I am trying to create a LSTM model that can take multiple input features and Forecast those multiple features for N days
Eg I want to give 4 Features as input for 103 days not I want to forecast those 4 features for next 5 days
input features = [A1,B1,C1,D1],[A2,B2,C2,D2],...., [A103,B103,C103,D103]
output = [A104,B104,C104,D105],...,[A109,B109,C109,D109]
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data)
train = scaled_data[:13813,:]
test = scaled_data[13813:,:]
def create_dataset(dataset,size):
X = []
y = []
for i in range(len(dataset)-size-1):
a = dataset[i:(i+size),:]
a = dataset[i:(i+size),:]
return np.array(X),np.array(y)
##535 is number of data i want to use to forecast the feature
X_test, y_test = create_dataset(test,535)
X_train,y_train = create_dataset(train,535)
##X_train and y_train shape ((13277, 535, 17), (13277, 17))
##X_test and y_test shape ((2917, 535, 17), (2917, 17))
model_2 = Sequential()
model_2.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=128,return_sequences=True,input_shape = (X_train.shape[1],17)))
model_history_2 = model_2.fit(X_train,y_train,validation_data=(X_test,y_test),callbacks=[early_stopping],epochs = 5,batch_size=150)
##But after this I am unable understand how to create a sliding window to predict the next 103 records.
I am using this function to predict the output of never seen images
def predictor(img, model):
image = cv2.imread(img)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224))
image = np.array(image, dtype = 'float32')/255.0
image = image.reshape(1, 224,224,3)
clas = model.predict(image).argmax()
name = dict_class[clas]
print('The given image is of \nClass: {0} \nSpecies: {1}'.format(clas, name))
how to change it, if I want the top 2(or k) accuracy
70% chance its dog
15% its a bear
If you are using TensorFlow + Keras and probably doing multi-class classification, then the output of model.predict() is a tensor representing either the logits or already the probabilities (softmax on top of logits).
I am taking this example from here and slightly modifying it : https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/math/top_k.
#See the softmax, probabilities add up to 1
network_predictions = [0.7,0.2,0.05,0.05]
prediction_probabilities = tf.math.top_k(network_predictions, k=2)
top_2_scores = prediction_probabilities.values.numpy()
dict_class_entries = prediction_probabilities.indices.numpy()
And here in dict_class_entries you have then the indices (sorted ascendingly) in accordance with the probabilities. (i.e. dict_class_entries[0] = 0 (corresponds to 0.7) and top_2_scores[0] = 0.7 etc.).
You just need to replace network_probabilities with model.predict(image).
Notice I removed the argmax() in order to send an array of probabilities instead of the index of the max score/probability position (that is, argmax()).
I need to access image shapes to perform an augmentation pipeline although when accessing through image.shape[0] and image.shape[1] I'm unable to perform the augmentations since it outputs that my tensors have shape None.
Related issues: How to access Tensor shape in .map?
Appreciate if anyone could help.
parsed_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames=train_records_paths).map(parsing_fn) # Returns [image,label]
augmented_dataset = parsed_dataset.map(augment_pipeline)
augmented_dataset = augmented_dataset.unbatch()
Mapped function
5 Versions of the original image: 4 corner crops + a central crop and the respective labels.
def augment_pipeline(original_image,label):
central_crop = lambda image: tf.image.central_crop(image,0.5)
corner_crops = lambda image: tf.image.extract_patches(images=tf.expand_dims(image,0), # Transform image in a batch of single sample
sizes=[1, int(0.5 * image.shape[0]), int(0.5 * image.shape[1]), 1], # 50% of the image's height and width
rates=[1, 1, 1, 1],
strides=[1, int(0.5 * image.shape[0]), int(0.5 * image.shape[1]), 1],
reshaped_patches = tf.reshape(corner_crops(original_image), [-1,int(0.5*original_image.shape[0]),int(0.5*original_image.shape[1]),3])
images = tf.concat([reshaped_patches,tf.expand_dims(central_crop(original_image),axis=0)],axis=0)
label = tf.reshape(label,[1,1])
labels = tf.tile(label,[5,1])
return images,labels
After further research i was able to manage by using py_func as suggested here and tf.shape(image)[0] here.
