React native graph using event drops - react-native

I working with Event drops in react js. This is working fine in web app. But I am trying to implement same into React-native mobile app. Unfortunately no success yet.
Any help would be appreciated?
Thanks in advance!

use this Library, It is working fine for me I implemented charts to my react native app through this library couples days back.
if it doesn't help check this link


I am trying to build one video calling app and I am using expo-camera module but the image rendering is distored. How can I fix it?

I am trying to build this video-calling application using React Native framework and express, mongoDB and firebase Authentication as the backend services.
To render the image I am using expo-camera package and I am testing it on my android phone but image coming is distorted.
After a lot of googling I got to know about this aspect ratio issue and I also tried this this prepareAspectRatio functions given by some of the techies and getAvailableAspectRatio but none of them are working. Please help.

Add unity into React native expo

I would like to add unity into my react native expo app. Since I searched I don't find anything helpful for me and related to my requirement. Is there any Sample/Reference code available for Unity Integration with React native?
Thanks in advance!
ive been in the same place. so currently theres no way to directly communicate it with Unity. But you can always communicate with native android/ios and that in turn communicates with unity. worked with that, and it works pretty well. so your native side should launch the game rather than react native directly starting it.
Basically call a native method in android side from react native --> that in turn starts / calls the unity module .
check this once
Hope this helps. otherwise please connect with me

Suggestion for React Native

Greetings!! I am developing an app with React Native. Which uses chroma key functionality for live streaming or video recording. I failed to find any ready library or plugin. As well as could not find any ready code to help me.
If you have any suggestion for it then do let me know. It would be a great help
If you want to use the live streaming function, you can use WebRTC technology.
The appropriate react-native library address is as follows.

Is Facebook iOS app built in React Native?

I came across an article that gave me the impression that Facebook's iOS app is built in React Native.
Does anyone know if this true?
One of my friend who was interviewed at FB 5 months ago was told that more than 80% of the application is still native.
I realized what is the point of moving over to React Native from Native for big companies? rather stay native and give the best user experience!
Facebook claims:
"Using React Native in the Facebook app".
It means that they have used React Native partially in app. But the point is to what extent they have used React native, no one knows.
So, it seems like most of the core is build in native but they have started implementing new modules in React Native.
It's also easy to build part of your app in React Native, and part of
your app using native code directly - that's how the Facebook app
This is the official words from Facebook. it means Facebook did not use completely react native. it is partially using react native in their apps.
One of the main tabs, Facebook Marketplace, is built with React Native.
Yes it is true. You can see the list of apps in this section.

React Native - Using iOS and Android SDKs

I just started using React Native a few days ago and want to build my next iOS/Android app with it. However, I had a question (and I apologize in advance if this question is very basic).
If I am integrating my iOS and Android apps built with React Native, with an external service (like Salesforce for example), how do I go about using the native mobile SDKs they provide for iOS and Android? As in, what do I do to integrate those SDKs into my React Native app? Those SDKs are using native Objective-C and Java code, so how would I be able to use the JS code for React Native? I believe my understanding about this is skewed.
I looked at this link which goes into it, but it seemed very confusing and I had a bit of a hard time grasping the concept (again, I am very new to this - I've done a lot of web development, hence turning my attention to React Native, but I've done no mobile development whatsoever).
If someone could please explain how that works, and point me in the right direction where I can read and learn more, I would sincerely appreciate that!
Thank you!
Checkout out this talk on SalesForce mobile SDK for React native
Official SalesForce Docs - Read Here
Also this tutorial might help you.
There are react native packages build by open react native community if you couldn't find anything to access native iOS or android functionality you will have to write react native wrapper yourself using react native "Native Modules"
Native Modules