Nuxt.config.js noscript innerHtml rendering as it on browser - vue.js

I have disabled javascript from browser
Added inner html for noscript tag in nuxt.config.js
Expected behavior is it should add iframe element inside body but its rendering text as it. How can we add it as an element?

Vue sanitizes HTML entities in every property. You need to use __dangerouslyDisableSanitizersByTagID or __dangerouslyDisableSanitizers
When you add it should work.
__dangerouslyDisableSanitizers: ['noscript']


Render non-vuejs HTML in a component

I have a working VueJS app with nested components.
In one of the components, I want to be able to inject arbitrary HTML but I don't want VUEJS to parse it : I want plain old HTML tags (scripts, iframes, style, divs, native events, whatever I need).
I know I can do that outside the root "#app", but is there a way to do that inside it ?
You can use v-html directive, it takes an expression that evaluates to a string and sets the element's innerHTML to that string. Vue won't parse it as a template and insert it into the DOM instead. This is one of those things that you need to pay attention to security for.
See docs:

Vuepress README.doc first page in format yaml convert to markdown format doc

I am not able to find information on how to modify the main page of Vuepress, which, although I like its structure, being in .yaml format does not allow me to put links.
Is it possible to put links?
Or better, is it possible to convert that page to markdown format but keeping the output it delivers?
Unfortunately it is not possible without modifying the Vue templates. The home page is rendered by the Home component component and it renders the page's frontmatter using Vue's "Mustache" syntax. Values inside the mustaches will only ever be rendered as plain text.
You'll have to modify the Home component by either "ejecting" the default theme or by creating a custom layout for the home page. In both cases, you will obviously not receive any updates to the components anymore when you upgrade Vuepress.
I've created a demo to show how to use a custom layout to allow the frontmatter to be HTML. I've copied the Layout and Home components from Vuepress and changed the new Home component to use v-html to inject HTML values into the h1 component. So now your heroText could be Hi! This is a <a href=''>link</a> and it will be displayed as a link on the home page. You could obviously do the same for the other elements.
Be sure to set the layout value of your home page to the new layout, e.g. layout: HomeLayout.

Vue v-if start hidden

I have a v-if on a tag <span v-if="someValue"> which I want to start hidden and only become visible once the value in someValue is set to true. Unfortunately even if the value false from the start it still flashes up when loading the page (probably before Vue has time to remove the tag).
Is there a nice way to deal with this issue?
The initial "flashing" is not actually related to the v-if.
It is due to the fact that you first load the dom and then vue js will "manipulate" it. Vue is loaded after your html markup and therefore you will see everything until vue js is finally loaded and will hide elements according to your code.
To get rid of this you can place a v-cloak directive on one of your outer elements and add a css like
[v-cloak].class-of-my-outer-element {
display: none;
the v-cloak "attribute" will be removed by vue after it is initialized. that means nothing is shown until your code is ready.
Minor update / edit : Don't forget the v-cloak element needs to be inside if your #app or whereever you mount your vue application.

Output recaptcha through js.erb

I need to display content in a lightbox along with recaptcha.This was very easy except that recaptcha can be used only one per page.So, that threw the hidden div option away. Now, iam trying to render the content via js.erb using jquery's html() method. Rest of the content is rendered correctly.But, i'm having trouble rendering recaptcha.Is there a way to render recaptcha via jQuery html() method? I am using Ambethia reCaptcha.
Found a solution. I used a single Div(main lightbox container).Within that div, i added another div which wrapped <%=recaptcha_tags%>.This inner div was placed using absolute positioning.For the rest of the content, i used jquery's append() function instead of html() function.

dijit.Menu to be displayed after DOM had been set up

I have set up in Javascript my preferred dijit.Menu which is that far so good.
How am I able to display the dijit.Menu directly after the page starts up in the (with it's position) without any mouse interaction?! I have looked in the API so far and don't find the answers. Will I have to "overwrite" a method?
If yes, which one is it? And what do I have todo???
The widget will not show up until it is parsed by dojo.
You should place fake menu markup inside its dom node:
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu">
<h1>This text is shown after the dom is loaded
and until the menu is parsed and renered</h1>
As soon as menu is ready, everything you've placed inside menu's dom node will be replaced by actual widget's html.
NON-AMD Version:
// The code for all items!
DOJO-AMD Version, put the parameters of the modules you like to add, in require as well give them a name in the functions parameters list:
//natve code