Self-join Kusto Query in Analytics Rule - kql

I am working within Microsoft Sentinel Analytics Rules with the Kusto Query Language. (KQL)
I need to work in a Table called CrowdstrikeReplicatorLogs_CL which contains rows that contain a) data rows for which I need to alert on and b) metadata. that contains information about the subject in the alert.
This means I need to self-join the KQL table with itself to get the final result.
The column in question to join the table itself is the aid_g column.
| where foo == bar
| join kind=innerunique (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack)
| where event_simpleName_s has_any ("NetworkConnectIP4", "NetworkConnectIP6")
| extend json=parse_json(custom_fields_message_s)
| extend ip4 = json["RemoteAddressIP4"], ip6=json["RemoteAddressIP6"]
| extend CS_ipEntity = tostring(iff(isnotempty(ip4), ip4, ip6))
| extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated
) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.CS_ipEntity
| join kind=innerunique (
| where custom_fields_message_s has "ComputerName"
| extend customFields=parse_json(custom_fields_message_s)
| project Hostname=customFields['ComputerName'], Platform=event_platform_s, aid_g
) on $left.aid_g == $right.aid_g
However, this raises a Query contains incompatible 'set' commands. error in Sentinel.
Is there a proper way to self-join tables?


Deep dive Azure Log analytics cost using KQL query

I'm running following Log Analytics Kusto query to get data what uses and thus generetes our Log Analytics cost
| where IsBillable == true
| summarize BillableDataGB = sum(Quantity) by Solution, DataType
| sort by Solution asc, DataType asc
and then the output is following:
What kinda query should I use if I want to deep dive more eg to ContainerInsights/InfrastructureInsights/ServiceMap/VMInsights/LogManagement so to get more detailed data what name or namespaces really cost?
Insightmetrics table have e.g these names and namespaces.
I was able maybe able to get something out using following query but something is still missing. Not totally sure if I'm on right or wrong way
union withsource = tt *
| where _IsBillable == true
| extend Namespace, Name
Here is the code for getting the name and namespace details. using Kusto query
let startTimestamp = ago(1h);
| where TimeGenerated > startTimestamp
| project ContainerID, PodName=Name, Namespace
| where PodName contains "name" and Namespace startswith "namespace"
| distinct ContainerID, PodName
| join
| where TimeGenerated > startTimestamp
on ContainerID
// at this point before the next pipe, columns from both tables are available to be "projected". Due to both
// tables having a "Name" column, we assign an alias as PodName to one column which we actually want
| project TimeGenerated, PodName, LogEntry, LogEntrySource
| summarize by TimeGenerated, LogEntry
| order by TimeGenerated desc
For more information you can go through the Microsoft document and here is the Kust Query Tutorial.

How to replace text contained in one row with text contained in another row using a select statement

I am crafting a sql query that dynamically builds a where clause. I was able to transform the separate pieces of the where clause as return rows like so:
| ID | Query Part |
| TOKEN 1 | (A = 1 OR B = 2) |
| TOKEN 2 | ([TOKEN 1] or C = 3 |
| TOKEN 3 | ([TOKEN 2] and D = 4) |
My goal is to wrap the current return results above in a stuff and or replace (or something entirely different I hadn't considered) to output the following result:
(((A=1 OR B=2) OR C=3) AND D=4)
Ideally there would be no temp table necessary but I am open to recommendations.
Thank you for any guidance, this has had me pretty stumped at work.
Its unusual. It looks like the query part you want is only Token 3. Then the process should replace any [token] tags in this query part with the corresponding query parts. With the subsequent resulting query part, again the process should replace any [token] tags with the corresponding query parts. This continues until there are no more [token] tags to replace.
I think there should there be a way of indicating the master query (ie token 3) , then use a recursive common table expression to build the expression up until there are no more [token]s.

How to fix: cannot retrieve all fields MongoDB collection with Apache Drill SQL expression query

I'm trying to retrieve all(*) columns from a MongoDB object with Apache Drill expression SQL:
Background: I'm using Apache Drill to query MongoDB collections. By default, Drill retrieves the ObjectId values in a different format than the stored in the database. For example:
Mongo: ObjectId(“59f2c3eba83a576fe07c735c”)
Drill query result: [B#3149a…]
In order to get the data in String format (59f2c3eba83a576fe07c735c) from the object, I changed the Drill config "store.mongo.bson.record.reader" to "false".
ALTER SESSION SET store.mongo.bson.record.reader = false
Drill query result after config set to false:
select * from calc;
| _id | name |
| {"$oid":"5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99"} | thiago |
Running a query by _id:
select `o`.`_id`.`$oid` , `o`.`name` from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
| EXPR$0 | name |
| 5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99 | thiago |
For an object with a few columns like the one above (_id, name) it's ok to specify all the columns in the select query by id. However, in my production database, the objects have a "hundred" of columns.
If I try to query all (*) columns from the collection, this is the result:
select `o`.* from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
select * from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
| ** |
No rows selected (6.112 seconds)
Expected result: Retrieve all columns from a MongoDB collection instead of declaring all of them on the SQL query.
I have no suggestions here, because it is a bug in Mongo Storage Plugin.
I have created Jira ticket for it, please take a look and feel free to add any related info there: DRILL-7176

