i'm developing an application in Rails ActiveAdmin and the CRUD background is red in two cases. - new and edit: background buttons - show: background fields
My model was named Highlight.
The users CRUD is perfect: without red background.
New and edit: https://mardini.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/prova-de-que-o-seo-internacional-realmente-funciona-1536x864.jpg
Show: https://mardini.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cargos-time-de-vedas-1536x864.jpg
Thanks for the help!
learn with the pratice of a expertise crowd
I start to learn winrt so I have question regarding containers in xaml.
I want to have on main screen of my app a set of different custom controls, but i want to have such interface like in Gridview (Horizontal scrolling, names for groups).
Yes, I can use GridView with different templates per item. But it's not a good solution.
For better explanation please review my picture. It's my goal.
How can I do this? Should i write some kind of custom GridView or there is already such or similar controls?
Thank you!
You can achieve this by using the following:-
-Scroll Viewer
- StackPanel (orientation horizontal)
-Grid view
-User Control
If you are targeting 8.1 then you can use the new hubs which are designed exactly for the described scenario.
I'm learning Cocoa. And this is my simple OS X app:
It contains a custom view, where the white rect is drown, a toolbar, and a slider. I want to change the rect's fill color by clicking on the 'Colors' item in the toolbar and choosing new color in the color palette.
How can I get the new color from the palette? I know it has the "NSToolbarShowColorsItem" identifier, but don't know how to use it.
Can you please help me? Thanks.
You should probably consider walking through a couple of basic Cocoa tutorials to learn about fundamental Cocoa concepts.
A number of resources to check out:
Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
Tutorials on CocoaDev
The bar I’m looking for is the separator bar between the editor area and the debug area:
Specifically, I want the buttons to have no borders and I want to have the vertical separator (to the left of ‘No Selection’).
I haven’t done any AppKit stuff in Mountain Lion yet, so before I start implementing my own custom control, I was wondering if I have overlooked a new control (or options for existing controls), or otherwise if somebody has already implemented a custom control that does this?
Its just NSButtons with a custom background image (which is the silver effect) and the "Image" which is the control image.
A quick look inside Xcode.app/Contents/OtherFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Versions/A/Resources will show you the relevant images.
I am coding in the latest xcode in Objective-C and I have been pretty much stuck last two days.
I am making an application that will allow the users to select what color clothing they are wearing. So for example, if I am wearing a black and white shirt, I can choose clothing = shirt and colours = black and white.
Here is a screen shot of how my app looks like: (everything you see here are UIButtons so you can click them and for colours, I have it set up so the colours you have chosen will highlight)
![my app]: http://imgur.com/w7kvX,o6YbK#0 "myApp"
so in the first image, you would choose your clothing and once you hit the button, the second view will come up and in here, you would choose the colours.
So far so good. But I run into some problems when I want to use the colours chosen to bring back to the first view. If I picked black and white for the colours of my shirt, I want my app to bring back that data and change the "shirt" button's background colour to change to black and white to indicate to the users those are the colours you have chosen. '
Here are my codes so far.
changeClothes.h (first view): http://pastebin.com/xPMNAnCY
changeClothes.m: http://pastebin.com/MdjMPK6r
chooseColors.h (second view): http://pastebin.com/Zb4aXvzV
chooseColors.m: http://pastebin.com/RHTxfwW5
Any help would be appreciated.
Many, many, many thanks in advance.
You could work with the delegation pattern!
Define a protocol for your chooseColors class and make the changeClothes class implement this protocol. changeClothes class then works as a delegate of chooseColors class. In chooseColors class, when a color is selected via button, call the delegate with this event! Back in changeClothes class you can dismiss the modal chooseColors controller and perform some actions in changeClothes controller according to the selected color.
More on the delegation pattern: Cocoa Core Competencies
(On the bottom you have a reference to a example project from apple)
Also please take a look at the coding guidelines for cocoa!
You named your classes wrongly, see: Coding Guidelines for Cocoa
(I don't have enough rep to comment, so resorting to answer. If it's helpful you should really give Nenad the green check mark)
Building on #Nenad's answer: have a look at the "Communicating With Objects" section of the Apple documentation. It explains delegation in greater detail.
I got trouble to add slideshow to my application.
Currently, I have a UIView composed of a segmentedControl.
I made two "views" that I hide or display depending on the selected button.
I'm looking to make a simple slideshow in one of my two views. I made a UIImageView because it is simple to display pictures.
So I'd like to display my pictures one by one and it is possible to move from one image to another by sliding your finger to the right or left (just as in the native app "Photos").
I tried to adapt example codes from the documentation, but without succes.
So I'ml looking for help.
jb crestot
SO, I've actually done this and it's fairly easy. The ingredient that you are missing is a UISCrollView. My implementation did exactly what you describe (allow the user to go back and forth between a set of images).
Basically, add a UIScrollView to your View in interface builder and you will be creating the UIImage views with code (a simple for loop) and setting their images the same way. I did this safely with no memories issues with about 15 images (PNG's). There could be a potential performance issue with this message if you are working with a large number of images (say 40?)
I hope this helps, let me know if you need a code sample to see how this works.
You may consider using a custom class, such as iCarousel, linked below. Each of these views could be your image, and then tapping on them could launch a fullscreen view for example.
Keep us posted!
See apple's page control sample application.