Is It Possible to Run React Native Projects on Tablet Emulator? - react-native

I wonder if I can run my react native project on tablet emulator.
I used to develop with expo since now. But things got changed and I need to run my project on tablet for some reasons.
Does anyone know if I can run my project on tablet emulator?
I dont know about React Native CLI with emulator since I am using expo to now. Does react native bare setup allow us to run projects on bigger sizes like tablets?


Make a react native app which not use expo run on web

I have a react-native App which is not using Expo and runs on android and iOS. Is it possible to make it run on Web? I found multiple projects for this purpose but I am not sure if those projects are aimed to be used only with Expo projects or not. I use multiple android and iOS modules in my app, I can't imagine how those modules will be converted to run on web. Any advise? Is what I am trying to do is even possible?
If you're using native modules with android or IOS specific functionality then you'll have to find a replacement that supports web, (or keep them and use something else for web).
Also no need to stay away from expo modules, expo modules can be used outside of expo too, here's how you can set them up:
I'd suggest you listen to some of Fernando Rojo's talks about this:

Can I use the same codebase for both a React Native macOS app and a React Native Windows app?

I am trying to create an app using React Native that runs on iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. An advantage of being able to use React Native is that you can share code between platforms.
I am following the setup guides for React Native macOS and Windows, but in the guides, they guide you through creating a new app from scratch for each platform. As I want to use the same app, so I don't have to write the same code twice, I create the macOS app following the guide. Then, in this app, I use the command npx react-native-windows-init --overwrite from the Windows guide to initialise the Windows platform. But when I then go to run the macOS app using the command npx react-native run-macos, I get the error:
Cannot find module 'metro-config/src/defaults/exclusionList'
no bundle URL present
One thing I find strange about the setup guides is that for macOS it tells you to use React Native 0.63 and for Windows 0.66. I used 0.66 for both, maybe this is the problem. But if it is, and each platform requires different versions of React Native, how can I use the one app / codebase for both platforms? This goes against one of React Native's core premises:
Create platform-specific versions of components so a single codebase can share code across platforms.
Is it possible to create a single app for both desktop platforms like you would with iOS and Android, and if so, how?
Yes, you can. You will have to create a mono repo
Or you can use mono repo boilerplate. Here is a link to it

React native for Android Wear OS or Samsung Tizen OS [duplicate]

I am trying to build Wear app using react native. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it working. I ran into a lot of exceptions and couldn't even get the app running. I am wondering if react-native can even be used to build an android wear app. Please help me with your experience.
Certainly, you can. Do check this React native vanilla examples it can be used to build like so many variants.
Github example

Ejected expo react native app requires expo?

I created a RN with create-react-native-app, and I have now decided to eject. It didn't work initially, and required some packages to be installed (#babel/...), but now, it complains that Module 'expo' does not exist in the Haste module map.
Why does it still require expo, now that it has been ejected? Or have I misunderstood what ejection does?
N.B. during the ejection I chose the option to eject to an RN app, not to ExpoKit. This is on iOS, currently.
When ejecting expo app you'll be asked about using expo-kit or just react-native and it's up to you to choose, plus Module 'expo' does not exist in the Haste module map means you still using expo in your code so double check your code to be sure that you're not importing expo anywhere and try again.
Ejected expo react native app requires expo? the short answer is no.
when using expo app you have the ability to build your app using the expo server so you don't have to have Android Studio or XCode installed all you have to do is $ expo build:[android|ios] and download your built package after the build process is done also you can run your app using expo client app on Android and Ios but once ejecting you'll lose the ability of using expo server as your build environment instead you have to use Android Studio or XCode, but the main difference here is when you choose expo-kit you still have the ability of using expo client to run your app and you still have the ability to use expo modules inside your code but when you choose react-native you can't use expo client instead you have to use the native tools, anyway in all cases once you eject your project you have to build it yourself and you can't undo this step.
You can build very powerful apps using only JavaScript without any need to eject especially when using `expo SDK 31+, I'm working on an app now with features like detecting location, live maps, social login and chat and I don't need to eject it at all.
Please take a look here and here
One last thing you have to remember is that when using expo or expo-kit you can keep developing ios app on any OS but when using react-native you can't do this you MUST have a mac.

Can I use any other app instead of Expo to run react native app?

Can I use any other app instead of Expo to run react native app?
Expo is not compatible with my phone.
Yes, you can use the way suggested in the react-native docs under using a real device. You'll need adb installed, then just enable USB debugging on your phone and plug it in. Run react-native run-android in the command line to send your program to your phone.
Note that these steps may differ depending on how far you've followed to the directions for either expo or react-native.