Does anyone else get the same error message when running the command eslint filename.js on the Terminal (bash in VS Code).
I have just installed ESlint and have done npm install etc.
Here's the error message I get: error message screenshot:
I have opened the files under 'require stack' and tried to find 'mkdirp' there to change it to 'mkdir' instead. Any idea if this would help?
I believe there are multiple errors but I am new to this and don't know how to correct them. I have also tried the command after running npm update but got the same error message.
When I tried to execute
NPM with command npx cypress run
it's displaying following error
2022-08-12T07:37:38.5420694Z ##[warning]Couldn't find a debug log in the cache or working directory
2022-08-12T07:37:38.5433010Z ##[error]Error: Npm failed with return code: 1
so can anyone please help me with how I can solve this problem
thank you
Based on your description and screenshot, it is shown that the main error message in the screenshot is "Unknown command: "npx" ". It means that the issue will occur when using "npm install" this task to run your pipeline, it is suggested that try using "Command Line" task and adding "npx" in "Script" to test again.
I have already run my projects without error with yarn. But now, it gives the below error(I tried for multiple projects):
What's the problem?
I installed the #ui5/uiveri5 globally correctly. I download the ui-uiveri5 repository, then I go to directory of sample\apiTesting, and run the command
uiveri5 APITesting.spec
it report following error:
describe('APITesting', function() {
ReferenceError: describe is not defined
Please guide me on how to solve this issue. ( It report the same issue after I install the jasmine-node, mocha globally).
No need to install jasmine or mocha, just install uiveri5 globally with npm install #ui5/uiveri5 -g. Can you please try again, I merged a fix for another small issue. And with it, this sample starts fine.
So I want to install react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view because <ScrollView></ScrollView> with <KeyboardAvoidingView></KeyboardAvoidingView> has some bug. But in my case, when I install it in command prompt and reloading my app it gives me error.
This is the error in my app:
This is the error in my command prompt when installing it:
I have had this issue multiple times only in Windows I try these in the order usually.
npm install --force
Check if node_modules is set to read-only and remove if it is
Delete node_modules/
Check if any editor is opened that could have access to the root folder of the project
Reboot :(
Usually trying npm install after one of those steps will resolve it.
If these doesn't solve the issue, comment this solution and I will provide you with other solutions.
Because, this issue will also occur due to node installation error caused by your system antivirus.
I'm running Windows 7 64bit with Node v6.5.0 and NPM 3.10.3. I ran npm install in the skeleton-typescript-webpack folder and all the packages installed fine. When I run any commands that call webpack though, I get the errors below.
When I run npm run build I get this error:
When I run npm start I get this error:
As you can see, the command that is run before the npm build error happens is concerning webpack, and same with the command that is run before the npm start error happens.
Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
The skeleton skeleton-typescript-webpack uses TypeScript 2.0 for compilation.
This gives tries to compile adm-zip which is in the selenium-webdriver node module. And this gives an error on a break statement after a return statement.
The file .\nodes_modules\selenium-webdriver\node_modules\adm-zip\zipEntry.js gives the issue. You have to comment out two break; statements in the file on line 96 and line 115. After this you get a correct build.