How to correctly link static library build and installed previously - cmake

There is a static library called revolta which is being built and then installed into a sysroot:
set( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX <path to sysroot> )
# ReVolta c++ library name
set( TARGET_LIBREVOLTA "revolta" )
target_include_directories( ${TARGET_LIBREVOLTA}
# Once the librevolta targets are being exported, this include directory in which the lib is installed is used
# Include directory used privately just to build the library itself
target_sources( ${TARGET_LIBREVOLTA}
Later then once the librevolta is built, it is installed into the sys root using:
# Install all the revolta headers into include directory and copy the built library
and the connected custom command:
# Once the librevolta is built, install it to the sysroot as specified by 'install()' commands
So far so good. This works as intended, once CMake builds the "revolta" target, it is built and installed into the sysroot as installed using the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}.
My problem is once I try to add the target as the linked one in other lib/executable, it includes somehow automatically the librevolta source path into includes and links the library using the relative path in the build directory rather than the one installed into sysroot as performed in the step right after the librevolta build.
Some other lib/executable:
target_link_libraries( ${APP_EXECUTABLE}
Once being built, the include path -I/home/martin/git/revolta/source/librevolta is added (the source location) even though it is stated as PRIVATE in the snipped above:
# Include directory used privately just to build the library itself
and only the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include is made public...
Additionally, the library is taken from the build tree rather than from the location where it is installed:
instead of
Could you please advice me how to correctly set the revolta target the way it correctly uses its sources for building itself but once used elsewhere it provides the sysroot installed headers and built library from the same location (respecting the standard locations)?
HINT: I also tried to remove the revolta target from the app completely, specifying only to use the sys root (gcc option --sysroot=/home/martin/git/revolta/sysroot), it works fine correct headers and lib is used BUT once the librevolta is not built and installed, the target is not run prior to app build as the dependency is not defined then...

TL;DR: You need to do what's done here:
How to create a ProjectConfig.cmake file
I see a few issues with these CMakeLists.txt files but they aren't related to your problem, because if I understand correctly what you are trying to do here, then there is no problem and it is used as intended.
Let me clarify:
You have a library project that has it's own CMakeLists.txt, where you define the target revolta
You have an executable project that has it's own CMakeLists.txt, where you define your executable target and then you add the revolta target via add_subdirectory() and target_link_libraries(my_executable revolta)
If that's the case then this is just bad:
# Once the librevolta is built, install it to the sysroot as specified by 'install()' commands
Forcing your build to automatically install this library is not the way to go, ever (you for example, need elevated privileges to build it in the first place, because of this command and that poses a security risk).
That being said what is happening is perfectly fine, because from the perspective of the my_executable's CMakeLists.txt you are still building i.e. you use the BUILD_INTERFACE. It is however something you do not want to do.
What instead you want to do is:
Create generator files for a revoltaConfig.cmake file. For that I will refer you to this tutorial:
How to create a ProjectConfig.cmake file
After you create such file, i.e. after building and installing revolta. You will (in the process) also create a revoltaConfig.cmake file. Which helps you populate the my_executable project via find_package(revolta).
The above is probably what you are interested in.
The generator expressions that you use to distinguish BUILD_INTERFACE and INSTALL_INTERFACE are mainly for header file locations (or other linked libraries). Because when you build the library the header files can have a different structure then when you install it (as you already know). And as such work perfectly fine in your CMakeLists.txt, because when you think about it:
You don't want to copy changes to your library files (into the install directory) just to test ongoing development (features/bugfixes) in your executable.
And during the build of the executable if your building another target then IT IS NOT INSTALLED but rather BEING BUILT. And you are most likely adding it as a built target.
So to sum up what would most likely happen here (using your old CMakeLists.txt) is that
The moment you start building the executable which adds the target library as a dependency via add_subdirectory you are implicitly using BUILD_INTERFACE because you are building.
If you were to then install both the executable and the library it would again use the correct install paths, i.e. you would then implicitly start using INSTALL_INTERFACE.
You could hack it without the projectConfig file using the same generator expressions by mixing them up, but I don't recommend it, because then the CMakeLists.txt wouldn't work without doing some weird steps beforehand.


