Passing in the chosen color variable from UIButton to another view - objective-c

I am coding in the latest xcode in Objective-C and I have been pretty much stuck last two days.
I am making an application that will allow the users to select what color clothing they are wearing. So for example, if I am wearing a black and white shirt, I can choose clothing = shirt and colours = black and white.
Here is a screen shot of how my app looks like: (everything you see here are UIButtons so you can click them and for colours, I have it set up so the colours you have chosen will highlight)
![my app]:,o6YbK#0 "myApp"
so in the first image, you would choose your clothing and once you hit the button, the second view will come up and in here, you would choose the colours.
So far so good. But I run into some problems when I want to use the colours chosen to bring back to the first view. If I picked black and white for the colours of my shirt, I want my app to bring back that data and change the "shirt" button's background colour to change to black and white to indicate to the users those are the colours you have chosen. '
Here are my codes so far.
changeClothes.h (first view):
chooseColors.h (second view):
Any help would be appreciated.
Many, many, many thanks in advance.

You could work with the delegation pattern!
Define a protocol for your chooseColors class and make the changeClothes class implement this protocol. changeClothes class then works as a delegate of chooseColors class. In chooseColors class, when a color is selected via button, call the delegate with this event! Back in changeClothes class you can dismiss the modal chooseColors controller and perform some actions in changeClothes controller according to the selected color.
More on the delegation pattern: Cocoa Core Competencies
(On the bottom you have a reference to a example project from apple)
Also please take a look at the coding guidelines for cocoa!
You named your classes wrongly, see: Coding Guidelines for Cocoa

(I don't have enough rep to comment, so resorting to answer. If it's helpful you should really give Nenad the green check mark)
Building on #Nenad's answer: have a look at the "Communicating With Objects" section of the Apple documentation. It explains delegation in greater detail.


What class does Qt designer use to edit the properties of UI elements?

At the moment I'm writing a tool to extract parts of frames of mp4-video files. You draw rectangles on the video and the tool extracts .png-images at regular intervals. Now I want to give the user the ability to edit the properties of individual rectangles they have drawn on the video (exact position, frequency of frame extraction, time frame, etc.). I like the approach that QtDesigner takes for editing ui elements. You can see what I mean in this screenshot i found on the internet
The yellow and green table contains name value pairs for the different properties of the selected ui element. The table is devided into section depending on what class the property was inherented from. In the Screenshot the green part is inherented from MarbleWidget. The yellow part is inherented form a different class. I want each division to refer to a different rectangle and the color to match the colour the rectangle is drawn in on the screen.
I've tried using QTreeView, QTableView, QToolBox and QTableWidget but none of these - to my knowledge - offer putting QWidgets in the "value" part of the table. In the screenshot you can see tick boxes for example. In my case I would want to use a range slider. Does anyone know what class is used to Implement this table?
I think you'll find it difficult to use the designer classes in a normal application.
See qtpropertybrowser for a properties editor.
See setIndexWidget for a static widget. As it says, use QItemDelegate for dynamic widgets. Note that the specific item subclasses have their own methods like QTableWidget.setCellWidget.

What secret things are happening to my NSButtonCell?

I'm writing an OS X app (target 10.10, Xcode 6.1) and I'm really confused by my custom NSButtonCell subclass. It seems like there are things going on here that shouldn't. I'm new to OS X programming, so I'm asking if anyone has insight into the inner workings of NSButtonCell.
First, what seems to be working?
I can set the button's image and title. The image appears normally.
The storyboard sets up the button to be Style: Textured and Type: Momentary Change. It's not Bordered, not Transparent, and doesn't allow Mixed State.
List of complaints:
I override -drawTitle:withFrame:inView: to draw the title in a custom color depending on the cell's highlighted. This color should be #cccccc when the cell is not highlighted, but it's actually #d6d6d6.
The button has both image and alternate image. The image that's drawn is never the alternate image, so I override -drawImage:withFrame:inView: to pick the correct image for cell's highlighted. This appears to work, but what the heck, NSButtonCell? How is on/off state different from highlighted? I've tried many of the Type options and none seem to change the fact that pressing the button will momentarily change highlighted, and toggle state.
Speaking of momentarily changing highlighted, it appears that its duration is about as short as possible, so I had to implement a sort of "debouncer" to prevent -drawWithFrame:inView: from being called more frequently than a specified threshold.
My button cell also has properties myBackgroundColor and myAlternateBackgroundColor. I'm not using backgroundColor because I need to be able to draw a custom background shape (filled rect, filled circle, etc). The alternate background color is used when highlighted. The problem here is that the alternate background color should be #93edbf but appears to be #a1eecb! In order to get it to look like #93edbf, I need to set the color to #84ecb2.
So far this has all been about one particular instance of this button cell. But in another instance, the alternate background isn't drawing at all! I've read through the storyboard code and the buttons are as identical as they can be. My view controller code likewise updates both button cells' properties at the same time. Why would one button behave differently from another?
I want the button to highlight on mouse down instead of "momentarily" after mouse up. I haven't yet implemented this in my custom cell. Man, NSButtonCell is really lacking some things. How does something like that happen? Don't the OS X and iOS teams ever talk to each other?
What could it be?
I've already verified that the cell's controlTint is set to NSClearControlTint. I've checked for background filters, compositing filters and content filters on the off chance they had anything to do with this.
I know Apple really wants us to use their native look and feel for UI elements, but I never thought they'd go so far as to force the use of some highlight tint.

