JDBC - SQLException : The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable - sql

I have working program in Java that is in production for a long time now. It updates a few thousand records from database 2x per day.
After new year, when database took a hit (lot of processing happening on 1st) and I updated the other parts of the code to a new version (whole process consists of 5 programs (this is 3rd/5) that are run together in Eclipse project, but I did not change this program even a little bit), I get SQL Exception:
The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable
Where does the exception happen?
While iterating ResultSet, doesn't matter how many rows it already read. (can happen on third, can happen on 2000th row).
ResultSet is created on connection that was used before and is read only.
ResultSet is created on newly created Statement object.
->Updates on the same table are done with another write-only connection transaction-wise.
This example is probably not reproducible.
Database: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC7
Eclipse version: 2021-12 (4.22)
Java version: 1.8.0_131
JDBC driver version: 4.50.1
readCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
writeCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
Statement st = readCon.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(select from table_X....);
while (rs.next){
// commit is not happening if transaction didnt begin
writeCon.<commit transaction, begin transaction>
writeCon.UpdateUsingPreparedStatement(update table_X...)
NOTE: This program runs smoothly without any problems after running the process from that program (from step 3)
What did I learn from trying to search how to solve this?
I didn't find much on the Internet, only solution was to update JDBC driver to 4.50.1 (which I am using right now)

In almost all cases where I have seen this comes down to 2 types of problems.
Concurrent use of the same JDBC objects. This is almost always the case. The program has threads and the threads are reusing connections or Statement objects. This often blows up on you in high concurrent environments because you end up operating on the same internal statement id and one thread is then closing the statement/cursor on your other Thread so it looks like the statement closed on you suddenly.
As you say you do have 2 connections but do make absolutely sure nothing is shared among threads. I've debugged a number of customer applications that thought they had proper separation but in fact did end up sharing some objects among threads. Turning on the SQLIDEBUG or instructing the driver to dump the protocol tracing events will show who sent the close on the statement. Support teams can help with this analysis. Usually when I do this, I find the close was sent by another thread right in the middle of the work you really wanted done.
Much rarer, but occasionally another issue will cause the cursor to get closed, but in those cases, you would see very obvious prior Exceptions from the JDBC driver and/or server before you hit this statement already closed error. This could be that you hit this problem WARN - Failed to getImportedKeys The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable and upgrading the driver does fix it.
My guess is you have shared connection objects among threads that 99% of the time doesn't clash, but when you get to having a really busy system that 1% shows up and causes the issue you are seeing.


How can I recreate a blocking process which uses FETCH API_CURSOR?

My organization has recently had trouble with some SQL Server blocking processes. dbWarden has successfully reported blocking to us, but we often have the blocking SQL text reported as 'FETCH API_CURSOR'.
So, we're looking to alter the blocking alerts trigger in dbWarden to use sys.dm_exec_cursors and sys.dm_exec_sql_text to retrieve the text in the case where we find 'FETCH API_CURSOR' reported.
Trouble is, I cannot seem to come up with a way to recreate/simulate a blocking situation on our development server that will report as 'FETCH API_CURSOR'. I've started from the VB script here on SQL Authority to recreate the open cursor, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it blocking.
I've seen many methods for recreating blocking transactions (open a transaction in one window, but do not commit/close, then try an update on same table in another), but not that would utilize FETCH API_CURSOR in a way that would allow us to successfully test. I'm somewhat at a loss here.
Has anyone had success in simulating blocking cursors in the past and can offer suggestions?
I'd suggest you to use Profiler tool to capture actual code that creates and fetches cursor. In this case, you'd see exactly what's going on in an application. It is not so difficult to reproduce similar blocking on a development server.
Let's say, one thread fetches rows from a cursor and another thread try to UPDATE same rows. See what's going on under the hood. Reading thread creates cursor to fetch result of SELECT back to an application. This technology is ancient and extremely slow and nowaday only some old (mostly) Java application use cursors for this purpose. Rows get fetched one-by-one, client is handling this process, so it takes time. During this time, reading thread holds shared locks on data it reads. It is by design, SQL Server is locker, it does use locks to function properly. If another thread tries to update a row that has been locked with shared lock, it get blocked. Because updating thread uses shared locks when searching rows for update, and tries to upgrade it to something more serious, but can't. For example, you can't upgrade your shared lock to U lock if another thread owns S lock on the same row. So I'd try to create a cursor, fetch several rows and tried to update in another tab. If you see difficulties, try to increase reading transaction serialization level.
But, seriously, I don't think you have to reproduce this or similar scenario on a development server. Stop use cursors for recordset fetching! Reads will be much faster and blocking issues will be reduced a lot. It's been a while since 1989 when cursors seen their great times. Client DB-access libraries evolved a lot, it is worth trying to pick up fruits of progress. Even in Java, it is a configuration option, use or not use them.
I apologize if cursor does get used on purpose, in this case. It is very unprobably but possible. I haven't seen such 'proper' cursor usage for ages! I'll be delighted to run into one more proper case.

