I want to store the output of this intent(it may be a picture or a video)in a seperate resource folder within app to use. Is there any way possible? - kotlin

This is the code. And i have to store the output of this intent.
If there is any other way possible, please let me know


How can can i insert a user with profile picture using Blazor-server

I want the user to upload his picture when he registers his information.
The thing is when the user uploads his image.. should automatically create a folder with his ID to be like this wwwroot/images/UserID/fadi.jpg
Basically: you really shouldn't. The wwwroot is for static assets used by the application. You're using server-side, so in theory it might be possible but that's not what the folder is meant for. An alternative method like AWS would be preferred, but if you can't do that (either because of payment requirements or other complications) I would suggest saving the image to your database. One way to do this would be to base64 encode the image and save it that way. I'm not going to give an example of that here, there are plenty available elsewhere. One such example is this.

Splash issue with https://sailing-channels.com/by-subscribers

I'm attempting a scrapy-with-splash project to get a few fields off the website "https://sailing-channels.com/by-subscribers". This site uses java to retrieve and delete listings as you scroll.
I've not had any luck getting the splash server to give me the whole set of data, or any of the detailed listings for that mater.
My first question is can splash even do this?
I really don't care how I get this data. I would prefer doing it with a program but any tool that can get me fields from this site in an .csv file would do the job. Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for any advice
Why do you want render it? They have pretty good API, check https://sailing-channels.com/api/channels/get?sort=subscribers&skip=0&take=5&_=1548520116425. So you can iterate, increasing skip argument and parsing json each time.
Looks like very promising way.

PHAsset - Property way to save captured PHAssets locally? (in app)

trying to understand the concept for Photos/Photos.h framework.
my goal is:
write captured video url (or asset) to app's "userDefaults".
read from "userDefaults", & fetch each saved asset data (thumbnail & url)
Since you're not providing any code (nor asking for any), I can help sort some of this out for you -- but you need to study a bit more before you can put it all together. Especially if you think you've asked a question which has one simple correct answer.
UserDefaults is not a good place to store an image. Images are big. (You should look at Apple's documentation of what UserDefaults is for/how it's intended use).
There's more than one place to store images. Do you want the system to delete them if you start running out of memory? Then it belongs in cache:
let cachesPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.cachesDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).last!
Do you want to depend on it being around the next time the app is run? There is a standard place for that as well:
let userDocumentsFolder = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]
Do you want iTunes to back up the images for you automatically? It expects files to be in a certain place for automatic backup. Do you have a way to keep track of where it is (the path to the file can change if the app is re-run). For that you might require persistent storage, so CoreData or Realm might be an option for you. Or you could scan your directory and create a list of files you've already saved. Then you'll need a way to select the correct one. (What did you call it? Should the user select it?)
Apple has very clearly written and useful documentation on access to the Photos library and using PHAssets. Here's just one example:
PHAsset - Photos
There are a lot of talented people on this site, and they are willing to help you, but you need to do your homework before coming here.
I recommend you read these linked documents, start writing some code, and if you run into problems please come back and ask any specific question you have about any specific problem you've encountered. Include the code which causes the problem, as well as the exact error message you are getting. We will be glad to help.

vb.net external manipulation commands

I tried to find this but I'm not exactly sure how to search for it or if it would even be possible. I'm trying to integrate a program I wrote with a commercial app, the commercial app has the ability to call an external program with a command and pass it the data that I want to capture.
I want to be able to get the currently open instance (or whichever responds first in the case of multiple instances) and send it the information directly and have it perform a function based on that information, I don't want to have to open a new instance.
I know one of my options is to drop a text file with the info and then have my program watch for it and parse it once found but if I can do a more direct communication I'd rather do that.
all it needs to do is fill a text box and run a function seems simple enough, and all I need is a point in the wright direction or some search terms that would pull up pertinent results. I'd like to understand how it works instead of just having someone write the code for me.

to and from path in map

I am creating iPhone application where I want to display where Client is located. I have done that. Now client requested they want directions to show if anyone want to reach at our place.
Any link/ code I can get to achieve above?
What I want is I will take input From as To will be client location and I would be knowing that. Once user enter FROM info, map should show path how to reach at client place.
Any idea how to get this done?
I think MTDirectionsKit for iOS is what I was looking for.
However if anyone have any other solution, please provide me.