Format SQL code: function closed parenthese under the name of function - sql

I'm working on PhpStorm (the same as for any other IDEA product) and there is a possibility to manage SQL auto-formatting in it.
I'm playing with settings to unify our SQL formatting standard. I've stuck with the closed parenthesis of function and couldn't move by the setting of IDEA. The next example is what I have:
'id', person."PERSON_ID"::TEXT,
'name', person."PERSON_ID"::TEXT,
and what I want is
'id', person."PERSON_ID"::TEXT,
'name', person."PERSON_ID"::TEXT,
Can somebody advise me something what to do to make it?
I've made changes in all sections already and it couldn't find the necessary setting.

This is a bug, and we have it reported here:
We'll also add a feature to make more adjustments to the indent placement in the expressions:


Open CMIS - Querying string property results in weird behavior

I'm executing the following SQL query:
SELECT doc.cmis:description, doc.cmis:name
FROM cmis:document doc
WHERE IN_FOLDER(doc,'folderID')
This result in something like below:
doc.cmis:description = "this is description"
doc.cmis:name = "fileName"
Now, if I add following statements, it returns zero result:
and doc.cmis:description = 'this is description'
However, if I modify and-statement with following, it works:
and doc.cmis:description like '%'
If I add one character (but not two interestingly...) as below, it also works:
and doc.cmis:description like '%t%'
It's very interesting to note that and-statement work very well with doc.cmis:name (as well as other properties).
Does anyone have clue as to why this strange / mysterious behavior is occurring?
The specifications delegate to the implementer if the cmis:description is queryable or not.
Anyway, which Alfresco version are you using ? There was an issue/bug time ago, but this should be solved: The cmis:description field should be queryable, although I don't know if it's fixed in enterprise or community.
By the way, I am currently using Alfresco Community 4.2.f and I have the same problem.

Using regexp in Big Query to extract URLs

I've been trying to extract any URL present within my 'Text' column in Big Query. The column contains a mixture of text and URLs dotted throughout (a cell might contain more than one URL) I'm trying to use this regexp:
REGEXP_EXTRACT (Text, r'(http(s)?:\/\/.)?(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9%_:?\+.~#&//=]*')
I currently get 'failed to parse regular expression' when I try to run the query. I've tried modifying it but to no avail.
The regexp works in an online builder but I'm just not sure how to incorporate it into Big Query.
Any help would be much appreciated - or at least pointers on how to incorporate regular expressions into Big Query!
Try below - it is for BigQuery Standard SQL (see Enabling Standard SQL and Migrating from legacy SQL)
WITH YourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'What have you tried so far? Please edit your question to show a [Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example]( of the code that you are having problems with, then we can try to help with the specific problem. You can also read [How to Ask]( ' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS id, 'Important on SO, you can mark accepted answer by using the tick on the left of the posted answer, below the voting. see for why it is important. There are more ... You can check about what to do when someone answers your question -' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS id, 'If an answer has helped you solve your problem and you accept it you should also consider voting it up. See more at and Upvote section in' AS Text
REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(Text, r'(?i:(?:(?:(?:ftp|https?):\/\/)(?:www\.)?|www\.)(?:[\da-z-_\.]+)(?:[a-z\.]{2,7})(?:[\/\w\.-_\?\&]*)*\/?)') AS URL
FROM YourTable
This gives you output with id field, and repeated field with all respective URLs
If you need flattened result - you can use below variation
WITH YourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'What have you tried so far? Please edit your question to show a [Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example]( of the code that you are having problems with, then we can try to help with the specific problem. You can also read [How to Ask]( ' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS id, 'Important on SO, you can mark accepted answer by using the tick on the left of the posted answer, below the voting. see for why it is important. There are more ... You can check about what to do when someone answers your question -' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS id, 'If an answer has helped you solve your problem and you accept it you should also consider voting it up. See more at and Upvote section in' AS Text
id, URL
SELECT id, REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(Text, r'(?i:(?:(?:(?:ftp|https?):\/\/)(?:www\.)?|www\.)(?:[\da-z-_\.]+)(?:[a-z\.]{2,7})(?:[\/\w\.-_\?\&]*)*\/?)') AS URL
FROM YourTable
Note: you can use here any regexp that you will be able to find on web - but what a must is - there is only one matching group is allowed! so all inner matching group should be escaped with ?: as you can see it in above examples. So the ONLY group that you expect to see in output should be left as is - w/o ?:
Your regex has an incomplete capturing group, and has 2 unescaped characters. I don't know which online regex builder you're using, but maybe you forgot to put your new regex into it?
The problems are as follows:
This is the start of a capturing group with no end. You probably want the ) right before the *.
All slashes need to be escaped. This should probably be \/ or maybe even \/\\.
Here is an example with both of my suggestions implemented:
Good luck fixing it!