SQL Compare on 1st or 2nd value pair

I need to build a query which will compare off one of two value pairs in my table, my table structure looks something like this:
product_id | psi_a | gpm_a | psi_b | gpm_b |
PRODUCT_123 | 1000 | 400 | 8000 | 300 |
PRODUCT_456 | 2804 | 3006 | 5800 | 579 |
When my psi_a and gpm_a are a value pair as are psi_b and gpm_b, I currently have to run two SQL querys to get the values I require to render my site page correctly, however this results in two sets of results being appended to the page.
$flowQ = $function->flow_query( $pType, $pVal, $gVal, $class_style, $cVal, $pageCat );
$highQ = $function->high_query( $pType, $pVal, $gVal, $class_style, $cVal, $pageCat );
$function->generate_view( $flowQ, $pType, $pVal, $gVal, $class_style, $cVal, $pageCat );
The current SQL built by these functions are as follow:
$query = $this->db->prepare( "SELECT * FROM `pumps` WHERE `pump_type` = ? AND `psi_a` >= ? AND gpm_a >= ? AND `pump_category` = ? ORDER BY pump_type DESC" );
$query->bindValue(1, $pType);
$query->bindValue(2, $pVal);
$query->bindValue(3, $gVal);
$query->bindValue(4, $cVal);
The second query is pretty much identical, but it uses psi_a and gpm_a as value parameters. Is there any way to combine these querys to return a single result set that will reference psi_a and gpm_a, and if that returns no results then it references psi_b and gpm_b?
I am relatively novice to SQL so if this is not possible then I shall seek an alternative solution.
May as well call it an answer. You can use and / or clauses in you where statement.
where (psi_a = ? and gpm_a = ? ) or (psi_b = ? and gpm_b = ? )
You can also put a case clause in the select statement that will show you which where clause found the match if it's needed.

MYSQL - Combining Two Results in One Query

I have a query I need to perform to show search results for a project. What needs to happen, I need to sort the results by the "horsesActiveDate" and this applies to all of them except for any ad with the adtypesID=7. Those results are sorted by date but they must always result after all other ads.
So I will have all my ads in the result set be ordered by the Active Date AND adtypesID != 7. After that, I need all adtypesID=7 to be sorted by Active Date and appended at the bottom of all the results.
I'm hoping to put this in one query instead of two and appending them together in PHP. The way the code is written, I have to find a way to get it all in one query.
So here is my original query which has worked great until I had to ad the adtypesID=7 which has different sorting requirements.
This is the query that exists now that doesn't take into account the adtypesID for sorting.
FROM horses
LEFT JOIN states ON horses.statesID = states.statesID
LEFT JOIN horses_images ON horses_images.himagesDefault = 1 AND horses_images.horsesID = horses.horsesID AND horses_images.himagesPath != ''
horses.horsesStud = 0
AND horses.horsesSold = 0
AND horses.horsesID IN
FROM horses
LEFT JOIN horses_featured ON horses_featured.horsesID = horses.horsesID
WHERE horses.horsesActive = 1
ORDER BY adtypesID, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
My first thought was to do two queries where one looked for all the ads that did not contain adtypesID=7 and sort those as the query does, then run a second query to find only those ads with adtypesID=7 and sort those by date. Then take those two results and append them to each other. Since I need to get this all into one query, I can't use a php function to do that.
Is there a way to merge the two query results one after the other in mysql? Is there a better way to run this query that will accomplish this sorting?
The Ideal Results would be as below (I modified the column names so they would be shorter):
ID | Description | ActiveDate | adtypesID | statesName | himagesPath
3 | Ad Text | 06-01-2010 | 3 | OK | image.jpg
2 | Ad Text | 05-31-2010 | 2 | LA | image1.jpg
9 | Ad Text | 03-01-2010 | 4 | OK | image3.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 06-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 05-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
6 | Ad Text | 04-01-2010 | 7 | OK | image5.jpg
Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated!
I am not sure about the exact syntax in MySQL, but something like
ORDER BY case when adtypesID = 7 then 2 else 1 end ASC, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
would work in many other SQL dielects.
Note that most SQL dialects allow the order by to not only be a column, but an expression.
This should work:
ORDER BY (adtypesID = 7) ASC, horses.horsesActiveDate DESC
Use a Union to append two queries together, like this:
SELECT whatever FROM wherever ORDER BY something AND adtypesID!=7
SELECT another FROM somewhere ORDER BY whocares AND adtypesID=7
I re-wrote your query as:
SELECT h.horsesID,
LEFT JOIN STATES s ON s.stateid = h.statesID
LEFT JOIN HORSES_IMAGES hi ON hi.horsesID = h.horsesID
AND hi.himagesDefault = 1
AND hi.himagesPath != ''
LEFT JOIN HORSES_FEATURED hf ON hf.horsesID = h.horsesID
WHERE h.horsesStud = 0
AND h.horsesSold = 0
AND h.horsesActive = 1
ORDER BY (adtypesID = 7) ASC, h.horsesActiveDate DESC
The IN subquery, using a LEFT JOIN and such, will mean that any horse record whose horsesActive value is 1 will be returned - regardless if they have an associated HORSES_FEATURED record. I leave it to you for checking your data to decide if it should really be an INNER JOIN. Likewise for the STATES table relationship...