ResourceWarning Running DBT - dbt

I can successfully run DBT using the command poetry run dbt run {model_name} but I get a ResourceWarning like this: ResourceWarning: unclosed <ssl.SSLSocket fd=12, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 55977), raddr=('', 443)> that I do not know how to get rid of. Does anyone know why this is happening?
I am currently using a MacBook Pro (chip: M2 Pro) and on VS Code version 1.75.0 on Python 3.9.6
Tried to re-install python and DBT but still got the same error
enter image description here


Error- the task 'npm: watch' cannot be tracked. Make sure to have a problem matcher defined

I tried running the Codepal Extension locally on my laptop to make some changes. I followed the steps that were told in the file. Please help me out to run it locally.
I tried using it locally by following the steps. But, I get error while trying to run it locally.

Running python commands in a terminal in Google Colab

I've uploaded a directory of codes in Google Colabs. I need to run python command lines in a terminal that I'm unable to open.
I tried each and every solution suggested in How can I run shell (terminal) in Google Colab? but to no avail.
Updated 20220202
Can you try to execute your python scripts using the exclamation mark ! from Colab's cell directly?
I believe I encountered identical issue back in my Colab days, the process will hung or froze over some time, especially when I am dealing with GBs of datasets. So, ultimately I just ran using the exclamation mark directly from my Colab's cell to resolve the issue.
Have you tried this with the following syntax?
!pip install google-colab-shell
from google_colab_shell import getshell
I understood that you have tried the solution from another post, but just in case that you missed out the !, and ignored the warning message, and that exclamation mark was actually causing the shell not spawning.

tf eula not getting any output TFVC, TEE-CLC and IntelliJ IDEA on Windows machine

I have installed TFS 2018, TFVC plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Command Line Client TEE-CLC-14.134.0.
I am not getting any king of output while entering the command tf eula, hence I am not able to create Repository for version control.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue or any workaround to accept the license.
PS Output:
PS C:\TEE-CLC-14.134.0> tf
PS C:\TEE-CLC-14.134.0> tf eula
PS C:\TEE-CLC-14.134.0>
Command Prompt Output:
Seems you are running command tf eula in PowerShell.
Just try to run the command in windows command line: Win+R - > cmd, it works for me.
Just try to run tf eula -accept, then check if the tf command works now.
If that still not work, just try to re-download the TEE-CLC-14.134.0, then check it again.

conan io : Unknown command 'export-pkg'

I am using conan io to create a package from pre build binaries. I found this post on the conan website: but the problem is: Every time I try to use export-pkg command I get an error that this command is unknown. What is more I can neither create a --bare package. What is wrong?
Do you have any idea what commands to use?
Thank you in advance,
So, it occured that I had a prehistoric version of conan. What was surprising because couple of minutes before I upgraded conan. What happened: the upgrade was not successfull (although eveyrthing looked fine) because I had installed pythonx86. As soon as I installed pythonx64 and re-upgraded conan I had access to these new commands,
just in case someone had similar issues....

Creating network files in SUMO using NETCONVERT

Problem when calling netconvert in sumo:
I am trying to create my own scenario for simulation purposes.
I am using OpenStreetMaps for this.
opens the browser and I select the area which I download.
netconvert --osm-files osm_bbox.osm.xml -o
The error message I get is
Error: Cannot import network data without PROJ-Library. Please install packages proj before building sumo
Warning: Environment variable SUMO_HOME is not set, using built in type maps.
Quitting (on error).
My attempt to fix the problem is:
sudo apt-get install libproj*
But it seems like a dead end there and I am out of options.
Thank you.
I have a gut feeling it has to do with libproj0 not being available anymore.