LabVIEW Parsing XML String without using tools - labview

I am creating an information displaying mini-app for a device. The response I receive from the device when I send an HTTP Get request is literally as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
<root xmlns="">
<sns id="1" type="1" status="0" unit="0" val="25.0" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" -0.3" e-max-val=" 124.0" e-min-dte="01/01/2014 13:16:44" e-max-dte="05/14/2014 10:00:43" /><sns id="2" type="2" status="0" unit="3" val="56.4" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" 0.1" e-max-val=" 100.0" e-min-dte="01/27/2014 08:39:14" e-max-dte="03/04/2014 11:02:40" /><sns id="3" type="3" status="0" unit="0" val="15.7" w-min="" w-max="" e-min-val=" -21.3" e-max-val=" 85.9" e-min-dte="01/27/2014 12:21:28" e-max-dte="03/04/2014 11:29:32" /><status frm="1" location="NONAME" time="01/02/2014 7:12:00" typesens="3" /></root>
There are 3 sns elements with incrementing ids, I need to read the val attribute of the sns element with the id 1.
I tried implementing the suggested way here:Get specific XML element attributes in Labview , and shown below is my implementation, but it does not work. I tested the XPath on and it fetches the value I need just fine.
The XPath I am using is: //root/sns[#id="1"]/#val
The result I get when I run is just nothing, no Parsing errors, no any other errors, everything seems to be okay but the String indicator is always empty, String 2 displays the HTTP response fine.
I am using (and have to use) LabVIEW 2011 SP1.

The reason why the result is empty is the wrong input of Get Node Text Content.


Unable to set a null value when manipulating xml

I have the following xml:
I am conducting a negative test of sorts and want to send a NULL value to the "Section" element of the xml.
I tried the following:
* set xml /Company/Section = (null)
However, what happens is that the opening tag of the element gets deleted altogether resulting in:
Expected result should be:
I would've liked to try .replace but the value inside "Section" is dynamic and so I cannot effectively use .replace. I also tried an empty string ('') and the same behavior happens where the opening tag gets deleted.
Please advise.
That is exactly what a null should do.
If an empty string does not work, that is a big surprise to me. Then the best option is you submit an issue and ideally contribute a PR to fix it also. Else consider what you ask for as not supported.

SoapUI Assertions - either XPath or Contains Assertion would be fine

Sample response below. I want to check the existence of a specific error code (860) in the response below. Technically, to avoid picking the error up accidentally in a reference number, I need to be checking it is in the bit labelled < code >860< /code > (inserted spaces so it would show).
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:activatePortResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<return som="6001365" state="Approved">
<description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>
I was trying to build a set of calls with expected error results to check the the error responses are returned as they should. Going through all the usual garbage messages that meant nothing to me, I just kept tweaking.
Turned out I could use a Contains method and just paste in more, rather than just 860 or even < code >860< /code > I just had to paste in a bigger chunk like this:
<description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>
So I have a solution, but if anyone wants to show me how to do it with XPath, in a less hamfisted way, that would be cool.
You could do an XPath Match assertion with the following expression //error/code, which in the above response message would find 860. This way you know that this 860 has been found at a particular place in the XML hierarchy.

Is there any existing service in HotDocs tools to receive data from an external source to prepare a document?

