I am trying to build one video calling app and I am using expo-camera module but the image rendering is distored. How can I fix it? - react-native

I am trying to build this video-calling application using React Native framework and express, mongoDB and firebase Authentication as the backend services.
To render the image I am using expo-camera package and I am testing it on my android phone but image coming is distorted.
After a lot of googling I got to know about this aspect ratio issue and I also tried this this prepareAspectRatio functions given by some of the techies and getAvailableAspectRatio but none of them are working. Please help.


How do I implement Google Maps to work on Web, Andriod and iOS in React Native?

I am fairly new to React Native and I am trying to implement a map that can be used in Web, Android and iOS.
The resources I have found online, are for implementing Android and iOS with react-native-maps or just in Web with react-native-web-maps. Is there an easy way to incorporate all of them in React Native?
I am also using the Expo CLI to run the server. I have not run npm run eject to create the OS-specific files as I am trying to make the code as cross-platform as possible.
I don't know if any package works straight away for all environments but you can conditionally render map component for mobile and for web.
I have used these following packages in mobile and web versions of Expo app, they work pretty similarly and are easy to use and implement:
-mobile: #react-navigation/native
-web: #react-google-maps/api

How can I check the version of a Lottie file?

I am building a react native app using expo and trying to use a couple lottie files using the lottie-react-native library. When I use the iOS simulator the files load fine, but when I try to run the app on my actual iPhone I get this warning:
"ReactNative.NativeModules.LottieAnimationView.pause did not have a corresponding prop defined
in the mock provided to SafeModule"
I know that expo relies on Lottie v2 so v3 files will cause the app to crash, but is it normal for the Lottie animations to work on the simulator but not the phone? And is there a way for me to check if an animation is v2? I can't seem to find any kind of indication of version when browsing the animations.
Thanks to anyone who can help!

React Native Expo Sharepoint Image not showing on Android but does on IOS

True a php API I get the json from my sharepoint and all the data. Also the Image url that is stored there. Now the issue is when I get the image data and use it in React Native Expo on IOS it display's but on Android it doesn't.
Why is this, I already searched on Google but didn't find an answer.

React native graph using event drops

I working with Event drops in react js. This is working fine in web app. But I am trying to implement same into React-native mobile app. Unfortunately no success yet.
Any help would be appreciated?
Thanks in advance!
use this Library, It is working fine for me I implemented charts to my react native app through this library couples days back.
if it doesn't help check this link

How should I do, if I want to use cocoapods in a react native project

I want to use a API about the map, but the official website didn't provide API about react native. So I want to install it in Cocoapods. But I encountered a error when I installing it. The error:
I don't know how to handle it. I think that it is different from the original iOS in some directory.Vert thank you if you can give some ideas.
The profile: