Create dynamic slider in APEX - dynamic

I want create dynamic slider in oracle apex , but i couldnt .
I tried to make with list but this is not working .
I want to create table and update slider with it .


How to make a copy of trigger function in postgreSQL pgadmin 4?

I am using postgreSQL with pgAdmin 4 and I have created a database function named "fn_test1()". I want to delete this function and before delete this function, I want to create a backup function named "fn_test1_bk()" . Can anyone help me to do this?
If you really want to use PgAdmin for this, you can browse to your function, right click, properties, change the name and save.

Accessing a hyperlink from a SQL query

I have a react application linked up to a PostgreSQL database. I'm using pgAdmin to insert my data. I have many rows but one of the fields in the row contains a link, and I want to be able access this link in my react application. Example query:
UPDATE myTable
SET body='Learn about React here'
I have no issues displaying my data in react but it displays the HTML tags, which is not what I want.
Am I going about this the right way? Or should I remove the hyper link from the query and create an algorithm or regex expression to search for word here and attach <a href> tags to it?

bind params in batch insert in yii 1.0

I want to Copy one record and update sevaral fields and paste it multiple times in same table. I want to do this operation in one SQL query so i'm thinking for batchinsert but i'm not able to use bind params method.
INSERT INTO table (<field>, <field>, <total 100 fields>) VALUES . implode(",", $values);
Please help
There are no any command of batchinsert in YII1
Checkout this link
Might be you can solve your issue with this.

query is running but failed to create view in biqquery

I would like to create view by using multiple tables . While creating view getting "FAiled to save View , column not found do u mean that this column" but if you run the query . I am getting data. Can you please help to resolve this issue
Most likely you are missing project(s) to be specified in your query
You should fully qualify tables as
[project:dataset.table] if you are using Legacy SQL or
`project.dataset.table` if you are using Standard SQL

How to Check Teradata Table Definitions

In my Teradata SQL Assistant Client, I can right-click a table and select Show Definition, this will display the column types and how they are defined.
Is there a query that can be run to give me the same output? More specifically I'm trying to display the definition of a view that is created from certain tables that I do not have SELECT or VIEW DEFINITION access to.
SHOW TABLE {Database_Name}.{Table_Name};
SHOW VIEW {Database_Name}.{View_Name};