orientdb sql update edge?

I have been messing around with orientdb sql, and I was wondering if there is a way to update an edge of a vertex, together with some data on it.
assuming I have the following data:
Vertex: Person, Room
Edge: Inside (from Person to Room)
something like:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select #rid from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
obviously, the above does not work. It throws exception:
Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ridbag.ORidBag
I tried to look at the sources at github searching for a syntax for bag with 1 item,
but couldn't find any (found %, but that seems to be for serialization no for SQL).
(1) Is there any way to do that then? how do I update a connection? Is there even a way, or am I forced to create a new edge, and delete the old one?
(2) When writing this, it came to my mind that perhaps edges are not the way to go in this case. Perhaps I should use a LINK instead. I have to say i'm not sure when to use which, or what are the implications involved in using any of them. I did found this though:!topic/orient-database/xXlNNXHI1UE
comment 3 from the top, of Lvc#, where he says:
"The suggested way is to always create an edge for relationships"
Also, even if I should use a link, please respond to (1). I would be happy to know the answer anyway.
In my scenario, a person can only be at one room. This will most likely not change in the future. Obviously, the edge has the advantage that in case I might want to change it (however improbable that may be), it will be very easy.
Solution (partial)
(1) The solution was simply to remove the field selection. Thanks for Lvca for pointing it out!
(2) --Still not sure--
CREATE EDGE and DELETE EDGE commands have this goal: avoid the user to fight with underlying structure.
However if you want to do it (a little "dirty"), try this one:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
update EDGE Custom_Family_Of_Custom
set survey_status = '%s',
apply_source = '%s'
where #rid in (
select level1_e.#rid from (
MATCH {class: Custom, as: custom, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')}.bothE('Custom_Family_Of_Custom') {as: level1_e} .bothV('Custom') {as: level1_v, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')} return level1_e
it works well

Getting a right parenthesis error in SQL

I am getting an error that says I am missing right parenthesis, but I'm not. I dont understand what is going wrong with my query.
CREATE VIEW HB_INV(Book Title, Publisher Name, Price, Units On Hand) AS
If this is SQL Server you need Square Brackets around [Units On Hand] and also, if that is a concatenation for publisher code, use '+' instead of '||'
The problem is Units on Hand. Make it all one word.
Edit starts here
Actually, it's also "Book Title" and "Publisher Name". Make all the fields in your view single words.

How to combine where statements in Zend Framework 2

That may be a silly question, but I just can't find any answer to it.
I have a simple query like 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE (x=a AND y=b) OR z=c' and I just can't find out how to implement that in ZF2.
I found a lot of information on Predicates and Where objects, but I can't find out how to combine that information into a query consisting of AND and OR.
I'd really appreciate it if someone can point me to the right direction.
If you want to add them using AND, you can simply pass them into the select object using an array, for example:
'type' => 'test,
'some_field' => '1'
If you want more complex Where queries, then you can use a Where object to build up a query:
$where = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Where();
new \Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Like('some_field', '%'.$value.'%')
->OR->->equalTo('my_field', 'bob')
->AND->equalTo('my_field', 'hello');