SQL Compact lock timeout on __SysObjects - locking

I'm using SQL Compact 3.5 SP2. My application is multi-threaded, but it does not share connections across threads. Instead, I use a custom object pool to ensure that each thread gets its own connection. That said, it's possible that a connection might be re-used on different threads at different times... in other words, I'm assuming that the connections don't have thread affinity. Also, not sure if it matters, but I'm using Entity Framework in .NET 3.5 SP1.
Anyway, when I've got high load situations (8+ threads), I'm getting lock timeout exceptions (regardless of the length of the timeout setting), and the exception always says the lock was on the __SysObjects table.
I'm not doing any DDL, so I don't understand why I would get locking timeouts on that table. Ideas?

I somewhat resolved this issue by making sure that my connections were closed after each use (as opposed to pooling the open connections), but if I let the code run for a long period of time I started getting OutOfMemoryException and AccessViolation exceptions.
This smells like the SqlCeConnection class has some kind of thread affinity dependency. Either that, or it has a memory leak of some kind.
At any rate, I've given up on trying to pool these objects.
EDIT: This actually appears to be an issued address by Cummulative Update 2. Since updating my references to the new libs, I haven't seen this problem. See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/983516


JDBC - SQLException : The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable

I have working program in Java that is in production for a long time now. It updates a few thousand records from database 2x per day.
After new year, when database took a hit (lot of processing happening on 1st) and I updated the other parts of the code to a new version (whole process consists of 5 programs (this is 3rd/5) that are run together in Eclipse project, but I did not change this program even a little bit), I get SQL Exception:
The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable
Where does the exception happen?
While iterating ResultSet, doesn't matter how many rows it already read. (can happen on third, can happen on 2000th row).
ResultSet is created on connection that was used before and is read only.
ResultSet is created on newly created Statement object.
->Updates on the same table are done with another write-only connection transaction-wise.
This example is probably not reproducible.
Database: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC7
Eclipse version: 2021-12 (4.22)
Java version: 1.8.0_131
JDBC driver version: 4.50.1
readCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
writeCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
Statement st = readCon.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(select from table_X....);
while (rs.next){
// commit is not happening if transaction didnt begin
writeCon.<commit transaction, begin transaction>
writeCon.UpdateUsingPreparedStatement(update table_X...)
NOTE: This program runs smoothly without any problems after running the process from that program (from step 3)
What did I learn from trying to search how to solve this?
I didn't find much on the Internet, only solution was to update JDBC driver to 4.50.1 (which I am using right now)
In almost all cases where I have seen this comes down to 2 types of problems.
Concurrent use of the same JDBC objects. This is almost always the case. The program has threads and the threads are reusing connections or Statement objects. This often blows up on you in high concurrent environments because you end up operating on the same internal statement id and one thread is then closing the statement/cursor on your other Thread so it looks like the statement closed on you suddenly.
As you say you do have 2 connections but do make absolutely sure nothing is shared among threads. I've debugged a number of customer applications that thought they had proper separation but in fact did end up sharing some objects among threads. Turning on the SQLIDEBUG or instructing the driver to dump the protocol tracing events will show who sent the close on the statement. Support teams can help with this analysis. Usually when I do this, I find the close was sent by another thread right in the middle of the work you really wanted done.
Much rarer, but occasionally another issue will cause the cursor to get closed, but in those cases, you would see very obvious prior Exceptions from the JDBC driver and/or server before you hit this statement already closed error. This could be that you hit this problem WARN - Failed to getImportedKeys The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable and upgrading the driver does fix it.
My guess is you have shared connection objects among threads that 99% of the time doesn't clash, but when you get to having a really busy system that 1% shows up and causes the issue you are seeing.

Weblogic Stuck thread impacts other runnable threads in it

I am using Weblogic 10.3.6 with 8 managed servers configured with session timeout as 600 seconds. I have an issue with my application that when a session gets timed out in 600 seconds(I am receiving as STUCK alerts which is also configured) I am facing slowness in my application. My question is,
Will all threads be impacted because of one STUCK thread(STUCK thread
was due to DB transaction timeout)
I assume it will not be, but wanted to confirm.
Depends on your application. In general no, but if for example the stuck thread is holding a lock on an object (database, file, etc.) called by other requests, these may be affected too. Also, depending on what the stuck thread is doing, it may use excessive resources (cpu, memory, disk, etc.). I suggest to investigate why the thread is taking so long and if it's possible to

The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x22c4f60 to COM context 0x22c51b0 for 60 seconds

I am developing an application that calls a web service, which deletes information from a database (the web service was developed by a third party vendor). On the first run approximately 100,000 records are deleted.
I have tested the routine a few times and this appears in Visual Studio occasionally:
"The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x22c4f60 to COM context 0x22c51b0 for 60 seconds.
The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages.
This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time.
To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations."
I assume that the web service is taking more than sixty seconds to pass control back to the .NET Forms app. Please see the following quote from the message: "To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations". As this is a Windows Forms app, does this mean that I do not need to do anything to allow for this?
Sometimes this issue may also occur due to wrong server name, like if you had included SERVER/SQLEXPRESS instead of SERVER\SQLEXPRESS then also this error displays, which was my case.
Check and be sure if you are using a reader that you do not included try/catches. You should make and effort to try and resolve your solution issue better than that. A try/catch will cause a time out especially in a while loop.