How to include a library using CMAKE in a cross-platform way

I am trying to use the assimp library in a cross platform C++ project. I include the repo as a git submodule, so, effectively, if someone downloads my project they will also download the ASSIMP project.
After I go through the assimp build / CMAKE instructions and (on Linux) type make install and from then on in my project I can use:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} assimp)
However, there is no make install on Windows.
The only other way I have been able to include the library on Linux is to put (in my CmakeLists.txt file):
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/build/assimp/code/
This is not cross platform as it hardcodes the name and location of the .so file which will not work on Windows.
How can I expose the library so that I can do something like target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} assimp) on all platforms?
My directory tree looks like:
- src
- include
- assimp
- bin
Where the assimp directory in the include directory is the git submodule
I think you're going about this the wrong way. You don't need to build assimp in a separate step from your project, and you don't need to make install to make it available.
There are a number of ways of handling third party dependencies in Cmake, since you've already chosen to submodule the assimp repository, we'll start there. Assuming assimp is located in the root of your repository in a directory called assimp/ this would be a barebones project including it:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(Project myassimpproj)
# include your directories
# set any variables you might need to set for your app and assimp
# add assimp source dir as a subdirectory, effectively making
# assimp's CMakeLists.txt part of your build
add_subdirectory(/path/to/assimp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/assimp)
add_executable(assimp_target main.cpp)
# be sure to link in assimp, use platform-agnostic syntax for the linker
target_link_libraries(assimp_target assimp)
There may be a better way of phrasing this using generator expressions syntax, but I haven't looked at assimp's CMakeLists.txt to know if it's supported (and this is a more generic way anyway.)
Not every project uses Cmake, so you may not be able to just add_subdirectory(). In those cases, you can effectively "fake" a user call to build them using their build commands on respective platforms. execute_process() runs a command at configure time add_custom_command() and add_custom_target() run commands at build time. You then create a fake target to make integration and cross your fingers they support Cmake someday.
You can also use the ExternalProject commands added to Cmake to create a custom target to drive download, update/patch, configure, build, install and test steps of an external project, but note that this solution and the next download the dependency rather than using the submodule'd source code.
Finally, I prefer to work with prebuilt dependencies, cuts down on build time, and they can be unit tested on their own outside of the project. Conan is an open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager with very good support for C++ and almost transparent support for Cmake when used the right way. They have grown very stable in the last year. More information on how to use Conan with Cmake can be found here.

CMake Fortran Module Directory to be used with add_library

I have a CMake 3.5.2 project that creates a library: libtest.a, which is then linked to by an executable.
The source code is Fortran, and the libtest.a produces a module file: "main.mod"
The executable also needs to include this main.mod file, so to make main.mod accessible, when building the project I set the variable, CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY to a known location, and add it to the relevant include paths.
This works great when building the entire project, main.mod is built in a known location, and it is there for whatever code needs it. My usage, however, makes it necessary to only build libtest.a by itself, and leave the executable to be built by a downstream user sometimes.
The issue I am having is that when I go into the libtest source and treat it as its own CMake project, the library will build and install, but the main.mod file is always left in the BINARY_DIR and is not built in the CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY, dispite setting in the the CMakeList.txt within libtest.
Is the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY only honored when add_executable() is being called? And just ignored for the library builds alone? Or am I missing something.
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: This will reproduce my issue.
module main
implicit none
real, parameter :: pi=3.2
end module main
program test
use main
implicit none
real :: a, area
a =10
area = a * 100
end program test
CMAKE_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
enable_language( Fortran )
project( tt )
add_library( tt STATIC ${test_SOURCES} )
If I build and install the above code, I will get a libtt.a library installed in the Lib directory, however my main.mod will remain in my build directory and is not build in a Mod folder.
Here I assume that the "user" uses cmake to build the project while having access to the source of your project.
The steps to a working build.
There is a CMakeLists.txt file for libtest that specifies CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY. This should be enough for main.mod to appear there.
There is a CMakeLists.txt file for buiding the "client" program. This file should include the libtest project with add_subdirectory.
Add target_link_libraries(NAME_OF_PROGRAM NAME_OF_LIBRARY). This only takes care of the linking of libraries and is not sufficient (for solution B below anyway) for the module to be known to the client program.
Now, make your own adventure:
Solution A: in the libtest CMakeLists.txt, place the module where "all modules will go", for instance set(CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/modules) (you need to do this also for the "client" CMakeLists.txt). The variable ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} is set by the "client" cmake invocation and will be the same for all included cmake projects. This directory will be listed in the build commands for Fortran programs.
Solution B: in the libtest CMakeLists.txt, place the module of this library in a dedicated directory. You can achieve this, for instance, with set(CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/modules). You need then to manually specify this location with include_directories(PATH_THAT_DEPENDS_ON_THE_NAME_OF_THE_SUBPROJECT) in the client CMakeLists.txt.
If you wish the library to be installable, you need to specify paths for installing the library and the module file. With Fortran, you should think of this with the target OS, compiler and architecture in mind.
Links to the CMake documentation:
Following the addition of your sample code, the following modification should do it:
CMAKE_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
enable_language( Fortran )
project( tt )
add_library( tt STATIC ${test_SOURCES} )
Make sure that set( CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Mod ) occurs before any add_library line.
Add install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) to actually install the .mod file. Module files (as header files in C) have to installed in addition to the library file.
The setup you created is a bit unusual in that you locate everything within the source build whereas "usual" install locations are made relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX

