IText7 PDF SignDeferred Mystery - Signed and All Signatures are Valid but with Unsigned Changes - pdf

Using the MySigner.SignedDeferred method (MySigner extends the PdfSigner class as described here) I am able to digitally sign the document with an invisible signature which Adobe Reader validates in the signature panel.
However, when I try to attach an in-document signature visualization to an existing signature as described here, The generated pdf then has a signature panel banner that reads "Signed and all signature are valid but with unsigned changes".
I find this perplexing since before signer.SignExternalContainer is called I do not change the Certification Level, thus ensuring it defaults and thus is Not at a level of certified with no changes allowed.
pdf screenshot in Adobe Reader
Also the original stamping properties to generate the unsigned PDF (source) uses AppendMode.
Here is the relevant C# code:
PdfReader readerPrepped2 = new PdfReader(pathDestination);
PdfWriter pdfWriter2 = new PdfWriter(pathDestination2);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(readerPrepped2, pdfWriter2, new StampingProperties().UseAppendMode());
SignatureUtil signatureUtil = new SignatureUtil(pdfDocument);
PdfAcroForm acroForm = PdfAcroForm.GetAcroForm(pdfDocument, false);
foreach (String name in signatureUtil.GetSignatureNames())
PdfPKCS7 pkcs7 = signatureUtil.ReadSignatureData(name);
X509Certificate signerCert = x509Certificate3;
String signerName = CertificateInfo.GetSubjectFields(signerCert).GetField("CN");
String issuer = CertificateInfo.GetIssuerFields(signerCert).GetField("CN");
var date = pkcs7.GetSignDate().ToString();
PdfFormField field = acroForm.GetField("Signature");
PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.HELVETICA);
foreach (PdfWidgetAnnotation pdfWidgetAnnotation in field.GetWidgets())
pdfWidgetAnnotation.SetRectangle(new PdfArray(new Rectangle(36, 348, 236, 428)));
// pdfWidgetAnnotation.SetColor([])
PdfFormXObject form = new PdfFormXObject(new Rectangle(200, 80));
// form.SetModified();
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(form, pdfDocument);
canvas.Add(new Paragraph().SetItalic().Add("Signed by:"));
canvas.Add(new Paragraph()/*.SetBold()*/.Add(signerName));
canvas.Add(new Paragraph().SetItalic().Add("Date:"));
canvas.Add(new Paragraph()/*.SetBold()*/.Add(date));
canvas.Add(new Paragraph().SetItalic().Add("Issuer:"));
canvas.Add(new Paragraph()/*.SetBold()*/.Add(issuer));
I tried extending the PDFSigner class with a new class called MySigner so as to avoid adding entries to the structure tree. I also tried explcitly designating the CERTIFICATION_LEVEL as PdfSigner.CERTIFIED_FORM_FILLING_AND_ANNOTATIONS (to no avail as Adobe does not recognize the pdf as digitally signed at all in this scenario). I also tried toggling .SetModified on form and field.


