Saleor Storefront can not open checkout app - e-commerce

I have deployed Saleor-Storefront and Saleor-App-Checkout to Vercel. Then I configured NEXT_PUBLIC_CHECKOUT_URL and CHECKOUT_APP_URL equal to the URL of Saleor-App-Checkout app.
But when I clicked the checkout button, it opened saleor-storefront's url/default-channel/en-US/?checkout?... but then redirected to the home page.
I follow this project:


How can I prompt website user to open already installed custom thin client exe?

I want to prompt website user to open already installed thin client when they click on a button with their consent through browser prompt.
Following is an example, wherein, after user is authenticated github asks to launch locally installed github client.
Register a URL protocol for your native app. Then in your web app, redirect to a URL that starts with that protocol.
Let's say you've set up a protocol myuniqueappname for the native app, prepare a URL that it can understand:
then use a link to help user navigate to it:
View it on the desktop app
The browser will prompt you to open the link in the native app:
Registering an Application to a URI Scheme in windows 10

Track user from web page to app install & open

I have a requirement where there is a promotional mobile web page where the user can click to download and install the app via AppGallery. When the user opens the app it should display custom content and record that back to our API based on the tracking ID (coming from the web page).
If the user installed the app normally (eg. didn't go through the promo page) then no custom content displayed.
How can the app know that it was installed and opened via a promo web page?
I'm using react-native.
You can embed the AppLinking hyperlink in the promotion page to implement this function.
For Detail,pls kindly refer:
Hope this could help with your issue. :)

Firebase dynamic link fails to launch iOS app during password-less auth

Firebase is sending the password-less auth email correctly from my app via a 'Sign up' button, the 'magic link' in the email is taking me to my dynamic link domain, but I'm getting stuck at that point and the app is not being opened.
I've got an Ionic 3 application built for iOS using Firebase for the back end. I'm trying to implement Firebase password-less auth and followed this tutorial:
I've added my iOS app to Firebase, and in project settings, added the bundle ID, 10 char. app ID and 10 char. development team ID. The app has been created on App Store Connect, although it's not live in the App Store yet.
I've placed the GoogleService-Info.plist file into the root of my Ionic 3 project.
I've enabled email/password and password-less auth in Firebase.
As per the tutorial, I created a new index.html page (configured as a single page app using Firebase tools with some simple "logging in..." text) and ran '$firebase init hosting' and '$firebase deploy'.
I enabled Firebase dynamic links through my Firebase console, sticking with the simple '' domain.
I installed the Firebase dynamic links plugin for Cordova by using:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks -- variable APP_DOMAIN="" --variable PAGE_LINK_DOMAIN=""
I was sure to use the correct project app domain (from hosting) and domain. My package.json includes:
"cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks": {
My config.xml file includes the correct values, eg.:
<platform name="ios">
<preference name="GoogleIOSClientId" value="my-value" />
<platform name="android">
<preference name="GoogleAndroidClientId" value="my-value" />
I also installed the Ionic native plugin:
$npm install #ionic-native/firebase-dynamic-links
The plugins seem to be working correctly as I built a simple page to capture an email address and send the 'magic link' email. That works. I'm receiving the email correctly.
When I click on the magic link on my iOS device (opens in Safari), I see a '' page with my app name, a little checkbox saying "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page." and an 'Open' button.
Clicking that button takes me to my Firebase hosted index.html page with the "logging in..." text I added, but hangs there. The app does not open so I just stay in Safari on that page.
I'm stuck now :(
No idea how to debug this further.
Any ideas how to get the redirect to open the iOS app correctly? Thanks in advance!

3r Party AuthProvider - callback url redirect

My project includes the firebase sign-in methods: Twitter, Facebook, Google and Github.
I am using firebase.auth().signInWithPopup() to handle authentication and callback. It works fine when run in the browser:
in mobile, this is different. I realize that it opens a new safari window, but it does not redirect to the app home screen. How can we do that?
this is the project in the firebase console for the Facebook sign-in
I believe this is a known issue for home screen apps in iOS. The window that is opened is sandboxed from the home screen app. The popup is unable to pass back the result to the parent home screen app. Instead, you should use signInWithRedirect in that mode. I believe that should work.

redirect url for accounts-github in codebox

I'm a windows user and I'm working on meteor application in
In this I want github authentication and I've created application in github and gave redirect url as
That is where my application is running and i gave the redirect url the sam
But when I tried to click on the login button it is not even displaying the github login page, It is displaying my application homepage,
What to give in the url, help me with this