I want create dynamic slider in oracle apex , but i couldnt .
I tried to make with list but this is not working .
I want to create table and update slider with it .
I am using postgreSQL with pgAdmin 4 and I have created a database function named "fn_test1()". I want to delete this function and before delete this function, I want to create a backup function named "fn_test1_bk()" . Can anyone help me to do this?
If you really want to use PgAdmin for this, you can browse to your function, right click, properties, change the name and save.
I have a react application linked up to a PostgreSQL database. I'm using pgAdmin to insert my data. I have many rows but one of the fields in the row contains a link, and I want to be able access this link in my react application. Example query:
UPDATE myTable
SET body='Learn about React here'
I have no issues displaying my data in react but it displays the HTML tags, which is not what I want.
Am I going about this the right way? Or should I remove the hyper link from the query and create an algorithm or regex expression to search for word here and attach <a href> tags to it?
I want to Copy one record and update sevaral fields and paste it multiple times in same table. I want to do this operation in one SQL query so i'm thinking for batchinsert but i'm not able to use bind params method.
INSERT INTO table (<field>, <field>, <total 100 fields>) VALUES . implode(",", $values);
Please help
There are no any command of batchinsert in YII1
Checkout this link http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/45623-multi-insert-rows/
Might be you can solve your issue with this.
I would like to create view by using multiple tables . While creating view getting "FAiled to save View , column not found do u mean that this column" but if you run the query . I am getting data. Can you please help to resolve this issue
Most likely you are missing project(s) to be specified in your query
You should fully qualify tables as
[project:dataset.table] if you are using Legacy SQL or
`project.dataset.table` if you are using Standard SQL
In my Teradata SQL Assistant Client, I can right-click a table and select Show Definition, this will display the column types and how they are defined.
Is there a query that can be run to give me the same output? More specifically I'm trying to display the definition of a view that is created from certain tables that I do not have SELECT or VIEW DEFINITION access to.
SHOW TABLE {Database_Name}.{Table_Name};
SHOW VIEW {Database_Name}.{View_Name};