Pdf signature invalidates existing signature in Acrobat Reader

I'm using iText 7.1.15 and SignDeferred to apply signatures to pdf documents.
SignDeferred is required since the signature is created PKCS11 hardware token (usb key).
When i sign a "regular" pdf, e.g. created via word, i can apply multiple signatures and all signatures are shown as valid in the adobe acrobat reader.
If the pdf was created by combining multiple pdf documents with adobe DC, the first signature is valid but becomes invalid as soon as the seconds signature is applied.
Document in Adobe reader after the first signature is applied:
Document in Adobe reader after the second signature is applied:
The signatures of the same document are shown as valid in foxit reader.
I've found a similar issue on stackoverflow (multiple signatures invalidate first signature in iTextSharp pdf signing), but it was using iText 5 and i'm not sure it is the same problem.
Question: What can i do in order to keep both signatures valid in the Acrobat Reader?
Unsigned Pdf document on which the first signature becomes invalid:
Twice signed document which is invalid:
Code used for signing
//Step #1 >> prepare pdf for signing (Allocate space for the signature and calculate hash)
using (MemoryStream input = new MemoryStream(pdfToSign))
using (var reader = new PdfReader(input))
StampingProperties sp = new StampingProperties();
using (MemoryStream baos = new MemoryStream())
var signer = new PdfSigner(reader, baos, sp);
//Has to be NOT_CERTIFIED since otherwiese a pdf cannot be signed multiple times
if (visualRepresentation != null)
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();
base.SetPdfSignatureAppearance(appearance, visualRepresentation);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Unable to set provided signature image", ex);
//Make the SignatureAttributeName unique
SignatureAttributeName = $"SignatureAttributeName_{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}";
DigestCalcBlankSigner external = new DigestCalcBlankSigner(PdfName.Adobe_PPKLite, PdfName.Adbe_pkcs7_detached);
signer.SignExternalContainer(external, EstimateSize);
hash = external.GetDocBytesHash();
tmpPdf = baos.ToArray();
//Step #2 >> Create the signature based on the document hash
// This is the part which accesses the HSM via PCKS11
byte[] signature = null;
if (LocalSigningCertificate == null)
signature = CreatePKCS7SignatureViaPKCS11(hash, pin);
signature = CreatePKCS7SignatureViaX509Certificate(hash);
//Step #3 >> Apply the signature to the document
ReadySignatureSigner extSigContainer = new ReadySignatureSigner(signature);
using (MemoryStream preparedPdfStream = new MemoryStream(tmpPdf))
using (var pdfReader = new PdfReader(preparedPdfStream))
using (PdfDocument docToSign = new PdfDocument(pdfReader))
using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
PdfSigner.SignDeferred(docToSign, SignatureAttributeName, outStream, extSigContainer);
return outStream.ToArray();
Sample project
I've created a working sample project which uses a local certificate for signing. I also did update iText to version 7.2 but with the same result.
It also contains the document which cannot be signed twice (test.pdf)
I've applied the solution provided by MKL to the sample project on github.
As a second note, It is also possible to use PdfSigner but in this case, the bookmarks of the original document must be removed.
As already mentioned in a comment, the example document "InvalidDocumentSignedTwice.pdf" has the signature not applied in an incremental update, so here it is obvious that former signatures will break. But this is not the issue of the OP's example project. Thus, the issue is processed with an eye on the actual outputs of the example project.
Analyzing the Issue
When validating signed PDFs Adobe Acrobat executes two types of checks:
It checks the signature itself and whether the revision of the PDF it covers is untouched.
(If there are additions to the PDF after the revision covered by the signature:) It checks whether changes applied in incremental updates only consist of allowed changes.
The former check is pretty stable and standard but the second one is very whimsical and prone to incorrect negative validation results. Like in your case...
In case of your example document one can simply determine that the first check must positively validate the first signature: The file with only one (valid!) signature constitutes a byte-wise starting piece of the file with two signatures, so nothing can have been broken here.
