BEP20 token not showing any supply and details on bscscan - solidity

I have just cloned a bep20 token and deployed on bsc test net but after successfull deploy tokens are not allocated to the admin wallet even when I add token to metamask it shows 0 value of token even though I have deployed with same wallet also when I'm checking contract on bsctestscan it shows something like this
I'm not sure how I can fix this issue if anyone knows please help me fix this issue


metamask internal json rpc error using ganache-cli

i have used ganache cli and connected to metamask. normally everything works fine but after i get an error on metamask internal json rpc error, i am not able to use the account . even if i am not interacting with the smart contract . just normal send in metamask does not work for that account and give internal json rpc error. i had to add another account and it works fine.
is account in ganache gets blocked.
or metamask does some kind of blacklisting.
i tried web3 js to interact with those account using their private key and it works perfectly.
please let me know what is the logic here how my ganache accounts are not working and anything that i am missing.
thank you
i tried to interact with smart contract and it didn’t work for some reason. after that for any transaction on metamask i am getting internal rpc error

OAuth2 connection receiving a 401 after retrieving access token when authenticating against xero

I've just started with the oauth2 and xero (using .net)
I've run through the scoop install, following the docs, grant type of 'authorization_code', scope of 'd', which gave me the access and refresh tokens.
Now when running the example project, XeroNetStandardApp, after replacing client id, secret, callback uri and tokens, I'm getting a 401 when I try to do anything after retrieving the new token.
The token refresh appears to be working fine. If I call with the bearer, I get [] (so, no elements in the response), so I assume this is some type of user auth error, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I do here.
Any help would be much appreciated
When setting up xoauth via powershell, explicitly set the scopes you are wanting the user to have. This seems obvious to me now, but didn't while I was following the setup instructions

OAuth2 Failing at consent stage

I have been happily using the xoauth client to negotiate PKCE grants flows up to earlier today.
Tokens were obtained and refreshed, all was looking fine until I needed to amend my scopes and needed to re-consent.
Now I receive an error on the callback - http://localhost:8080/callback?error=access_denied&state=8AJEDHk6tlNX2E98Y3JuFmXmDrcS2DNB#_=_
This error would usually indicated that consent was canceled by the user but I am definitely pressing Allow.
I have:
Deleted the app and made a new one, tried a new Code Flow app, tried a trial organisation instead of the Demo organisation, all without luck.
However, it will succeed if I specify the bare minimum of scopes: openid and offline_access
Any ideas?
My Client ID is: 17B89D9AF3984680BCA620A3986AE8EB
Update: It does however work in a private browser window so I suspect something local. Will poke some more and close if so.
So that last piece makes it sound like some kind of browser / cache issue.
We did have another user where an ad blocker was causing the problem during the granting access page. Maybe that was you..? API team is looking into this further.
If you are continued to be blocked you can open a ticket by emailing

Google Action Account linking debugging URL returning 500

I’ve followed this tutorial but when I go and grab by debugging URL which happens to be and paste it into a new window I get Error 500 but no explanation.
I also tried from an incognito window. It does ask for my email and password but then returns the same error.
I’ve used Implicit Grant Type and I don’t have Add quick account linking enabled please ket me know if that’s not right?
When I try the CURL URL I get the message {“status”:{“code”:401,“errorType”:“unauthorized”,“errorDetails”:“Authentication parameters missing”}}
UPDATE - now when I try the basic Talk to Allergology action on the simulator I don’t even get the debug info anymore, but the message “Sorry this action is not available in simulation” :frowning:
Could you please help?
I've managed to work out what I need to do by following this answer How to authenticate user with just a Google account on Actions on Google?
In my case - Configure your project (in the cloud console) so that the Calendar API is enabled and that the OAuth2 client is correctly configured.
I also switched from Implicit Grant Type to Authorisation Code.
My app is almost working, I am now having other issues, but at some point the Access Token was coming through with the request.

Access tokens with Graph Api stopped working even after upgrading to API 2.0

my app was pulling feeds to my site for over a year, and recently stopped working late this month(23/03/2015).
I debugged the application, and still don't know why my access token is reported malformed. Here is a sample of a token which to me perplexes me as at the end there is a # tag in it, something I don't expect with QueryString access tokens:
Looking at my application on Facebook(app), it is clear that I should expect access tokens on request from Query String.
Something is definitely wrong, as this access token reports a malformed access token. This is a recent bug that has just cropped up so I think.
Any body know about this problem? I can't access my feeds from my facebook profile using this access token to expose to my web based application.
Any help or suggestions are welcome.
Kind regards
Martin Okello.
Probably, you were using the read_stream permission which is no longer granted to apps. You should try to regenerated an Access Token with the new user_posts permission and use this Access Token instead.