NSPopUpButton in NSToolbar such annoying

Problem solved!:
Just check the "Unified Title And Toolbar" option of the NSWindow and the 1pixel-down problem goes away!
To change the toolbar height just select the Toolbar Item - Custom View and change size in the Size inspector.
If you know Xcode 5s layout than you should recognise this:
I want to build it for my own. So I dragged a Toolbar in the Window and added a NSPopUpButton. Then I changed the PopUp Button Cell Style to Radio and turned off the Arrows. So far so good.
The first thing I noticed is that the Toolbars has different heights. Does anybody know how to change this behaviour (without subclassing NSToolbar)?
The second and more annoying thing I noticed is that if I choose an Item from the PopUp Button the Image for the NSMenuItem move 1 pixel down.
EDIT: Xcode NSMenuItems don't move 1pixel down
Any suggestions about that thing?
NSToolbar, sadly, can’t really be subclassed. It’s a poorly-written class that tries to be very “magic,” so it’s not even a subclass of NSView—you can’t control how it draws at all, it creates a private view.
You can set its “sizeMode” but I assume you’ve already done that and found that the number of pixels high isn’t what you want.
The easiest thing to do is just leave space for your widgets at the top of your window (above the document content) and have autolayout position your buttons for you. (I haven’t been able to use a real NSToolbar in years because of its limitations.)
As for the popUp menu being mis-aligned with the button: where the menu draws is basically hard-coded, so if you use a button style that NSPopUpButton doesn't expect then the menu will be offset some.
If you’ve already tried just unchecking the “draws border” flag on a default-style NSPopUpButton (one fresh off the palette), There are two solutions for to try: One is to keep trying different buttonStyles that look correct to your eye until you find one that’s not offset. Two is to leave the buttonStyle do the default for NSPopUpButtons but subclass the buttonCell and have it not draw the border (but still leave room for it).

Gradient button bar like the one found in Xcode 4

The bar I’m looking for is the separator bar between the editor area and the debug area:
Specifically, I want the buttons to have no borders and I want to have the vertical separator (to the left of ‘No Selection’).
I haven’t done any AppKit stuff in Mountain Lion yet, so before I start implementing my own custom control, I was wondering if I have overlooked a new control (or options for existing controls), or otherwise if somebody has already implemented a custom control that does this?
Its just NSButtons with a custom background image (which is the silver effect) and the "Image" which is the control image.
A quick look inside will show you the relevant images.

Xcode/iTunes/Instruments central toolbar item; what's it called and how do I create one?

I'd like to create a toolbar item like the central item seen in Xcode/iTune/Instruments/etc:
Can anyone tell me what it's called and how to go about creating my own?
Also, will I face problems getting my app approved by Apple when I submit it to the Mac App Store, for imitating Apple's own apps too much?
I finally implemented the solution from here:
iTunes or Xcode style information box at top of window
Here are the initial results:
This is an Apple's private control, but you cannot create it as a NSToolbarItem. Check this other Q/A to know how to add a custom view in the window's main frame.
Is it possible to draw in the label area of NSToolbar?
I've noticed some interesting things about Instruments:
If you make the window narrow such that the overflow menu is triggered, the items in that menu are all blank.
You can't change the icon size or turn labels on/off.
Colors does not have a label when you add it to the toolbar.
The labels on Space, Flexible Space, and Colors do not line up with the other items' labels.
These are interesting because they seem to fit an idea I had for implementing this: turn labels off, and give all your items custom views, where normal-looking items actually have manually drawn labels. It would obviously be a lot of work, but it gives you enough freedom to effectively do full-height items.
The nice thing is that, unlike the view/window hack that Xcode seems to use, you still have a customizable toolbar with draggable items.