Thus, the second type of check, the fickle type, must go wrong in the case at hand.
To find out what change one has to analyze the changes done during signing. A helpful fact is that doing the same using iText 5 does not produce the issue; thus, the change that triggered the check must be in what iText 7 does differently than iText 5 here. And the main difference in this context is that iText 7 has a more thorough tagging support than iText 5 and, therefore, also adds a reference to the new signature field to the document structure tree.
This by itself does not yet trigger the whimsical check, though, it only does so here because one outline element refers to the parent structure tree element of the change as its structure element (SE). Apparently Adobe Acrobat considers the change in the associated structure element as a change of the outline link and, therefore, as a (disallowed) change of the behavior of the document revision signed by the first signature.
So is this an iText error (adding entries to the structure tree) or an Adobe Acrobat error (complaining about the additions)? Well, in a tagged PDF (and your PDF has the corresponding Marked entry set to true) the content including annotations and form fields is expected to be tagged. Thus, addition of structure tree entries for the newly added signature field and its appearance not only should be allowed but actually recommended or even required! So this appears to be an error of Adobe Acrobat.
A Work-Around
Knowing that this appears to be an Adobe Acrobat bug is all well and good, but at the end of the day one might need a way now to sign such documents multiple times without current Adobe Acrobat calling that invalid.
It is possible to make iText believe there is no structure tree and no need to update a structure tree. This can be done by making the initialization of the document tag structure fail. For this we override the PdfDocument method TryInitTagStructure. As the iText PdfSigner creates its document object internally, we do this in an override of the PdfSigner method InitDocument.
I.e. instead of PdfSigner we use the class MySigner defined like this:
public class MySigner : PdfSigner
public MySigner(PdfReader reader, Stream outputStream, StampingProperties properties) : base(reader, outputStream, properties)
override protected PdfDocument InitDocument(PdfReader reader, PdfWriter writer, StampingProperties properties)
return new MyDocument(reader, writer, properties);
public class MyDocument : PdfDocument
public MyDocument(PdfReader reader, PdfWriter writer, StampingProperties properties) : base(reader, writer, properties)
override protected void TryInitTagStructure(PdfDictionary str)
structTreeRoot = null;
structParentIndex = -1;
Using MySigner for signing documents iText won't add tagging anymore and so won't make Adobe Acrobat complain about new entries in the structure tree.
The Same Work-Around in Java
As I feel more comfortable working in Java, I analyzed this and tested the work-around in Java.
Here this can be put into a more closed form (maybe it also can for C#, I don't know), instead of initializing the signer like this
PdfSigner pdfSigner = new PdfSigner(pdfReader, os, new StampingProperties().useAppendMode());
we do it like this:
PdfSigner pdfSigner = new PdfSigner(pdfReader, os, new StampingProperties().useAppendMode()) {
protected PdfDocument initDocument(PdfReader reader, PdfWriter writer, StampingProperties properties) {
return new PdfDocument(reader, writer, properties) {
protected void tryInitTagStructure(PdfDictionary str) {
structTreeRoot = null;
structParentIndex = -1;
(MultipleSignaturesAndTagging test testSignTestManuelTwiceNoTag)
iText 7 adds a structure element for the new signature field to the document structure tree during signing. If the parent node of this new node is referenced as associated structure element of an outline element, though, Adobe Acrobat incorrectly considers this a disallowed change. As a work-around one can tweak iText signing to not add structure elements.
I've got a similar problem with signatures after last update of Adobe Reader. I wrote a post on their community, but they still didn't answer me.
Take a look:
I am using a iText v.5.5.5 to generate pdf. I sign and certify pdf document in single method. Moreover, foxit reader shows that signatures are valid. I believe that this is an Adobe bug and it will be fixed soon :) Key are an log.

