metamask internal json rpc error using ganache-cli - smartcontracts

i have used ganache cli and connected to metamask. normally everything works fine but after i get an error on metamask internal json rpc error, i am not able to use the account . even if i am not interacting with the smart contract . just normal send in metamask does not work for that account and give internal json rpc error. i had to add another account and it works fine.
is account in ganache gets blocked.
or metamask does some kind of blacklisting.
i tried web3 js to interact with those account using their private key and it works perfectly.
please let me know what is the logic here how my ganache accounts are not working and anything that i am missing.
thank you
i tried to interact with smart contract and it didn’t work for some reason. after that for any transaction on metamask i am getting internal rpc error


Flutter Google Sign In Couchbase Authentication Code Flow

As we are migrating our app from Firebase to Couchbase, we also need to change the authentication part. We are using the google_sign_in package and would like to continue using it to have the native Google Sign In popup. Using the package we can get a serverAuthCode, which from my understanding we can then send to the _oidc_callback endpoint of Couchbase Sync Gateway. First I had to set disable_callback_state to true in the Sync Gateway configuration ("DisableCallbackState determines whether or not to maintain state between the /_oidc and /_oidc_callback endpoints."). However, when I now send the serverAuthCode to the _oidc_callback endpoint, I get the following error with status code 500:
body: {"error": "Internal Server Error", "reason": "Failed to exchange token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: {\n \"error\": \"invalid_grant\",\n \"error_description\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"}
I assume it is because the login was done using the package and not through the browser with a redirect to the app afterwards. Now I have no idea how to do this correctly though, that I sign in with the google_sign_in package and then use the code to get the tokens from the Sync Gateway. I can't find any helpful information for this problem.
I would be very happy if someone could help me, possibly in a call. Maybe this way something like this can be solved faster.

Pancakeswap router v2 swapExactTokensForETH function fails with Fail with error 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'

I'm trying swap B-Token for BNB using swapExactTokensForETH on Pancakeswap Router V2
I've also tried swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens without and success.
It fails with TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED
When I use pancakeswap.fiance and metamask it works as in this transaction
However it fails when I call it from the nodejs script.
I'd really appreciate any help here.

BEP20 token not showing any supply and details on bscscan

I have just cloned a bep20 token and deployed on bsc test net but after successfull deploy tokens are not allocated to the admin wallet even when I add token to metamask it shows 0 value of token even though I have deployed with same wallet also when I'm checking contract on bsctestscan it shows something like this
I'm not sure how I can fix this issue if anyone knows please help me fix this issue

TimeOut Error when trying to use COBLogin()

I'm getting a timeout error when I try to call COBLogin with the new private REST URL, username and password I received from our sales rep. When I use my developer portal REST url, username and password the code works fine.
Is there any sort of permissioning that I need to bring up with my sales rep?
Update: Yodlee customer support got back to me. The IP address which calls the function has to be on a list that we had provided earlier for security. Setup a VPN and reran the code and it works fine now.
Great. For any customer issue we have our dedicated customer support team to help you out.
To be helpful for other Yodlee API users- Once you get your private credentials your IPs has to be whitelisted, though we are in process of skipping this step as per our customer's requests. Albeit public zone still needs IP whitelisting.

Big Query Service Account access revoked?

I had been accessing Google Big Query with a service account successfully for several days. I had several tests that would connect and perform single functions successfully.
Now, without changing any code, or anything through the API console, I consistently get an "invalid_grant" from all of my API calls.
I have come now-where near breaching the courtesy request limits, and I have billing enabled.
Is there something that I could have done to get my access revoked?
I have tried creating another service account with, with another private key etc, with no success.
I have put my new credentials into the sample code given here: Authenticating Google API with a service account with Java API without success.
Any ideas?
If you had service account authorization working successfully with BigQuery in the past, and it suddenly stopped working (and it's consistently not working), I would guess that the issue has something to do with the clock on your server.
I would check this first - if the clock seems to be off, use something like NTPdate ( to make sure that it is synced with an NTP server.