run sample test case of uiveri5 show error "Reference Error: describe is not defined" - uiveri5

I installed the #ui5/uiveri5 globally correctly. I download the ui-uiveri5 repository, then I go to directory of sample\apiTesting, and run the command
uiveri5 APITesting.spec
it report following error:
describe('APITesting', function() {
ReferenceError: describe is not defined
Please guide me on how to solve this issue. ( It report the same issue after I install the jasmine-node, mocha globally).

No need to install jasmine or mocha, just install uiveri5 globally with npm install #ui5/uiveri5 -g. Can you please try again, I merged a fix for another small issue. And with it, this sample starts fine.


Error while I create a new Npm project it says error while installing dependencies

enter image description here
While creating a npm project I am getting this error.
But when I install yarn.
I don't know how to rerun the program.
Or is it because I installation problem.
Is using the latest version of node an issue.
Can Someone help me with this?
the strapi supports node version up to 18, you can check it here
there is flag for npm you can try to use:
npx create-strapi-app /appname --ignore-engines
However I doubt it would work, the workflow with yarn:
yarn create strapi-app /appname
If error still persists you can try to open your project with VS code or whatever IDE you use… Open terminal, do:
yarn --ignore-engines
yarn build --ignore-engines
yarn develop --ignore-engines
If that won’t help, it should give you another, more detailed error message that you should post then here…

ERROR The "html" reporter does not exist. Check the reporter parameter for errors

I am running with ERROR The "html" reporter does not exist. Check the reporter parameter for errors. error while running test using testcafe. Can you please let me know what I can do to resolve this issue?
Please check that you have installed the testcafe-reporter-html npm package.
To install it use the following command:
npm install testcafe-reporter-html
If this does not help, perhaps, the reporter throws an error that was not added to the console output.
We already have a similar request for adding the information from the original error to the console output:
This will be implemented in one of the future releases.
TestCafe has these reporters built in:
All others would need to be installed via npm and imported into the project.
Try to install npm globally, Issue will resolve
npm install -g testcafe-reporter-html
Source :

The provided "teamcity" reporter does not exist. Check that you have specified the report format correctly

suddenly the test I have in testcafe stop working.
I have try to reinstall again the teamcity reporter with:
npm install -g testcafe testcafe-reporter-teamcity
npm install testcafe testcafe-reporter-teamcity
I can see that I have the folder testcafe-reporter-teamcity in my node_modules. But for some reason it cant find it.
Still the error that I get when running my test in local with the command:
testcafe firefox tests -c 4 --skip-js-errors --reporter teamcity
It will return the error:
ERROR The provided "teamcity" reporter does not exist. Check that you have specified the report format correctly.
Found the issue.
Just downgrading the version to
"testcafe-reporter-teamcity": "1.0.10"
seems to work perfectly.. for some reason 1.0.11 is giving this issue.

ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend"

I am trying to run exercises on exercism but I am getting this error ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend" whenever I am trying to run the test with npm install below is my package.json file and the error log. What do I need to do?
Thank you.
I was able to put the link on github gist
I ran this command npm i babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend on the terminal and it solved my problem. Thanks all

Cannot find module 'firefox-profile' in protractor

I have provided the snapshot of console, where i am getting error as "cannot find module Firefox-profile, which is causing the failure in loading the run-tests file.
Click Here
You need to have q and firefox-profile modules installed:
npm install q firefox-profile --save-dev
Hope it will help you :)