How to prevent MacOS PreviewAPP from removing PKCS7 Signature

Try this, open a digitally signed document in the Preview App in your Mac (you can use Adobe or any other software to sign) drag the signature and then save. Now open the file in Adobe Reader, the signature has been removed and converted to an AcroForm.
I already tried setting the CertificationLevel to not allow changes.
String outputPath = getOutputPath(this.files.getDocumentPath());
Certificate[] chain = {this.files.getCertificate()};
IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(this.files.getPrivateKey(), "SHA-512", "BC");
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(this.files.getDocumentPath());
StampingProperties properties = new StampingProperties();
ImageData imgData = ImageDataFactory.create(this.files.getSignaturePath(), true);
PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileOutputStream(outputPath), properties);
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.getSignatureAppearance();
signer.signDetached(new BouncyCastleDigest(), pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard.CMS);
Docusign nailed this, cant seem to find a way to fix it.

Issues with iTextsharp and pdf manipulation

I am getting a pdf-document (no password) which is generated from a third party software with javascript and a few editable fields in it. If I load this pdf-document with the pdfReader class the NumberOfPagesProperty is always 1 although the pdf-document has 17 pages. Oddly enough the document has 17 pages if I save the stream afterwards. When I now try to open the document the Acrobat Reader shows an extended feature warning and the fields are not fillable anymore (I haven't flattened the document). Do anyone know about such a problem?
Background Info:
My job is to remove the javascript code, fill out some fields and save the document afterwards.
I am using the iTextsharp version
Unfortunately I can't upload a sample file because there are some confidental data in it.
private byte[] GetDocumentData(string documentName)
var document = String.Format("{0}{1}\\{2}.pdf", _component.OutputDirectory, _component.OutputFileName.Replace(".xml", ".pdf"), documentName);
if (File.Exists(document))
PdfReader.unethicalreading = true;
using (var originalData = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(document)))
using (var updatedData = new MemoryStream())
var pdfTool = new PdfInserter(originalData, updatedData) {FormFlattening = false};
return updatedData.ToArray();
return null;
//Old version that wasn't working
public PdfInserter(Stream pdfInputStream, Stream pdfOutputStream)
_pdfInputStream = pdfInputStream;
_pdfOutputStream = pdfOutputStream;
_pdfReader = new PdfReader(_pdfInputStream);
_pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(_pdfReader, _pdfOutputStream);
public PdfInserter(Stream pdfInputStream, Stream pdfOutputStream, char pdfVersion = '\0', bool append = true)
_pdfInputStream = pdfInputStream;
_pdfOutputStream = pdfOutputStream;
_pdfReader = new PdfReader(_pdfInputStream);
_pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(_pdfReader, _pdfOutputStream, pdfVersion, append);
public void RemoveJavascript()
for (int i = 0; i <= _pdfReader.XrefSize; i++)
PdfDictionary dictionary = _pdfReader.GetPdfObject(i) as PdfDictionary;
if (dictionary != null)
The extended feature warning is a hint that the original PDF had been signed using a usage rights signature to "Reader-enable" it, i.e. to tell the Adobe Reader to activate some additional features when opening it, and the OP's operation on it has invalidated the signature.
Indeed, he operated using
_pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(_pdfReader, _pdfOutputStream);
which creates a PdfStamper which completely re-generates the document. To not invalidate the signature, though, one has to use append mode as in the OP's fixed code (for char pdfVersion = '\0', bool append = true):
_pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(_pdfReader, _pdfOutputStream, pdfVersion, append);
If I load this pdf-document with the pdfReader class the NumberOfPagesProperty is always 1 although the pdf-document has 17 pages. Oddly enough the document has 17 pages
Quite likely it is a PDF with a XFA form, i.e. the PDF is only a carrier of some XFA data from which Adobe Reader builds those 17 pages. The actual PDF in that case usually only contains one page saying something like "if you see this, your viewer does not support XFA."
For a final verdict, though, one has to inspect the PDF.

Certify XFA document using iTextSharp

I'm using iTextSharp 5.5.2 and I want to certify an XFA document with a digital certificate.
My code looks as follows:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path);
FileStream os = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createXmlSignature(reader, os);
XmlSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.XmlSignatureAppearance;
appearance.SetXmlLocator(new XfaXmlLocator(stamper));
appearance.SetXpathConstructor(new XfaXpathConstructor(XfaXpathConstructor.XdpPackage.Datasets)); // Optional Line
var pk = Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(myCert.PrivateKey).Private;
IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, DigestAlgorithms.SHA1);
MakeXmlSignature.SignXmlDSig(appearance, pks, GenerateKeyInfo(myChain));
Unfortunately, when I open the PDF after certification, it pops up that the "verify operation failed."
If I comment out the optional line related to the XfaXpathConstructor, I get the banner message along the type of the PDF that says that "At least one data signature is invalid".
Either way, I am unable to open the Signature Panel and the PDF does not successfully certify... What am I missing?

