How can I prompt website user to open already installed custom thin client exe? -

I want to prompt website user to open already installed thin client when they click on a button with their consent through browser prompt.
Following is an example, wherein, after user is authenticated github asks to launch locally installed github client.

Register a URL protocol for your native app. Then in your web app, redirect to a URL that starts with that protocol.
Let's say you've set up a protocol myuniqueappname for the native app, prepare a URL that it can understand:
then use a link to help user navigate to it:
View it on the desktop app
The browser will prompt you to open the link in the native app:
Registering an Application to a URI Scheme in windows 10


Open login popup in the browser from Electron Firebase application

I have a web app that uses Firebase for authentication, more specifically it uses the signInWithPopup(provider) method. There is also a desktop client based on Electron which simply loads the same web app. With recent updates this method of authentication stopped working as Electron is regarded as unsecure environment.
Is there a way to open the login popup in the default browser (i.e. Chrome) which is secure, complete the login process there, and return to the Electron app with the login information?
If login popup in default browser, the same issue can happen with security. It needs both ends to be secure.
Can you try to generate certificate and use it in your electron ? Instead of self signed certificate, you can generate through Let’s Encrypt (Authorised CA). Hope this solves your issue.

authentication to github from Windows 10 VM

Is there any way I can authenticate on GitHub from my Windows 10 VM so that I can push the changes?
Right now the Edge is just sits there with the disabled button "Authenticate".
I know in Linux I can set the user id in some configuration file, but it looks like its not happening on Windows.
Is there any other way?
You should see a Sign In button when visiting that would allow you to authenticate on the remote side.
From your VM, using the latest Git for Windows, you will also authenticate when pushing for the first time to a GitHub repository: the credential helper will use the Windows credential manager to cache your GitHub credentials.

Branchio Universal Deeplink redirecting to safari and shows popup to launch the application even app is installed in iOS 13.3.1

Even though the Application is installed in the iPhone, tapping Branchio universal deep-link redirecting to safari and shows a popup to launch the application.
Expected: if the application is already installed, tapping deep link should launch the application.
Pre- requests:
OS: iPhone iOS 13.3.1
Release build in Appcenter
Set custom URL to (Appcenter)
Generate the Universal deeplink
Steps to reproduce:
Generate the Universal deep-link
Using the deep-link install the application
Again Tap on the same deep-link will redirect to Safari and popup alert with CANCEL and OPEN options
Tap OPEN in safari to launch the application
This is an expected behaviour where Apple prompts the user first time if to open the app. Only if universal links are implemented, it does not ask for the second time. Our AASA validator tool ( shows the AASA file to validated correctly but while testing on the install page of your redirected website, it is showing a 404 error. So, we are unable to replicate this on our end to check further.
Could you please share your app store link so as to help us out here.
Also, would request to check our documentation here ( ) so as to confirm if the device is receiving the generated AASA files. This is a known issue with Apple for iOS 13.x+ where the AASA files do not get ingested into the device and causes the link redirection to show a prompt or a fail.

How to Launch/Open any other external app from hybrid app? [duplicate]

I have a requirement to open the native version of the hybrid app (.ipa/.apk/.appx) when the hybrid app is requested in a device browser.
I am able to detect the environment using WL.Client.getEnvironment(); method, if it is found to be Android/iPad, I want to launch the respective .apk/.ipa file in the device. Any help is appreciated.
Re-reading this question and the comments several times... I still do not understand the actual scenario... it'd be best to rephrase it.
Scenario: How to open an app from the web browser:
If you have added the following environments to your Worklight application:
Mobile Web
And when visiting the Mobile Web version of your app, you want to display a message like "For the full experience, open the full application by clicking here".
It is implied that the user already has the application installed.
If it is not installed, you need to take care of that somehow
The way to handle this scenario is to use URI schemas:
For Android: How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
This means that after adding the custom URI schema to AndroidManifest.xml, you could then detect the device OS the Mobile Web app is currently running on and display a custom link: myapp://<the URI schema you've defined>. Tapping it will open the app installed on the device.
For iOS, in a similar fashion:
Also see:
Alternate solution: If you are not sure if the app will be installed or not, then instead of using URI schemas you can always point to either Google Play or Apple App Store, to the app page; the user will then have either a "Open" or "Install" link.
Scenario: How to open an app from my own app
If you have a Worklight Hybrid application (Mobile Web is not a Hybrid application), and you want to open another application from within it, you can:
Use the same approach of URI schemas, or
Use Cordova plug-ins
I have created this Worklight 6.1.0 project to demonstrate:
Android - How to open, for example, the Android Settings app from your Worklight Hybrid app
iOS - How to check if Waze is installed and open it, and if it is not installed then to open Apple Maps instead.
See instructions.txt in the apps\test folder.
Are you asking that if the user via their device browser hits the webapp version of your app on the internet, the website will ask the user to fire up the native app on their device? kind of like what ebay does?
if that is what you want check out these pages
android:Launch custom android application from android browser
iPhone - Open Application from Web Page

FirebaseSimpleLogin not working in Windows 8 app

I asked a question earlier about if it was possible to use Firebase in a Windows 8/WinJS app. #MichaelLehenbauer told me that I just needed to add the following line to my code in order to fix a bug in firebase.js:
This worked great and allowed me to read and write to my Firebase. However, now I am trying to get auth working in Windows 8 and running into many issues. I am trying to use the Facebook login but when I call auth.login("facebook"), my app loses focus and a new tab in the modern Internet Explorer app (not the desktop app) is opened with the typical Facebook login prompt. If I put in my credentials and hit login, nothing happens. I need to go back to my app but then it fires up a new IE tab and the process starts again. Instead of opening a new IE tab, Firebase should internally be opening an in-app dialog like seen in the top image here.
So, since I couldn't get the Firebase Facebook login working in WinJS, I tried doing the Facebook login myself and then create Firebase users using the email/password auth. However, when I run:
auth.login("password", {
email: "",
password: "password"
I get the following warning (which is the same warning I received from firebase.js befoore Michael suggested to me to force web sockets):
APPHOST9601: Can’t load <[my_firebase]&transport=jsonp&>. An app can’t load remote web content in the local context.
I'm not sure if this is another web sockets issue or not, but it looks like FirebaseSimpleLogin is just not working very well in Windows 8 apps. Are there any workarounds to these problems? Even better, is there any plan to provide full support out of the box with Windows 8?
Windows 8 is now supported out of the box with Firebase Simple Login.