html dom css i need a output and input - input

Create the square1.html form only using DOM with either inline or embedded CSS as shown in class:enter image description here
i need input and outputs
html dom css
dom with html incline or embedded


How to pass text to an underlying iframe where an input reflecting iframe itself and have no input?

How to pass text to an underlying iframe where an input reflecting iframe itself and have no input?
Using Selenium or robot framework
Please find snapshot of html code

Nuxt.config.js noscript innerHtml rendering as it on browser

I have disabled javascript from browser
Added inner html for noscript tag in nuxt.config.js
Expected behavior is it should add iframe element inside body but its rendering text as it. How can we add it as an element?
Vue sanitizes HTML entities in every property. You need to use __dangerouslyDisableSanitizersByTagID or __dangerouslyDisableSanitizers
When you add it should work.
__dangerouslyDisableSanitizers: ['noscript']

How to render mathml which retrieved by restful api with mathjax dynamically

I have a vue project using mathjax to render partial html files which include some mathml inside. Those files are dynamically retrieved from remote server when customers search something and shown with vue v-html as raw html.
In details, all these occurs in the component 'Home', in the mounted function, I add mathjax related script as below:
const mathjaxScript = document.createElement('script');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('id', 'MathJax-script');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('async', 'async');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('src', '');
Then when customers search some keyword, corresponding partial html file will be retrieved and replace v-html tag, the math equation should be shown expectedly. However, those embeded mml:math tags weren't handled, they are just plain text, the math equation not handled correctly.
However, when I put one partial html in the vue template (not dynamically retrieve from remote server), the math equation rendered correctly. the mml:math tag will be replaced with mjx-container, etc.
So my question is: how to apply mathjax to those dynamically retrieved mathml? that is, rendering mathml on the fly with mathjax, Thanks.
Note: I use vuejs, mathjax 3 and typescript.

Multipage application in Mobilefirst

Do i need to insert external html element into parent element only through tag in parent html because i have created a button in parent html and not able to open the external html thorugh the button click??
As already explained to you in the original question, here: Button not working in multi-page application... this fails because you were attempting to .load the contents of an .html file into a HTML button (you were using the ForNext id). This is not possible. You do not load HTML into a button. The fix was to point to the pagePort id which belongs to a DIV. To a DIV you can load/append/replace HTML...

How to get Inspect Element code using Selenium WebDriver

I'm working in selenium with Firefox browser.
The Html code shown in View Source (CTRL+U) is different from the html code i see when inspecting the elements in Firefox.
When i run the driver.getPageSource() i only get the View source (CTRL + U) codes.
Is there is any way to access the Inspect element code instead of View source code?
I think your question is answered here.
The View Source html is what is sent by the server. I think of it as compile time html, or the initial state of the DOM.
The Inspect Element html could have been updated by ajax responses or javascript so will not necessarily be the same. I think of it as runtime html, or the current state of the DOM.
The GetAttribute() method queries the current DOM element state. You can return a particular html attribute value directly
or get the whole html string.
There are some fundamental difference between the markup shown through View Source i.e. using ctrl + U and the markup shown through Inspector i.e. using ctrl + shift + I.
Both the methods are two different browser features which allows users to look at the HTML of the webpage. However, the main difference is the View Source shows the HTML that was delivered from the web server (application server) to the browser. Where as, Inspect element is a Developer Tool e.g. Chrome DevTools to look at the state of the DOM Tree after the browser has applied its error correction and after any Javascript have manipulated the DOM. Some of those activities may include:
HTML error correction by the browser
HTML normalization by the browser
DOM manipulation by Javascript
In short, using View Source you will observe the Javascript but not the HTML. The HTML errors may get corrected in the Inspect Elements tool. As an example:
With in View Source you may observe:
<h1>The title</h2>
Whereas through Inspect Element that would have corrected as:
<h1>The title</h1>
getPageSource() always returns the markup obtained through View Source.