Signing a PDF with an eID using PKCS#11 and iText

After following the "Signing a document using a smart card and PKCS#11" topic in and creating a code sample similar to the provided one, the signed file signature is invalid in Adobe Reader, the signature appearance has the name of the non-repudiation certificate (i.e., the name of the eID owner) but in Adobe Reader's Signature Panel shows:
The error occured while validating:
I'm using a Gemalto PinPad and the Portuguese eID pteidpkcs11.dll installed with the eID middleware software, located in C:\Windows\System32.
I've tried:
Null checking
Manually creating the Certificate chain, as the Certificate[] returned by ks.getCertificateChain("CITIZEN SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE"); only has the signature certificate
As an alternative you can sign with the portuguese eid card (Cartão de Cidadão) using only a java component available on It is also available on maven central repository with the artifactid poreid
Here is an example based on the sample provided in the itext documentation
public void createPdf(String filename) throws IOException, DocumentException {
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename));;
document.add(new Paragraph("Assinado com o Cartão de Cidadão!"));
public void signPdf(String src, String dest)
throws IOException, DocumentException, GeneralSecurityException {
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(POReIDConfig.POREID);
PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(POReIDConfig.AUTENTICACAO, null);
Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(POReIDConfig.AUTENTICACAO);
// reader and stamper
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, os, '\0');
// appearance
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper .getSignatureAppearance();
appearance.setReason("qualquer motivo");
appearance.setLocation("qualquer localização");
appearance.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(72, 732, 144, 780), 1, "primeira assinatura");
// digital signature
ExternalSignature es = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, "SHA-256", POReIDConfig.POREID);
ExternalDigest digest = new ProviderDigest(null); // find provider
MakeSignature.signDetached(appearance, digest, es, chain, null, null, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CMS);
public static void main(String[] args) throws DocumentException, IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
Security.addProvider(new POReIDProvider());
App exemplo = new App();
The provided code sample tries to get the PrivateKey of the signature certificate, I found it odd but figured it was just used as a reference. Navigating through the stack trace of the exception that is triggered when the user cancels the process in the PinPad gave me the following idea, which, fortunately, solved this:
Create a custom implementation
Implement an utility class that, using the wrapper, interacts with your eID pkcs11 dll (in my case, pteidpkcs11.dll) and provides a signing method that receives a byte[] message which is then sent to the SmartCard reader to be signed, and returns the byte[] result of this operation
Use the utility class in your CustomExternalSignature.sign(...)
Some tips that you can use if you're developing for the Portuguese eID Cartão Cidadão:
For the second item of the previous list, I'm using the PTeID4JPKCS11 class from an opensource project named pteid4j created by André Barbosa, you just need to call PTeID4JPKCS11.getInstance().sign(...);
Regarding the Hash and Encryption algorithm required by the ExternalSignature interface, the hash is SHA-1 and the Encryption RSA
I've been working on digital signature for PDF documents using Portuguese citizen card, and here is what I have:
public void signCAdES(...) {
String pkcs11Config = "name=GemPC" + "\n" + "library=C:\\WINDOWS\\SysWOW64\\pteidpkcs11.dll";
ByteArrayInputStream configStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pkcs11Config.getBytes());
Provider pkcs11Provider = new;
//provider_name: SunPKCS11-GemPC
Security.addProvider(pkcs11Provider); cmdLineHdlr = new DialogCallbackHandler();
KeyStore.Builder builder = KeyStore.Builder.newInstance("PKCS11", pkcs11Provider,
new KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection(cmdLineHdlr));
KeyStore ks= builder.getKeyStore();
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
PdfStamper stamper = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, os, '\0', new File(tempPath), true);
PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();
//certificates from electronic card and resources folder
Certificate[] certs = getSignatureCertificatesChain(ks);
PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, null);
ExternalSignature es = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, "SHA-1", pkcs11Provider.getName());
ExternalDigest digest = new BouncyCastleDigest();
MakeSignature.signDetached(appearance, digest, es, certs, null, null, null, 0, MakeSignature.CryptoStandard.CADES);
I have to build the certificates chain (getSignatureCertificatesChain(ks)) too since ks.getCertificateChain("CITIZEN SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE") only gives one certificate, and then the card itself doesn't have all the certificates so I have to get the missing ones at website and put them in a resources folder. Basically, I build my chain using both certificates in the card and in the resources folder, by linking them with the values in certificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getName() and certificate.getSubjecX500Principal().getName() (different cards can have different certificates of the same types, since the validity can vary so in one same type there can be 004 or 008 for example).
From what I understood, itext support for CAdES (MakeSignature.CryptoStandard.CADES) is more recent, but you need to use this since using MakeSignature.CryptoStandard.CMS might result in a signature that does not satisfy all the standards for CAdES (for example, missing the signing-certificate attribute - see
The only minor issue with this code thought, is that there might be some optional attributes missing. I have used a validator from this tool and while the signature generated passes the validation, it still gives a warning that the attribute issuer-serial is missing. I've created a post in hope anyone knows how to include the attribute here: CAdES Digital Signature
should return the certificate chain.
Where I can find a working online tool?
Suggestion: Make a call to the organization responsible for the middleware and ask for support.