Can I use Apache redirects for this? - apache

I've subscribed to a new software that I'm using for client intake. However, the intake form is on that software's website and I was hoping to have it on a subdomain for my website:
I would like this to be the page for the client intake software. The client intake software is actually on the cloud software website right now:
Where "cAdfEfsfLE" = my specific token.
As a result of this, only my subscription will get access to the information inputted by the client. I understand that I can't control the address bar because I don't have access to the server, but I would ulimately like to be able to give my clients a link that looks like:
They click on the above link and it opens a window for the following:
Any ideas on the easiest way to accomplish this?


How to allow a different company to use our web app?

We are developing a web app that has users and payments. We need to use it ourselves and we need to allow other companies to use it as well. All instances of the app must use the same database and the same payments account. And it's preferred that each front-end is completely separate.
Here are the ways I can think of:
1) Use OAuth. This is a perfect approach but I don't think each front-end can be completely separate - in other words each app instance would link to the same password and payment forms and then redirect back to the app instance when the user is done with the form.
2) Just give the other company the whole app and let them deploy a completely separate instance. The downside is that we would need to give them our database and payment credentials.
3) Load the front-end of our app into an iframe on their site. Is this even possible? If so it seems like it would meet all my requirements but it seems a bit hacky...not sure of all the drawbacks.
Are there any other options that would allow for the same database and payments account and completely separate front-ends?
Do you want the other company to use your company domain or sub domain or their own domain.?
Your company domain
In this case, create a separate login page. Once user is loggedin, create a custom UI for the logged in user and show the pages for user and payment. It is single UI and it can render based on the user preference like custom font, logs etc.
Company Subdomain
This is a popular model used in Software as Service business. Based on the subdomain, create the custom page and this page will access the services with cusomter id. You can also provide a module for the customer to upload the images, select the font etc.
All the services and transaction will have customer id and easy to track.
Customer domain
Expose the user and payment info as restful webservice and let the customer to create a webpage and use the exposed services.

how can I extract recurly account management url into my e-commerce website?

I am using recurly ( to run a subscription business, we need to extract the customer account management url and put it into our website so the customers can manage subscriptions by themselves. Can anyone give me some advice about how to use recurly API to realize this ?
When you create an account, the hosted login token (which is used to build this URL on your side), is returned in the success response. It looks like this:
At any time, you can also do a GET request on the account details to obtain the login. It is recommended, however, that you store this value locally as soon as the account is created, so you are not constantly polling the API.
See for more details.

PHP script to send and retrive sms from a website

I'm not sure where to begin, but got a case I need help from others where and if possible to solve.
Thing is, got a new alarm system at home, this system uses sms function so I can send a short code to my alarm asking for status if it`s ON or OFF, or i can turn it on/off from an sms.
Since both the sms number and code is strictly personal, I would not like to tell my carpenter the codes, but in the mean while he is working at my home, I can give him a login to my site, where he can see if the alarm is turned on or even turn it on/off by him self.
I would like to build me a website, that does the same.
Got a login to my site, when logged in, i would like the website to send an sms automatically, then retrieve the answer and display it on the website.
Is this even possible ? If so, anyone can past me in the right direction here ?
Thanks in advance =)
You can send an SMS from a website. Most mobile operators will gladly offer you an apropriate API.
For instance Deutsche Telekom has an API called "Developer Garden" that allows you to send SMS via a WebService and much more.
see here for an example:
Other providers may also offer such services.
you need an sms gateway ( we use these guys :, but nearly any will do )
Your easiest option is to find one where you can insert SMS'es for sending via a URL, eg in our case the URL looks like this:[user]&key=[longcode]&method=http&senderid=[id]&sms=[phonenumber]&message=[here's the message]
it's extremely simple to use. If your site handles the login otherwise, then you can use this for the rest.
Now, how to receive SMS'es is a bit tricker :)
But this provider, for example, offers you options to;
Send the reply as an email to a nominated email address.
Send the reply as an email to the original user who sent the message.
Send the reply as an SMS to a nominated mobile number.
POST the reply to your website or application . e.g. We can call a http/https request to your script
as you can see, both the email and the POST options are providing great ways to integrate.
I'd say if you don't handle incoming email already, then stick to the POST method.
voila :)

How does invisible pixel conversion tracking work?

I'm trying to track clicks from our site to an external website. On the external website, I'd like to place some code on their checkout thank-you page, that tells our server that a particular click has resulted in a sale.
How does this tracking code work? Does it need to be a pixel? Do we need to drop a cookie before we send the user to the external website?
Pixel-based conversion tracking is pretty straightforward. You set up a basic web server to accept HTTP GET requests and write logs for those requests. On the merchant's confirmation page you put an image where the src attribute is a URL on your tracking server. That URL contains any data you need to collect for the sale, which will show up in your server logs.
(No, this doesn't need to be a pixel. It can be any excuse to make a client request something from your server. XHR requests, script tags, etc will work just fine.)
Example: if you need to know the Order ID number and value of a sale, you could have the merchant embed a pixel that looks like this: <img
Your server logs will now have a record of sales generated on
that site.
Now you need some way to separate sales you generated from the rest of them. There are three ways to go about this:
you do the tracking,
merchant does the tracking
you work with a third party.
An affiliate network can be that third party, the merchant can track traffic sources and use that data to decide when to display your tracking pixel, or you can track it yourself. Which way you go depends on the terms of your partnership.
One popular and easy way to track which sales are yours is to set a cookie on the same domain as the tracker. Since many clients will block 3rd-party cookies, you will track best if your tracking server is also a redirection server.
Example: on your site you make outbound clicks go through your
tracking server. Whereas you used to have an <a> tag that pointed to you now send traffic
to: In this example, redirect.php
should set a cookie and a redirect to the
destination site.
Your server logs will now have that cookie value on image requests from
the merchant's confirmation page, along with any other data you passed
in the cookie (or associated with it on your back end). Now, when you look at your tracking
server logs you know the image requests with cookies are yours and the others are not.
Things start getting complicated when there are more parties involved, deeper reporting needs, accounting and PII policies to comply with, concerns over fraud, etc but that's the gist of it.

Payment confirmation using in VB.NET

I have a single account, and I have 5 different e-commerce applications tied to that account. Some are posting from a public site and some are posting from managed access sites. I am using SIM and I have read about the Relay Response, but as far as I can tell I can only have one URL listed. That will not work for me as I need a different URL for each different point of entry into the e-commerce system.
My problem at the moment is that I need to update a datafield via a guid upon successful payment completion to confirm purchase of a digital item, but if I put in a relay response page it is getting sent to all my access points and throwing errors. Other parts of the e-commerce system need to send different emails upon completion etc, plus all the urls are different at the top level.
Is there some other way of accomplishing this task that I am overlooking?
Use Silent Post*. It's Authorize.Net's equivalent of Paypal's IPN. It will only post to one URL per account but it happens behind the scenes. This means you can send a custom flag along with each transaction identifying which site the purchase is for and then have it respond accordingly (e.g. send emails, update database, etc).
*I am the author of this content