Connection Pooling with VB.NET and orphaned connections

I am a DBA, not a developer, and could use some insight. The development staff is using VB.NET to create web based applications with connections to a DB2 database. Please assume that the connection string in the web.config file is coded correctly.
I can see the number of orphaned connections from the web servers grow over time. By orphaned I mean that there is no activity associated with the connection for hours, yet I can see other connections being created and destroyed every couple of seconds.
I suspect that the connections are not being properly closed, but there are two different groups looking at the problem and so far haven't turned up anything. By the end of the day I can have hundreds of these connections - all of which are cleared when the application pool is reset every night. (This means it is NOT a database problem)
Is there a coding technique to ensure a connection is closed using vb.net on IIS v7+?
Am I seeing the symptom of another problem on IIS?
You need to have the developers implement the Dispose pattern, which is facilitated by the Using statement in VB.NET, like this (this is pertinent to SQL Server, but whatever connection object you are using for DB2 should work as well):
Using theConnection As New SqlConnection()
'' Command, parameter logic goes here
End Using
By wrapping the connection object inside of a Using block, it will guarantee that the connection is closed and properly disposed of memory-wise, even if there is an exception in the code within the Using block.
Sounds like a code-review is in order for whoever is in charge of the developers.

SQL Compact lock timeout on __SysObjects

I'm using SQL Compact 3.5 SP2. My application is multi-threaded, but it does not share connections across threads. Instead, I use a custom object pool to ensure that each thread gets its own connection. That said, it's possible that a connection might be re-used on different threads at different times... in other words, I'm assuming that the connections don't have thread affinity. Also, not sure if it matters, but I'm using Entity Framework in .NET 3.5 SP1.
Anyway, when I've got high load situations (8+ threads), I'm getting lock timeout exceptions (regardless of the length of the timeout setting), and the exception always says the lock was on the __SysObjects table.
I'm not doing any DDL, so I don't understand why I would get locking timeouts on that table. Ideas?
I somewhat resolved this issue by making sure that my connections were closed after each use (as opposed to pooling the open connections), but if I let the code run for a long period of time I started getting OutOfMemoryException and AccessViolation exceptions.
This smells like the SqlCeConnection class has some kind of thread affinity dependency. Either that, or it has a memory leak of some kind.
At any rate, I've given up on trying to pool these objects.
EDIT: This actually appears to be an issued address by Cummulative Update 2. Since updating my references to the new libs, I haven't seen this problem. See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/983516

Strange SQL2005 problem. "SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions"

I have a problem that seems like its a result of a deadlock-situation.
Whe are now searching for the root of the problem but meantime we wanted to restart the server and get the customer going.
And now everytime we start the program it just says "SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions". We have not changed anything in the program, its compiled and on the customers server, but after the "possible deadlock"-situation it want go online again.
We have 7 clients (computers) running the program, each client is talking to a webservice on a local server, and the webservice is talking to the sql-server (same machine as webserver).
We have restarted both the sql-server and the iis-server, but not rebooted the server because of other important services running on the server so its the last thing we do.
We can se no locks or anything in the management tab.
So my question is, why does the "SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions" error comming from one time to another without changing anything in the program and it still lives between sql-restart.
It seems like it happens at the first db-request the program does when it start.
If you need more information just ask. Im puzzled...
More information:
I dont think I have "long" running transactions. The scenario is often that I have a dataset with 20-100 rows (ContractRows) in that Ill do a .Update on the tableAdapter. I also loop throug those 20-100 rows and for some of them Ill create ad-hook-sql-querys (for example if a rented product is marked as returned I create a sql-query to mark the product as returned in the database)
So I do this very simplified:
Create objTransactionObject
Create objtableadapter (objTransactionObject)
for each row in contractDS.contractrows
if row.isreturned then
strSQL &= "update product set instock=1 where prodid=" & row.productid & vbcrlf
End if
objData.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, objTransactionObject)
if succsesfull
end if
And then Im doing commit or rollback depending on if It went well or not.
Edit: None of the answers have solved the problem, but I'll thank you for the good trouble shooting pointers.
The "SqlConnection does not support parallel transactions" dissapeared suddenly and now the sql-server just "goes down" 4-5 times a day, I guess its a deadlock that does that but I have not the right knowledge to find out and are short on sql-experts who can monitor this for me at the moment. I just restart the sql-server and everything works again. 1 of 10 times I also have to restart the computer. Its really bugging me (and my customers of course).
Anyone knowing a person with good knowledge in analyzing troubles with deadlocks or other sql problems in sweden (or everywhere in the world,english speaking) are free to contact me. I know this is'nt a contact site but I take my chanse to ask the question because I have run out of options, I have spent 3 days and nights optimizing the clients to be sure we close connections and dont do too much stupid things there. Without luck.
It seems to be that you are sharing connections and creating new transactions on the same open connection (this is the parallel part of the exception you are seeing).
Your example seems to support this as you have no mention of how you acquire the connection in it.
You should do a review of your code and make sure that you are only opening a connection and then disposing of it when you are done (and by all means, use the using statement to make sure that you close the connection), as it seems like you are leaving one open somewhere.
Yours doesn't appear to be an unusual problem. Google found a lot of hits when I pasted your error string into the query box.
Reading past answers, it sounds like it has something to do with interleaving transactions improperly or isolation level.
How long are connections held open? Do you have long-running transactions?
Do you have implicit transactions turned on somewhere, so that there are some transactions where you wouldn't have expected them? Have you opened Activity Monitor to see if there are any unexpected transactions?
Have you tried doing a backup of your transaction log? That might clear it out as well if I remember a previous, similar experience correctly.

