitle>
<Creative sequence="1" id="1">
<Linear skipoffset="00:00:05">
<MediaFile id="1" delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" width="480" height="640">
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<ClickThrough id="1">
<UniversalAdId idRegistry="unknown">unknown</UniversalAdId>
<Impression id="">
<![CDATA[ ]]>
The IMA SDK creates it's own video element to play the creative. That will only be able to formats the browser can natively support. HLS would work on Safari.

Why this dash manifest keeps the player stuck until streams are downloaded?

I have this manifest file below . The issue is that the player waits for the streams to download completely before to start playing which is bad for the user experience. Any idea how to fix it? I expected the player to start range requests and feed media source with partial requests instead to wait for the streams to completely download.
<MPD xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:DASH:schema:MPD:2011" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011" type="static" mediaPresentationDuration="PT30M67.6S" minBufferTime="PT2S">
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
<AdaptationSet id="0" contentType="video" segmentAlignment="true" bitstreamSwitching="true" lang="und">
<Representation id="0" mimeType="video/webm" codecs="vp9" bandwidth="770153" width="854" height="480" frameRate="23421/1000">
<SegmentList duration="1840613" startNumber="1">
<Initialization range="0-219"/>
<SegmentURL indexRange="220-6592"/>
<AdaptationSet id="1" contentType="audio" segmentAlignment="true" bitstreamSwitching="true" lang="und">
<Representation id="1" mimeType="audio/webm" codecs="opus" bandwidth="115412" audioSamplingRate="48000">
<AudioChannelConfiguration schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011" value="2"/>
<SegmentList duration="1840641" startNumber="1">
<Initialization range="0-258"/>
<SegmentURL indexRange="259-3444"/>
You seem to be using a mix of the DASH 'live' profile approach and the 'on-demand' profile one - you can see the profile in the profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011" at the top of your manifest.
At a very high level the difference is:
'live' profile manifests contain a list of urls for each segment to be downloaded.
'on-demand' profile manifests contain a URL to a file and an index to where the segments can be found in the file, so the client can download chunks as it wants.
DASH is a complex specification and it may be that some players will accept some mixes of profiles and others not, and not all players support all features - for example Shaka player claims not to support 'indexRange' (or did in 2017:

Error while creating new data file in HP-Exstream

I am trying to create a data file for my application with XML as input and map it to my HP Exstream variables. But when I am trying to save the file it is giving me error "No customer-level tag specified! Engine will not process.". I am not sure how to resolve this error. There is no customer level information I want in my input. Can anyone explain what is this error and how to resolve it?
What HP Exstream is telling you is that you have not defined a tag that will allow Exstream to know when a customer begins and ends. This does not have to be a tag that says <customer-level>, but rather the tag you are using in the XML to determine where a customer begins and ends.
When you are using an XML file as input, you may be dealing with multiple customers take this for example:
<body>Hello World</body>
<body>Hello Universe</body>
I would be using the <item> tag to tell HP Exstream where my customer begins and ends.
You can choose the customer tag in the properties of the tags.