I'm trying to construct a VS22 Find Replace regex expression which will match a specific series of groups on lines of code, and use another expression to update those matching groups.
The lines of code are something like this:
[HttpGet, Route("api/v1/blob"), MyFilter(Keep = "res.Axe, res.Drop")]
[HttpGet, Route("api/v1/blob/{id}/track/{adid}"), MyFilter(Keep = "res.Axe, res.Edit, res.Drop")]
[HttpPut, Route("api/v1/blob/{id}/track/{adid}"), MyFilter(Keep = "res.Axe, res.Edit, res.Build")]
I want to:
remove the Keep = replace all of the , in the string literals
within the MyFilter(Keep = ...) instances
So I've built the best regex expression I can with groups to target the strings which are surrounded by " or ,, but preceded by Keep = ...
.*Keep =.*(?<=[",]).*\..*(?=[,"])
However, this appears to be matching the entire row and when I use this replace expression:
"$1 $2"
it replaces each matching row with this:
"$1 $2"")]
How can I modify these expressions to effectively split the string literals found in the MyFilter(Keep = ...) expressions into a list of strings, going from this example:
MyFilter(Keep = "res.Axe, res.Drop")
to this:
MyFilter("res.Axe", "res.Drop")
How can I find matching line in char/string type column?
For example let say I have column called text and some row has content of:
(where \n are real new lines)
Now I want to find related row if any of lines match. For example, I have value 12345,
then it should find match. But if I have value 123, It would not.
I tried using like but it finds in both cases, when I have matching value (like 12345) and partially matching value (like 123).
For example something like this, but to have boundary for checking whole line:
FROM my_table
WHERE text like [SOME_VALUE]
Maybe its not yet clear what Im asking. But basically I want something equivalent what you can do with regular expression,
like this: https://regexr.com/5akj1
Here regular expression /^123$/m would not match my string, it would only match if it would have been with pattern /^12345$/m (when I use pattern, value is dynamic, so pattern would change depending what value I got).
You may use regexp_replace and then check that the replaced string is not equal to the original column value:
select count(*)
from dummy
where regexp_replace(mytext, '(?m)^1234$', '') <> mytext;
You have a demo here.
Bear in mind that I have used the (?m) modifier, which makes ^ and $ match begin and end of line instead of begin and end of string.
You should be able to use ~ for matching:
where mytext ~ '(\n|^)1234(\n|$)'
Is it possible to write regular expression comparisons in USQL?
For example, rather than multiple "LIKE" statements to search for the name of various food items, I want to perform a comparison of multiple items using a single Regex expression.
You can create a new Regex object inline and then use the IsMatch() method.
The example below returns "Y" if the Offer_Desc column contains the word "bacon", "croissant", or "panini".
#output =
? "Y"
: "N" AS Is_Food
FROM ... AS wrk
The CSHARP() block is optional, but you do need to escape any backslashes in your regex by doubling them (as in the example above).
The regex sample accepts these as a single words, either in singular or plural form ("paninis" is okay but "baconator" is not).
I'd assume it would be the same inline, but when I used regex in code behind I hit some show-stopping speed issues.
If you are checking a reasonable number of food items I'd really recommend just using an inline ternary statement to get the results you're looking for.
#output =
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant() == "bacon" ||
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant() == "croissant" ||
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant() == "panini" ? "Y" : "N" AS Is_Food
FROM ... AS wrk
If you do need to check if a string contains a string, the string Contains method might still be a better approach.
#output =
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("bacon") ||
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("croissant") ||
wrk.Offer_Desc.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("panini") ? "Y" : "N" AS Is_Food
FROM ... AS wrk
Hi i'm trying to figure out a way to retrieve a word from the like operator.
text = "jsoihj a125847 asf"
Dim s as String = text Like "*a######*"
I would like 's' to equal the actual word that has the pattern of " * a###### * " instead of it returning True
As stated in the above comments Like will not give you the string. You could parse the string character by character to find the pattern but this is a natural job for Regex. I am no expert here so I use sites like RegExr to hack out and test the match string.
dim s as string = Regex.Match(text, "([A][0-9])\w+").Value
The regex I want to use is: ^(?=.*[,])(,?)ABC(,?)$
What I want to get out is:
^ // start
(?=.*[,]) // contains at least one comma (,)
(,?)ABC(,?) // The comma is either in the beginning or in the end of the string "ABC"
$ // end
Of course ABC is ought to be a variable based on my search term.
So if ABC = 'abc' then ",abc", "abc,", ",abc," will match but not "abc" or "abcd"
Better way to do this is also welcome.
The value in the record looks like "abc,def,ghi,ab,cde..." and I need to find out if it contains my element (i.e. 'abc'). I cannot change the data structure. We can assume that in no case the record will contain only one sub-value, so it is correct to assume that there always is a comma in the value.
If you want to know if a comma delimited string contains abc, then I think like is the easiest method in any database:
where ',' + col + ',' like '%,abc,%'
Im using regexp to find the text after a word appear.
Fiddle demo
The problem is some address use different abreviations for big house: Some have space some have dot
I want all the text after any of those appear. Ignoring Case.
I try this one but not sure how include multiple start
FROM Address;
I believe this will match the abbreviations you want:
REGEXP_REPLACE("Address", '^.*Q(UIN)?TA\.? *|^.*', '', 1, 1, 'i')
FROM Address;
Demo in SQL fiddle
It tries to match everything from the begging of the string:
until it finds Q + UIN (optional) + TA + . (optional) + any number of spaces.
if it doesn't find it, then it matches the whole string with ^.*.
Since I'm using REGEXP_REPLACE, it replaces the match with an empty string, thus removing all characters until "QTA", any of its alternations, or the whole string.
Notice the last parameter passed to REGEXP_REPLACE: 'i'. That is a flag that sets a case-insensitive match (flags described here).
The part you were interested in making optional uses a ( pattern ) that is a group with the ? quantifier (which makes it optional). Therefore, Q(UIN)?TA matches either "QUINTA" or "QTA".
Alternatively, in the scope of your question, if you wanted different options, you need to use alternation with a |. For example (pattern1|pattern2|etc) matches any one of the 3 options. Also, the regex (QUINTA|QTA) matches exactly the same as Q(UIN)?TA
What was wrong with your pattern:
The construct you were trying ([^QUINTA]+) uses a character class, and it matches any character except Q, U, I, N, T or A, repeated 1 or more times. But it's applied to characters, not words. For example, [^QUINTA]+ matches the string "BCDEFGHJKLMOPRSVWXYZ" completely, and it fails to match "TIA".