Whatsapp cloud API message not delivering to IOS - whatsapp

I am working with whatsapp cloud api to send messages to clients, it is working fine with android but not working with IOS, are there any additional steps of setup for IOS ?
Normal messages with only text are delivered properly, but messages with images or documents are not being delivered.
I was trying to send message to IOS, message was uploaded from my side but didnt received on Iphone.


Incoming webhook message appears from 'Unknown User' in mobile app, correct webhook name in web interface

I have an incoming webhook in a Google Chat room called 'Github Bot'. A Python script hits the webhook URL with a standard message POST payload.
The web interface at https://chat.google.com shows the correct name 'Github Bot' in any messages received to this webhook.
But the mobile Chat application shows those same messages as coming from 'Unknown User'.
Is there any way to make the mobile app use the webhook's name as the sender, same as the web interface does? E.G, is there some attribute I can send as part of the payload, or is this simply a bug/non-implementation on the mobile app and I can't do anything about it?
This seems to be a bug:
The webhook name and the Bot label are not shown properly on the iOS mobile app if an avatar is added to the webhook:
On Android, and on the web browser, the name and the Bot label are displayed correctly:
Reported in Issue Tracker:
I went ahead and reported this behavior in Google Issue Tracker:
Messages from incoming webhooks are not displayed properly on iOS
I'd suggest you to star this issue in order to keep track of this and to help prioritizing it.

Firebase Cloud Messages never reach the device

I'm implementing FCM on Ionic 2 (AngularFire2 & Ionic Native FCM: cordova-plugin-fcm#2.1.2) currently testing iOS on an iOS 11 device.
FCM messages never arrive on the device. I get no errors from either the console sending messages or when sending messages via cURL.
I've gone through the troubleshooting steps from the Google dev advocate.
I've verified that a notification sent directly via Apple's APNS server gets delivered to the device when the app is in background, and the app when the app is in foreground. (I pulled the actual device token to test this.) i.e. APNS certificates are fine.
FCM initializes with no errors (watching the logs in Xcode) and FCM does retrieve a (seemingly) valid FCM token.
I've just ensured that all my npm modules are at the latest versions for firebase, angularFire2 and fcm.
I've verified that 'GoogleService-Info.plist' is in my resources folder
Bottom line: My APNS certificate is valid and seems to be correctly setup in the Firebase console. APNS direct messages work fine. FCM messages don't return an error, they just never get to the device. Seems to be getting lost in the FCM end.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to further debug this?

Can I send videos to android devices using gcm?

If not please suggest me how to send videos to android devices using c#. Earlier I have succeeded using gcm I easily sent out pushnotifications to android devices. My doubt is can I sent videos to android devices using gcm?
As per my earlier comment, it is not possible to send large files via GCM (nor FCM) due to the payload size limit.
What I think you can use instead is make use of Firebase Storage, store the video from there, in the push notification, you can send a download URL, which your client app should handle.

What could cause ti.cloud to stop display Android Push Notifications (GCM) in status bar

I previously setup an Appcelerator Titanium project with push notifications (as per my Stack Overflow question How to configure Android Push Notifications (GCM) in Appcelerator Titanium Dashboard?) and for some months my Android app has been receiving the appropriate push notification from GCM, but I'm now receiving reports that this no longer works from end-users.
The flow usually goes like this...
Android app sends android push token to my Java server
Java server persists the Android push token
Java server sets up Amazon Web Service SNS endpoint for GCM and stores this endpoint for later use.
(some time passes)
Java server invokes Amazon Web Service SNS endpoint with a GCM payload
Amazon SNS passes message to Google GCM
GCM passes message to ti.cloud / ti.cloudpush
Phone displays push notification
The app does receive the push notification and I display an application dialog to show the contents of the message, but NO system-tray push notification is displayed, whereas I thought it was doing this in the past. No system sound is played either.
I can see that if the app is not running, then when the push notification is received the app is launched, but if the display isn't on (or locked) then the message will not be discovered for some time. I really need the native/system push notification to be in the tray.
Does anyone know why system / status notifications are not displayed? Should it be when using the ti.cloud / ti.cloudpush for Android?

GCM Notification arrives after 30seconds

I am using Google development sample codes to receive GCM notifications. I have spent nearly a week to find why I receive notifications after 25~30 seconds!!! did not find any answer.
I receive other apps' notifications (such as Viber, Line and WhatsApp) almost instantly!
It has the same slow behaviour in both emulator and my Samsung Galaxy S5.
I receive respond with message ID from Google GCM server instantly when I send a notifications so it means the problem is from Google GCM server to my app.
Any help would be much appreciated.