Why one Public OleDbConnection is deprecated? Alternative to solve the bug: too many connections opened

I have to work with a Project made by another developer. A project Win-Form with Visual-Basic code, with MS-Access as db and some OleDbConnections. There is a bug: sometimes the application can't open the OleDbConnection because the max number of connections has been reached on the db. I know the best way to use the connections is this:
Using cn As New OleDbConnction(s)
End Using
But in the project there are many classes to work with the db, and in many of these classes there are OleDbConnections with "Friend" visibility, that are opened and closed in different times. For this reason it's impossible to put all the OleDbConnections in a Using construct, and it's very very hard to find what operation "forgets" to close one of these OleDbConnection.
A possible solution could be to use only one unique public OleDbConnection, and to check, before opening it, if it isn't already opened.
But someone have told me it's a very bad practice. I suppose he told me this about the performance, but I don't know it exactly.
Can you tell me why one unique public OleDbConnection is so deprecated?
Have you got, for me, an "easy" solution for my problem?
Thank you,
From your description, I see a couple of possible issues that could result in your problem:
nested connections:
You open multiple connections within each-other
open/release connections too fast:
As David-W-Fenton mentionned, with access, every time you open/close a single connection, the lock file will be created/removed. This operation is quite slow and if you quickly open/close the database within you application (execute lots of atomic queries), you may get this issue.
A few possible ways to investigate and solve the issue:
Trace all open/close calls
Add some debug traces that show every time you open and close a connection.
It will allow you to detect nested connections and where your connection pool is being wasted.
Force connection polling
An easy 'fix' may be to explicitely set connection pooling in your connection string. It should be the default behaviour, so maybe it won't do anything to solve your problem, but it's so simple that there is no reason not to try it:
OLE DB Services=-1
Use a connection manager class to create/release connections for you.
Replace all the explicit creations of new OleDbConnection and close operations by your own code.
This would allow you to always re-use a single existing connection throughout your application and allow you to quickly make tweaks for the whole of your app by centralising the behaviour in a single place.
So why holding a single connection is generally deprecated?
Generally, you should not keep connections open throughout your application as they force the database server to keep resources available for you, and it decreases the number of client that can connect (there is always a limited number of connections available).
For Access though -a file-based database without server part- keeping a single connection open is actually preferable because of the delay associated with opening new connections (creation of the lock file). Since Access is not meant to be used with a large number of concurrent users, the resource cost of keeping the connection open is not significant enough to be an issue.
From simple tests, it can be shown that keeping a connection always open allows subsequent connections to open about 10x faster!
The OleDb driver does connection pooling for you, so it is able to re-use connections when they are freed.
By keeping your connections and database operations small and contained, you would be less likely to run into concurrency issues when using threads. Keeping a global connection may become an issue if you are executing multiple operations using the same pipeline to the database.
Just adding some information that works for years successfully for me (it is somewhat similar to what David-W-Fenton suggests)
First, an OleDbConnection to Microsoft Access (MDB, JET) is not using connection pooling. As Microsoft states in KB191572:
Connections that use the Jet OLE DB providers and ODBC drivers are not
pooled because those providers and drivers do not support pooling.
Regarding connection pooling, there is also this blog post from Ivan Mitev that states:
So what does this mean? It is apparent that that the presence of an
actively opened connection made the test with multiple connection
closing and opening finish a lot faster (2-3 times). The only possible
explanation for me is that the connection pool is released each time
there are no active connections. I have to make further investigations
and read something like Pooling in the Microsoft Data Access
Components. Or maybe hold a single opened connection just for the sake
of keeping the pool alive. This would be ugly, but still it is a good
enough workaround! If anyone has a better idea, please share it.
And Microsoft notes in MSDN:
The ADO Connection object implicitly uses IDataInitialize. However,
this means your application needs to keep at least one instance of a
Connection object instantiated for each unique user—at all times.
Otherwise, the pool will be destroyed when the last Connection object
for that string is closed.
Based on all this and my own tests, my solution to "simulate" connection pooling even with Microsoft Access databases roughly follows these steps:
Open one OleDbConnection to the Access database as early as possible in application lifecycle.
Do your normal SQL queries, disposing OleDbConnections as early as possible, just like recommended.
Dispose that one always-open OleDbConnection as late as possible in application lifecycle.
This sped up my applications (mostly WinForms) tremendously.
Please note that this also works for Sqlite which seems to not support connection pooling, too.

How to find unclosed connection? Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding

I've had this problem before and found that basically I've got a connection that I'm not closing quickly enough (leaving connections open and waiting for garbage collection isn't really a best practice).
Now I'm getting it again but I can't seem to find where I'm leaving my connections open. By the time is see the error the database has cleared out the old connections so I can't see all the locked up connections last command (very helpful last time I had this issue).
Any idea how I could instrument my code or database to track what's going on so I can find my offending piece of code?
The error you are providing doesnt really point to a connection that is left open; it is more likely that there is a query that is taking longer than the application expects.
you can increase the time it waits for a response, and you could use Sql to find which queries are the most taxing.
Hopefully you have one data access layer class, instead of a whole bunch of classes, each one creating its own connection, right? What language are you using? If your using C#, the biggest cause of this problem is DataReaders and returning these objects to the upper layers. Most likely some client class is not closing the DataReader it received from your DAL class, leaving the connection open/locked for who knows how long. Track down the DataReaders you're returning and make sure your client classes are closing/disposing of them properly.
I'd also start thinking about redesigning your data access layer by implementing Disposable pattern and possibly returning POCOs instead of Data (...Tables, ...Sets, ...Readers) objects.