5 Versions of the original image: 4 corner crops + a central crop and the respective labels.
def augment_pipeline(original_image,label):
height = int(tf.shape(original_image)[0].numpy() * 0.5) # 50% of the image's height and width
width = int(tf.shape(original_image)[1].numpy() * 0.5)
central_crop = lambda image: tf.image.central_crop(image,0.5)
corner_crops = lambda image: tf.image.extract_patches(images=tf.expand_dims(image,0), # Transform image in a batch of single sample
sizes=[1, height, width, 1],
rates=[1, 1, 1, 1],
strides=[1, height, width, 1],
Then we use py_func to allow accessing numpy values inside map function:
parsed_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames=train_records_paths).map(parsing_fn) # Returns [image,label]
augmented_dataset = parsed_dataset.map(lambda image,label: tf.py_function(func=augment_pipeline,
augmented_dataset = augmented_dataset.unbatch()
Every Dataset object is iterable. Now the Dataset object can either be in the batched form or the unbatched form. I will tell you how to get their elements shapes in both the cases.
Case 1. Dataset object is in unbatched form.
Method 1. Consuming its elements using iter
it = iter(dataset)
element = next(it)
image,label = element
## element is a tuple
Method 2. using take
element = dataset.take(1)
image,label = element
# element is a tuple
Case 2. When the dataset is batched. Now I assume that the dataset contains (image,label) tuples
Method 1. Using iter
it = iter(dataset)
batch = next(it)
images,labels = batch
## batch is a tuple check it using type(batch)
Method 2. Using take
batch = dataset.take(1)
## Note here each element of the dataset is a batch and each batch contains some number of
## (image,label) tuples
batch = next(iter(batch))
images,labels = batch
## batch is again a tuple
I am visualizing layers of cnn with keras. The visualization is on mnist test image.The model summary is here
The code for visualization is as follows:
layer_names = []
for layer in model.layers[:12]:
layer_names.append(layer.name) # Names of the layers, so you can have them as part of your plot
images_per_row = 16
for layer_name, layer_activation in zip(layer_names, activations): # Displays the feature maps
n_features = layer_activation.shape[-1] # Number of features in the feature map
size = layer_activation.shape[1] #The feature map has shape (1, size, size, n_features).
n_cols = n_features // images_per_row # Tiles the activation channels in this matrix
display_grid = np.zeros((size * n_cols, images_per_row * size))
for col in range(n_cols): # Tiles each filter into a big horizontal grid
for row in range(images_per_row):
channel_image = layer_activation[0,
:, :,
col * images_per_row + row]
channel_image -= channel_image.mean() # Post-processes the feature to make it visually palatable
channel_image /= channel_image.std()
channel_image *= 64
channel_image += 128
channel_image = np.clip(channel_image, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
display_grid[col * size : (col + 1) * size, # Displays the grid
row * size : (row + 1) * size] = channel_image
scale = 1. / size
plt.figure(figsize=(scale * display_grid.shape[1],
scale * display_grid.shape[0]))
plt.imshow(display_grid, aspect='auto', cmap='viridis')
This code visualize output of first two layers and show image with filters. But with the third layer it throws the error as follows:
RuntimeError: libpng signaled error
<Figure size 1152x0 with 1 Axes>
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall matplotlib but still it is not working.
It’s a logic error:
<Figure size 1152x0 with 1 Axes>
implies that scale * display_grid.shape[0] == 0 which can only happen if you set n_cols to zero in this line:
n_cols = n_features // images_per_row
caused by n_features being < images_per_row/2.
There should be a nicer error in future versions of matplotlib.
I'm trying to visualize the output of a convolutional layer in tensorflow using the function tf.image_summary. I'm already using it successfully in other instances (e. g. visualizing the input image), but have some difficulties reshaping the output here correctly. I have the following conv layer:
img_size = 256
x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1,img_size, img_size,1], "sketch_image")
W_conv1 = weight_variable([5, 5, 1, 32])
b_conv1 = bias_variable([32])
h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1)
So the output of h_conv1 would have the shape [-1, img_size, img_size, 32]. Just using tf.image_summary("first_conv", tf.reshape(h_conv1, [-1, img_size, img_size, 1])) Doesn't account for the 32 different kernels, so I'm basically slicing through different feature maps here.
How can I reshape them correctly? Or is there another helper function I could use for including this output in the summary?
I don't know of a helper function but if you want to see all the filters you can pack them into one image with some fancy uses of tf.transpose.
So if you have a tensor that's images x ix x iy x channels
>>> V = tf.Variable()
>>> print V.get_shape()
TensorShape([Dimension(-1), Dimension(256), Dimension(256), Dimension(32)])
So in this example ix = 256, iy=256, channels=32
first slice off 1 image, and remove the image dimension
V = tf.slice(V,(0,0,0,0),(1,-1,-1,-1)) #V[0,...]
V = tf.reshape(V,(iy,ix,channels))
Next add a couple of pixels of zero padding around the image
ix += 4
iy += 4
V = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, iy, ix)
Then reshape so that instead of 32 channels you have 4x8 channels, lets call them cy=4 and cx=8.
