Hololens 2 emulator for openxr hello_xr test - hololens-emulator

I am working on Windows 10 with Windows Mixed Reality Runtime and Hololens 2 emulator to run the hello_xr test . I was able to build the project using Visual Studio 19 and run it from command prompt as follows
hello_xr.exe -g D3D12 -ff Hmd -vc Stereo -bm Opaque -s Local
This is unable to get system and throws the following error although Hololens 2 emulator has been launched prior to running the above command
[16:09:52.495][Info ] Press any key to shutdown...
[16:09:52.586][Info ] Available Layers: (0)
[16:09:52.616][Info ] Instance RuntimeName=Windows Mixed Reality Runtime RuntimeVersion=112.2211.2002
[16:09:52.623][Error ] XrResult failure [XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE]
Origin: xrGetSystem(m_instance, &systemInfo, &m_systemId)
Source: ..\..\..\src\tests\hello_xr\openxr_program.cpp:298
Maybe I should launch the test from within Visual Studio using Hololens 2 emulator as debug target for this to work. But I am not sure how that can be achieved.
How do I go about debugging this? I just started with XR development.

This was solved in the Khronos forums.
Update (adding some context in case the link is unavailable later):
Instead of hololens emulator we can also use Windows Mixed Reality Portal or SteamVR to run the hello_xr sample. I used SteamVR along with an android phone. Steps followed were
Install SteamVR.
Change the active runtime from Windows Mixed Reality to SteamVR. The path to the manifest json file for SteamVR should be {drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\steamxr_win64.json . Registry editor can be updated to change the active runtime, details about runtime discovery can be found in the loader spec.


Stuck in Network azure-iot-edge-dev is external, skipping

Runing the Build and Run Iot Edge Solution in Simulator stopped working suddenly, and the log builds the containers and stops at this message Network azure-iot-edge-dev is external, skipping Everything was working fine 5mins ago, tried rebooting, restarting docker, iotedgehubdev, but in vain. Do you know how can I get more logs and/or resolve this problem ?
This is a generic error that is thrown for a variety of reasons.
Possible causes can be:
Proxy blocking pulling images of edgeHub and edgeAgent
A problem in the deployment.template.json (or debug template), e.g. missing brackets
Ports of edgeHub that are in use
Docker configured for Windows containers when targeting Linux or visa-versa
The Build output or IoT hub output in Visual Studio usually gives a bit more information.
Do you know how can I get more logs and/or resolve this problem ?
Are you trying to debug/simulate it locally on windows 10 machine?
When you need to gather logs from an IoT Edge device, the most convenient way is to use the support-bundle command. By default, this command collects module, IoT Edge security manager and container engine logs, iotedge check JSON output, and other useful debug information. It compresses them into a single file for easy sharing. The support-bundle command is available in release 1.0.9 and later.
Run the support-bundle command with the --since flag to specify how long from the past you want to get logs. For example 6h will get logs since the last six hours, 6d since the last six days, 6m since the last six minutes and so on. Include the --help flag to see a complete list of options.
sudo iotedge support-bundle --since 6h
By default, the support-bundle command creates a zip file called support_bundle.zip in the directory where the command is called. Use the flag --output to specify a different path or file name for the output.
Incase if you are looking to debug the modules locally on VS2019, VS Code below documentations will be useful.
Use Visual Studio 2019 to develop and debug modules for Azure IoT Edge and
Use Visual Studio Code to develop and debug modules for Azure IoT Edge
Please share the complete logs if the above doesn't help.
I have this issue when trying to start a project from within Visual Studio when it's not running in administrator mode. I always forget and end up with this error. Same goes for if I run "iotedgehubdev.exe setup" from a command prompt. It only works when the command prompt is running in administrator mode.

Uno Platform on WSL: Errors in unchanged template

I'm attempting to build the Uno project template with Linux support, using WSL (Ubuntu 20.04), following the official guide.
Unfortunately, I always get an error running the Skia GTK project template:
DllNotFoundException: Gtk: libgtk-3-0.dll, libgtk-3.so.0, libgtk-3.0.dylib, gtk-3.dll
I tried adding libgtk-3-0.dll's folder to the Windows PATH, but this didn't help. Then I tried installing libgtk-3 in WSL, but it just changed the error to Can't open display :0.
What am I doing wrong?
The Skia.Gtk backend expects a running X Window server to connect to.
The guide suggests installing vcXsrv, an X11 server for Windows
You'll need to start the server in "Multiple windows" mode, starting with "no client" mode.

