to and from path in map - objective-c

I am creating iPhone application where I want to display where Client is located. I have done that. Now client requested they want directions to show if anyone want to reach at our place.
Any link/ code I can get to achieve above?
What I want is I will take input From as To will be client location and I would be knowing that. Once user enter FROM info, map should show path how to reach at client place.
Any idea how to get this done?

I think MTDirectionsKit for iOS is what I was looking for.
However if anyone have any other solution, please provide me.


I want to store the output of this intent(it may be a picture or a video)in a seperate resource folder within app to use. Is there any way possible?

This is the code. And i have to store the output of this intent.
If there is any other way possible, please let me know

Splash issue with

I'm attempting a scrapy-with-splash project to get a few fields off the website "". This site uses java to retrieve and delete listings as you scroll.
I've not had any luck getting the splash server to give me the whole set of data, or any of the detailed listings for that mater.
My first question is can splash even do this?
I really don't care how I get this data. I would prefer doing it with a program but any tool that can get me fields from this site in an .csv file would do the job. Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for any advice
Why do you want render it? They have pretty good API, check So you can iterate, increasing skip argument and parsing json each time.
Looks like very promising way.

Is it possible to use the Canonical Landscape API to get script output?

The documentation I can find for the Canonical Landscape API lets you do lots of things with scripts, but I can't find anything suggesting that you can get output. However, if you use the Canonical web interface, script output is available, so it's presumably exposed somehow...?
I just had this issue as well and since you're the first hit right now on google, I wanted to share the answer for everyone - if you run ExecuteScript on a landscape client and get back an ID of 123, and let's assume the job finished already - you want to then use that ID to ask the GetActivities API, with an input argument of "query" with value "parent-id:123". If there is a result there, you will find the script output you are looking for under the result_text field of the response. Good luck!!! It worked over here very well.

How to show someone came from a link on my website?

It must be the full url, not just history or type. I have seen, on, where they show stats regarding where the referrer of our site came from. I want to show the exact link like statcounter shows under a tab.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You will want to use Google Analytics.
Google will generate a unique javascript code for you, you then paste it in your html, which activates the service. It's very easy to get started and the dashboard is very robust considering it's free. To get started, you can check this out:

Confirming Source Is From QR Code Scan

I have this project where I need to know if a visitor legitimately arrived from a QR code. Document.referrer value from a QR code shows blank. I have looked at some answers suggesting to put parameter in the query string (e.g. ?source=qr), but anyone could easily add the parameter into the URL and my code would believe it is from a QR code (e.g. . I have thought of adding codes to make sure it is from a mobile phone / tablet as secondary way to authenticate but many browsers have add-ons to fool websites.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I think the best solution for you is creating your regional QR Codes pointing to:
Region 1)
Region 2)
Region 3)
if the value of the parameter qr is anything other than f61060194c9c6763bb63385782aa216f, 731417b947aa548528344fab8e0f29b6 or df189e7f7c8b89edd05ccc6aec36c36d, then you can ignore it and assume the user didn't come from any QR Code.
Of course, any user can remove the source parameter. But at least he can't add a valid one, unless he really had access to the code.
...but anyone could easily add the parameter into the URL and my code would believe it is from a QR code
Well, anyone could also scan the QR code, view the link, and remove the source=qr from it.
Data collection is never 100% reliable. Users can change their browser's user agent, inject cookies with some strange values, open your page through a proxy server, and so on.
You could create your own device or App for scanning the QR-code. If you read the post I've linked, you will see that this is a waste of time and resources.
So, what is left is to make a solution which will work for most of the users. Appending a source=qr parameter to your URL seems to be the simplest solution. You could also link to an entirely different domain and redirect the request, so it would be more fraud-safe. But it will never be 100% accurate.