V = tf.reshape(V,(iy,ix,cy,cx))
Now the tricky part. tf seems to return results in C-order, numpy's default.
The current order, if flattened, would list all the channels for the first pixel (iterating over cx and cy), before listing the channels of the second pixel (incrementing ix). Going across the rows of pixels (ix) before incrementing to the next row (iy).
We want the order that would lay out the images in a grid.
So you go across a row of an image (ix), before stepping along the row of channels (cx), when you hit the end of the row of channels you step to the next row in the image (iy) and when you run out or rows in the image you increment to the next row of channels (cy). so:
V = tf.transpose(V,(2,0,3,1)) #cy,iy,cx,ix
Personally I prefer np.einsum for fancy transposes, for readability, but it's not in tf yet.
newtensor = np.einsum('yxYX->YyXx',oldtensor)
anyway, now that the pixels are in the right order, we can safely flatten it into a 2d tensor:
# image_summary needs 4d input
V = tf.reshape(V,(1,cy*iy,cx*ix,1))
try tf.image_summary on that, you should get a grid of little images.
Below is an image of what one gets after following all the steps here.
In case someone would like to "jump" to numpy and visualize "there" here is an example how to display both Weights and processing result. All transformations are based on prev answer by mdaoust.
# to visualize 1st conv layer Weights
vv1 = sess.run(W_conv1)
# to visualize 1st conv layer output
vv2 = sess.run(h_conv1,feed_dict = {img_ph:x, keep_prob: 1.0})
vv2 = vv2[0,:,:,:] # in case of bunch out - slice first img
def vis_conv(v,ix,iy,ch,cy,cx, p = 0) :
v = np.reshape(v,(iy,ix,ch))
ix += 2
iy += 2
npad = ((1,1), (1,1), (0,0))
v = np.pad(v, pad_width=npad, mode='constant', constant_values=p)
v = np.reshape(v,(iy,ix,cy,cx))
v = np.transpose(v,(2,0,3,1)) #cy,iy,cx,ix
v = np.reshape(v,(cy*iy,cx*ix))
return v
# W_conv1 - weights
ix = 5 # data size
iy = 5
ch = 32
cy = 4 # grid from channels: 32 = 4x8
cx = 8
v = vis_conv(vv1,ix,iy,ch,cy,cx)
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
# h_conv1 - processed image
ix = 30 # data size
iy = 30
v = vis_conv(vv2,ix,iy,ch,cy,cx)
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
you may try to get convolution layer activation image this way:
h_conv1_features = tf.unpack(h_conv1, axis=3)
h_conv1_imgs = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat(1, h_conv1_features_padded), -1)
this gets one vertical stripe with all images concatenated vertically.
if you want them padded (in my case of relu activations to pad with white line):
h_conv1_features = tf.unpack(h_conv1, axis=3)
h_conv1_max = tf.reduce_max(h_conv1)
h_conv1_features_padded = map(lambda t: tf.pad(t-h_conv1_max, [[0,0],[0,1],[0,0]])+h_conv1_max, h_conv1_features)
h_conv1_imgs = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat(1, h_conv1_features_padded), -1)
I personally try to tile every 2d-filter in a single image.
For doing this -if i'm not terribly mistaken since I'm quite new to DL- I found out that it could be helpful to exploit the depth_to_space function, since it takes a 4d tensor
[batch, height, width, depth]
and produces an output of shape
[batch, height*block_size, width*block_size, depth/(block_size*block_size)]
Where block_size is the number of "tiles" in the output image. The only limitation to this is that the depth should be the square of block_size, which is an integer, otherwise it cannot "fill" the resulting image correctly.
A possible solution could be of padding the depth of the input tensor up to a depth that is accepted by the method, but I sill havn't tried this.
Another way, which I think very easy, is using the get_operation_by_name function. I had hard time visualizing the layers with other methods but this helped me.
#first, find out the operations, many of those are micro-operations such as add etc.
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
#choose relevant operations
op_name = '...'
op = graph.get_operation_by_name(op_name)
out = sess.run([op.outputs[0]], feed_dict={x: img_batch, is_training: False})
#img_batch is a single image whose dimensions are (1,n,n,1).
# out is the output of the layer, do whatever you want with the output
#in my case, I wanted to see the output of a convolution layer
out2 = np.array(out)
# determine, row, col, and fig size etc.
for each_depth in range(out2.shape[4]):
fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, each_depth+1)
plt.imshow(out2[0,0,:,:,each_depth], cmap='gray')
For example below is the input(colored cat) and output of the second conv layer in my model.
Note that I am aware this question is old and there are easier methods with Keras but for people who use an old model from other people (such as me), this may be useful.