SQL Server Express Idle Mode Partial Data Returns?

I'm attempting to help our network engineers troubleshoot a situation for one of our clients. This client purchased a point-of-sale system from quite literally a "mom-and-pop" vendor, and said vendor recommended SQL Server Express 2005 as the back-end database to save the client from having to incur extra licensing fees. (Please don't get me started on that!)
We didn't write the app, and because it's a commercial app, we have no source code available. (Not that it would help us if we did; the thing was built in PowerBuilder, so we don't have tooling for it.) The app does none of its own logging, that we can ascertain. All we have to go on is SQL Server Express's own logging.
In the application, an end user swipes a membership card. Occasionally (a few times a day), the swipe will not return data from the database. The message on screen will say, "Member 123 not found." (The member numbers are actually six digits, "000123.") A rescan immediately afterward returns the member data correctly.
We've eliminated the scanner itself as a source of issues -- it routinely scans the full six-digit number. A scan of SQL Server Express's log indicates that it is coming back online from being idle, often at the point of the scan (but also at several other times per day). (Idle mode is explained here.)
I understand that allocating/deallocating RAM the way SQL Express does is a time-consuming process, especially if we're talking about hundreds of megabytes at a time -- which appears to be the case.
What we're not sure of is whether or not we're getting back partial data, or if the app is simply failing to connect to the database and displaying a generic error message. Since everything is so opaque, and the client is (for obvious reasons) unwilling to pay us to sit in their facility for 8 hours or so to physically see it happen (perhaps with network monitoring/packet sniffing tools), we're kind of at a loss.
At this point, our recommendation is that the client upgrade to SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition, with 5 CALs. But that doesn't completely sit well with me as the solution to this issue, because I'm reasonably certain that no SQL Server ever returns partial data -- if you can't connect, you can't connect. (That said, I still recommend it because it's a solution to a number of their other issues!)
I don't have much experience with Express. (I never use it for anything but local development, and there only at home; I certainly never recommend it to my clients.)
My question to those who might have experience with Express is, have you ever seen an instance of SQL Express return partial data, without the app itself being the cause of it? Specifically, have you seen this behavior when returning from idle mode?
(For what it's worth, we're inclined to believe that the app is failing to connect and merely displaying a generic error message, lopping off leading zeroes on the member ID when it does. That seems the most reasonable answer -- a third question might be, do you guys concur with that assessment?)
I've never heard of or experienced SQL Server Express returning partial data. It's essentially the same code base as the full SQL Server.
It is more likely that the application is experiencing a timeout (which defaults to 30 seconds) due to SQL Server Express going idle. The application probably receives a timeout that it does not expect and does not handle it well.
The problem and possible solutions are discussed in this forum thread: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqlexpress/thread/a8fbf8d6-9949-47a5-a32b-50f8131f1127/
I suspect you have a connection string that looks like this:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=True;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\myDatabase.mdf;User Instance=True
From the referenced thread:
This connection string will cause an
initial connection to the main
instance (.\SQLEXPRESS) and then
instruct the main instance to spawn a
new instance of SQL Server under the
user's context and attach the database
specified to that new User Instance.
The User Instance is a completely
separate running instance of SQL
Server form the main instance that is
unique to the user and that will be
shut down when there are no longer any
connections to it.
This is totally different that
attaching a database to the main
instance, which stays running at all
times, unless you've manually shut it
down. If your question is about the
main instance going into an Idle
state, then your question is not
unique to SQL Express and you should
ask this question in the Database
Engine forum. I believe all Editions
of SQL Server have an Idle state and
the other forum would be where you can
find out how to affect that behavior.