HotDocs is a tool to generate documents and basically it carries 2 things. First is temple and second is answer file. Template carries variables and data to those variables are pushed through answer file.
Generally answer file is page where is it asks for data and further it generates a document.
Now our requirement is - instead of passing variable's values through answer file, I need to send through a API built using PHP which provides data in JSON format.
IS there any exiting service in HotDocs to serve this kind requests?. I can change the data from JSON to XML if required.
At the moment there is no off the shelf converter from JSON to HotDocs Answer XML however, at HotDocs we do this all the time. If you produce either JSON or XML from your application the data will need to be transformed into the HotDocs answer XML format - e.g.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AnswerSet title="Demo Answers" version="1.1">
<Answer name="Employee Name">
<TextValue>Graham Penman</TextValue>
<Answer name="Job Duty">
<TextValue>make tea</TextValue>
<TextValue>make coffee</TextValue>
<TextValue>make some cake</TextValue>
<Answer name="Annual Salary">
<Answer name="Contract Date">
<Answer name="Paid Seminar Days">
There are three key things you need to know to create the answer XML: The data type of your data, the data type in HotDocs and whether the data you are passing is a list or single item.
So to build the answer XML is relatively easy.
The answer XML is essentially key value pairs being contained between the opening and closing tags:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AnswerSet title="Demo Answers" version="1.1">
...Answers go here
We then add answers in by adding the following and specifying the variable in the template the answer corresponds to, the actual value (from your data) you want to set the answer to and also the type of data it is in the template - in the example below it is text however, the type in HotDocs are: TextValue (string), NumValue (decimal), TFValue (boolean), DateValue (DateTime) and MCValue (see later on in this answer).
<Answer name="[Variable name in template]">
<TextValue>[Value from your data]</TextValue>
For multiple choices specifically you can select one or more answers so the answer XML format is slightly different:
<Answer name="[Variable name in template]">
<SelValue>[First selected value]</SelValue>
<SelValue>[Second selected value]</SelValue>
If you have repeated data you want to put into the document you can use the list repeat format:
<Answer name="[Variable name in template]">
<[Variable Type]>[First value]</[Variable Type]>
<[Variable Type]>[Second value]</[Variable Type]>
Once you build this XML structure you can pass this into the assemble document method on the REST services as a string with the template to assemble the corresponding documents.

XML Import with "alternate" form or xml formatting

I have successfully imported an XML file parsing elements info table attributes using this xml data formating:
but it errors whwen I input an XML in this format:
<PN guid="aaaa"
Is this later form usable? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
It's usable, but you're looking at the difference between using tags (your first example) and attributes (your second example). Your processing is slightly different.

list=alllinks confusion

I'm doing a research project for the summer and I've got to use get some data from Wikipedia, store it and then do some analysis on it. I'm using the Wikipedia API to gather the data and I've got that down pretty well.
What my questions is in regards to the links-alllinks option in the API doc here
After reading the description, both there and in the API itself (it's down and bit and I can't link directly to the section), I think I understand what it's supposed to return. However when I ran a query it gave me back something I didn't expect.
Here's the query I ran:|timestamp|user|comment|content&rvlimit=1&list=alllinks&alunique&allimit=40&format=xml
Which in essence says: Get the last revision of the Google page, include the id, timestamp, user, comment and content of each revision, and return it in XML format.
The allinks (I thought) should give me back a list of wikipedia pages which point to the google page (In this case the first 40 unique ones).
I'm not sure what the policy is on swears, but this is the result I got back exactly:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<n from="google" to="Google" />
<page pageid="1092923" ns="0" title="Google">
<rev revid="366826294" parentid="366673948" user="Citation bot" timestamp="2010-06-08T17:18:31Z" comment="Citations: [161]Tweaked: url. [[User:Mono|Mono]]" xml:space="preserve">
<!-- The page content, I've replaced this cos its not of interest -->
<!-- offensive content removed -->
<revisions rvstartid="366673948" />
<alllinks alfrom="!2009" />
The <alllinks> part, its just a load of random gobbledy-gook and offensive comments. No nearly what I thought I'd get. I've done a fair bit of searching but I can't seem to find a direct answer to my question.
What should the list=alllinks option return?
Why am I getting this crap in there?
You don't want a list; a list is something that iterates over all pages. In your case you simply "enumerate all links that point to a given namespace".
You want a property associated with the Google page, so you need prop=links instead of the alllinks crap.
So your query becomes:|links&titles=google&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content&rvlimit=1&format=xml