Gitosis clone error: Unable to read config file. Permission denied - gitosis

I tried to clone a gitosis repository and got the error: to read config file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sr
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
The permission of gitosis.conf is set to 755. I also checked the folders and make sure that owner is gitosis. I cannot see anything wrong with permission. What could be the reason for this error?

Thanks. Yes, the repositories directory is not owned by gitosis. Cloned successfully after updating it.

"su - git" to git user and
cat the gitosis.conf file.
if you cannot see the content of the file.
then you need to fix the ownership and permmisson of file or
the path nodes along the path of the file.
Bill Z


Uncaught exception could not be opened: failed to open stream

I hope for your support because i dont understand how to resolve this error.
This is a error screen
Please check if the file at the location can be accessed by you. The file should have user level permission for you to be able to access it.
ls -l /var/www/html/deeplace-visits/var/logs/prod.log
If your user does not have permission then,
sudo chown [user:group] /var/www/html/deeplace-visits/var/logs/prod.log

SCP log file to server

Hello I am trying to SCP a log file to serve and I keep getting error
Warning: Identity file ids-east-1.pem not accessible: No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey).
lost connection
I have tried all the solutions presented earlier but can't seem to figure out what's wrong.
The key I am using is :
scp -r -i ids-east-1.pem ~/int/resources/tests/tasks/lib/testing.log
Just a reminder- I am able to get a log file from this server using :
scp -i ids-east-1.pem ~/Desktop/aws_chrono.log
If one command works, but the other gives you:
Warning: Identity file ids-east-1.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.
You are likely not running the commands from the same directory. Try specifying the key path fully (something like):
scp -i ~/.ssh/ids-east-1.pem ...

ansible - unarchive - input file not found

I'm getting this error while Ansible (1.9.2) is trying to unpack the file.
19:06:38 TASK: [jmeter | unpack jmeter] ************************************************
19:06:38 fatal: [jmeter01.veryfast.server.jenkins] => input file not found at /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz or /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz
19:06:38 FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
I checked on the target server, /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz file exists and it has valid permissions (for testing I also gave 777 even though not reqd but still got the above error mesg).
I also checked md5sum of this file (compared it with what's there on the apache jmeter site) -- It matches!
# md5sum apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz|grep 53dc44a6379b7b4a57976936f3a65e03
53dc44a6379b7b4a57976936f3a65e03 apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz
When I'm using tar -xvzf on this file, tar is able to show/extract it's contents in the .tgz file.
What could I be missing? At this point, I'm wondering unarchive method/module in Ansible must have some bug.
My last resort (if I can't get unarchive in Ansible to work) would be to use Command: "tar -xzvf /tmp/....." but I don't want to do that as my first preference.
The default behavior for Unarchive is to find the file on your local system, copy it to the remote, and unpack it. I suspect if you're getting a file not found error then you need to specify copy=no in your task.

git bash in Windows 7

I work on IntelliJ-idea on Windows 7.
I want to work on my program in the command line - git bash,
but I get errors
I tried to do pull then I got this error
$ git pull
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I saw a solution in Git - Permission denied (publickey)
but they don't wrote about windows.
when I do push I asked about passphrase but when I write it I get an error
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I have the correct access because I can do pull, push.. from the folder (right click TortoiseGit..)
please your help
thank you
So, there is no ssh publickey generated.
You must generate and register your rsa keys for github. Follow official guide.

fatal: unable to start /*/.repo/repo/ fatal: [Errno 13] Permission denied - on nfs mounted disk

i am trying to initialize a repo (for yocto development - but it seems to be using the same infrastructure as android).
since I lack space on the OS drive, I nfs mounted another disk (filesystem is ext4 but that probably is irrelevant on the mount-client side).
I try to initialize the repo with the command
./repo init -u -b dylan
and get the error
fatal: unable to start /mnt/lvm/public/.repo/repo/
fatal: [Errno 13] Permission denied
Permissions are fine on the disk. manually I can do file operations without a problem.
Is it impossible to have the repo on an nfs drive (even at the penalty of slower processing)?
Thank you for your help
You need to download the the source code from CygWin not from windows Git. To be able to do that make sure to include curl in the bin directory of Cygwin, and install python within Cygwin packages. Then repeat the steps you have used before inside cygwin terminal.