Can't get WinAppDeployCmd for Appx deployment to work

During the App Packaging and Deployment for Universal Windows Apps presentation (fast forward to 00:36:00) one specific command line utility - WinAppDeployCmd - was used for deployment Windows 10 Universal application to the phone running Windows 10 Mobile. This utility could be found here:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe"
But every time I'm trying to deploy sample .appx package to the Lunia 635 phone with Windows Mobile v10.0.12562.84 or Surface 3 device with Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview (all devices on the same network as my dev machine) - I'm getting the same "connection failed" error:
Windows App Deployment Tool Version Copyright (c) Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Opening connection to device at ''.
0x80131500 - Connection Failed
0x800705B4 - Timed out waiting for
network events.
Just in case - I could ping both of the devices from my dev machine without problem and can also deploy to any of them from VS2015RC (also tried with renamed WinAppDeployCmd.exe - to make sure that VS2015RC doing deployment somehow differently without using this tool).
So, I'm wondering - are there anyone who succeeded with app deployment using WinAppDeployCmd.exe?
This is a known issue in the current release. There is no workaround and it will light up in a future Windows 10 Insider Preview SDK and tools release.
I have succeeded to deploy an .appx using the WinAppDeployCmd command line tool. Probably the issue have been correct at the latest versions.
For the ones that are not familiar with this tool, it allows you to deploy an Universal Windows app from a Windows 10 machine to any Windows 10 Mobile device via USB or WiFi (since they're on the same subnet). That's a perfect solution if you doesn't have Visual Studio, doesn't have the app source code or if you're under a Hyper-V Virtual Machine.
Basically you will need:
Windows 10 SDK
Generate the .appx package (PC)
Enable the developer mode (Mobile)
Turn on the discovery mode (Mobile)
Get the code to pair devices (Mobile)
Get mobile IP address using WinAppDeployCmd tool (PC)
Run command (PC)
The command will look like this
WinAppDeployCmd install -file “<path>” -ip <ip> -pin <pin>
The tool can be found at C:\Arquivos de Programas (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe
You can find a detailed step-by-step tutorial here
This happened to me once when the USB socket was faulty and Windows compained about the device not being recognized. I switched sockets and everything worked. So make sure you try other sockets (or even a different computer, to rule out the specific machine).
This tool let's you install but does not run the app after install like it did the first version in windows 8.1

Worklight, Adapter-Based Authentication for Android, app does not exist on the server

Im new to Worklight, Im trying to run the AdapterBasedAuthenticationProject from the tutorial of IBM worklight. Sample here
After deployed the auth-adapter and build the app, this app run ok on the Worklight console. However, when I make the android version and run on virtual machine, I can not get the secret data.
When I click on "Get secret data" button on android, error occurs
[ERROR ] FWLSE0332E: The application AdapterBasedAuthApp for the environment android does not exist on the server. Cannot register this client. [project AdapterBasedAuthenticationProject]
Image here
Looks like you are using JRE 1.8 (Java 8). Note that Worklight does not support Java 8 - downgrade to either Java 6 or 7.
Make sure you have:
Added the Android environment
Deployed the Android environment (right-click on the your-app\android folder and select Run As > Build and Deploy)
Those are crucial steps in order for the server to recognize a request originating from Android
Also, I don't understand what do you mean by "virtual machine", as it is not obvious from the screen shot. It just looks like a resized browser window.
I encountered similar issue today. In my case Java version was not the issue the issue was incorrect wlAppVersion number in wlclient.properties,
make sure it is same as in application-descriptor.xml.

Automated testing for Windows Phone 8

Hitting a couple of issues attempting to setup automated testing of our C++ code on Windows Phone 8.
1) I'm hitting the limit of installed applications on our device. Is there any way to automate uninstalling the applications on the device? Via the command line?
2) Is there a recommended method to run unit tests on WinPhone8? Currently, I'm using devenv to load/run the our solution file. This has provided inconsistent results. The Windows Phone debugger doesn't get set in some cases, this causing a 'debugger not set' error when attempting to run.
Here is some good information on unit testing in Windows Phone 8:
JustinAngel's answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/13429709/2087252 gives an example how to automate installing, running and deleting of applications on Windows Phone 8.
To make it work you'll need to reference following dlls from your project:
If you want to run your application/test on emulator, you can start it with following command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\8.0\xde.exe" /name "Emulator WVGA 512MB.username"
where username is your windows username.