cmake: install header order and dependencies on target

I've a set of libraries and executables all with their own CMakeLists.txt. All libraries are building their targets to the same path (for example ../build/bin and ../build/lib)... as well as exporting their header files (../build/inc).
Now I wish to build one build system and let CMake figure out the dependencies (using add_subdirectory and global build settings).
The problem is: all libraries do export their headers to build/inc after they are build (when make install in invoked). When I do a whole system build make install is not invoked until after the end (and everything has build). So for example executable progfoo with target_link_libraries( progfoo onelib ) will fail, because CMake figures out the dependency to onelib (which builds fine), but progfoo fails because it looks for headers in build/inc... which were not exported yet. The same thing in general applies to many libraries.
What is the correct CMake-Way to handle these cases? Thank you!
Install is the final step, the one that should be visible to the user. So when you export binaries and headers you should already have binaries built against headers in their original locations.
From CMake point of view you have only 1 target at a time. For example you can build a Web Server and using as dependencies libcurl and boost::asio. It is very possible (and good) to add dependencies to current target using add_subdirectory, but when you have to add include directories you have to do that on a per dependency basis, it would be convenient in example if each of the dependencies provides already a variable with current absolute path to includes.
In example see this dummy libcurl's CMakeLists.txt that set path to absolute include directory
get_filename_component(_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
// export into parent scope libcurl header location
Then you can use it from Web Server's CMakeLists.txt for building and later use the same path again to extract files for installing them where required
# add include directories for building web server
include_directories( ${LIBCURL_INCLUDES})
#I assume you are installing headers because final user will need them,
#in case you needed them just for building you are already done here
#without even installing them
#gather headers list
file(GLOB libCurlHeadersList
#install header list
install( FILES
DESTINATION ../build/inc/libcurl

Running fixup_bundle for a specific target (PACKAGE)

I would like to incorporate external dlls when running CPACK without enumerating all of them (by explicitly calling INSTALL(FILE ...) )
Employing fixup_bundle it is possible to fixup all the executables in the install folder (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) by copying the required libraries.
fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"\" \"${DIRS}\")
This code is executed when building the INSTALL target and will handle only elements present inside the folder CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
What I would like to do instead is to run fixup_bundle during the building of the PACKAGE target which is added by CPACK. in this way the install script generated will also include externa libraries.
Did anyone managed to do this?
The best solution I found so far do not rely on fixup_bundle but on listing all files that have to be installed for the runtime configuration (e.g. all dlls).
Given a target you can recover the associated runtime file and add it to the INSTALL project:
#get dll location
get_target_property(BIN_F ${target} LOCATION_${Configuration})
#copy to the bin folder
install(FILES ${BIN_F} DESTINATION ${destinationFolder}
CONFIGURATIONS ${Configuration}
You then can recurse over the target dependenices to perform the same two operations using
get_target_property(link_libs ${target} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)

Use external DLL in cmake build

I'm working on the cmake scripts for my project and I've run into a problem:
My project uses a 3rd party library (FreeImage), which has its own Makefile-based build system. I can build FreeImage just fine by simply running "make" (I'm using gnuwin32), which will build FreeImage using MinGW and produce:
Now my problem is twofold:
I want to execute "make" from my cmake script.
I want to link to the import lib (FreeImage.lib), and also make sure the DLL gets copied to the correct place so the EXE will run.
I know how to link to the LIB file, but I'm lost on the rest.
The folder structure is like this:
MyProject # main directory
MyProject/Libs/FreeImage # FreeImage root directory
MyProject/Libs/FreeImage/Dist # This is where FreeImage outputs go (LIB and DLL)
BTW: I'm running on Windows 7. I plan to build my project both with MSVC and MinGW.
I'm now trying to use ExternalProject_Add like so:
PREFIX ./Libs/FreeImage
URL ./Libs/FreeImage
This gets me part of the way there, but doesn't totally work... it tries to configure things for me and tries to use nmake... ugh
In my opinion, there are two options:
In case you have put your FreeImage sources in your projects' source-tree, the easiest option may be to use the execute_process() command. Assuming FreeImage is in your projects' source-tree in "3rdparty/FreeImage/" you can do something like,
execute_process( COMMAND make WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdParty/FreeImage )
Optionally, you can copy the dll from 3rdParty/FreeImage/bin into you own bin directory. And then you can write a FreeImageConfig.cmake for importing the library:
add_library( FreeImage IMPORTED )
set_target_properties( FreeImage PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdParty/FreeImage/lib )
The other option is to make use of the ExternalProject module. You can also take a look at this article from Kitware for an overview of this module. In essence, you specify the full chain of commands needed to get the source, configure the build, build the source and install it. All in your own CMakeLists.txt