I'm trying to edit my apache server file httpd.conf on an EC2
I have open the file with Visual Studio code and I can make the changes but can't save them
Every time I recieve this error :
Failed to save 'httpd.conf': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://ssh-remote+aws-server/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')
how do I give my self permission ?
I recently update my system to
Xcode: 10
OSX : Mojave 10.14
For few days my iOS development works fine, but suddenly start facing following issues.
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/Appsee.framework/Appsee
Referenced from: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2223E5BD-215F-48D7-8649-2D63ECBAE2B6/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/59E09AD0-ADAB-4221-A334-70F71DC6AC0B/MyApp.app/MyApp
Reason: image not found
But this issue was fixed by changing Xcode->File->Workspace Setting->Build Setting->Legacy Build Setting
Then I getting permission denied error for rm command in one of shell script used while building the target.
Showing All Messages
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Common: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/USGlobals.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRKeepAliveData.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/AFSOAPClient.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubRegistrationData.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubProxy.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CMSeatMapWingView.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubProxyInterface.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRLog.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/GrafanaClient.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/NSObject+SRJSON.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubConnectionInterface.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubInvocation.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/AFIncrementalStoreHTTPClient.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRHubConnection.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRLongPollingTransport.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ApplicationBuildConfiguration.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ServiceConfiguration.h: Permission denied
rm: /Users/a.b.ak1b/Documents/work/iOS-App-1/Library/Common/../Vendor/Common.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SRConnectionInterface.h: Permission denied
For the time-being I need to build the target using sudo xcodebuild. Not found any way to trigger build using xcode to avoid this error.
There are two different issues here:
Why shell script is throwing error?
This is because of MacOS Mojave privacy protection.
You need to give permission to XCode to have Full Disk Access. You can do this in System Preferences->Security&Privacy
XCode 10 uses a new build system.
Xcode 10 uses a new build system. The new build system provides
improved reliability and build performance, and it catches project
configuration problems that the legacy build system does not.
I am not sure why the error happened after few days but perhaps it has to do with changes in ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS. I am not sure about this, but you can try adding Appsee.framework as an embedded binary in Target-> General-> Embedded Binaries
I hope for your support because i dont understand how to resolve this error.
This is a error screen
Please check if the file at the location can be accessed by you. The file should have user level permission for you to be able to access it.
ls -l /var/www/html/deeplace-visits/var/logs/prod.log
If your user does not have permission then,
sudo chown [user:group] /var/www/html/deeplace-visits/var/logs/prod.log
I work on IntelliJ-idea on Windows 7.
I want to work on my program in the command line - git bash,
but I get errors
I tried to do pull then I got this error
$ git pull
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I saw a solution in Git - Permission denied (publickey)
but they don't wrote about windows.
when I do push I asked about passphrase but when I write it I get an error
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I have the correct access because I can do pull, push.. from the folder (right click TortoiseGit..)
please your help
thank you
So, there is no ssh publickey generated.
You must generate and register your rsa keys for github. Follow official guide.
I'm running PuTTy ssh on windows in the hope to copy a file from a remote server.
The command I used is below:
rsync -avz user#server:/home/user/imitate/tool /home/tool
But I received the error:
rsync: mkdir "/home/tool" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9]
I'm totally new to this and I have no idea what is happening. So I logged into an account on a remote server using ssh, and want to copy files from that remote server to the laptop I'm using. What should I do?
you cannot write to /home/tool locally on your windows box. either run the command with more privileges or download to another directories where you have write permissions.
I tried to clone a gitosis repository and got the error:
ERROR:gitosis.app:Unable to read config file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sr
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
The permission of gitosis.conf is set to 755. I also checked the folders and make sure that owner is gitosis. I cannot see anything wrong with permission. What could be the reason for this error?
Thanks. Yes, the repositories directory is not owned by gitosis. Cloned successfully after updating it.
"su - git" to git user and
cat the gitosis.conf file.
if you cannot see the content of the file.
then you need to fix the ownership and permmisson of file or
the path nodes along the path of the file.
Bill Z