Using require() later in code and should one handle any exceptions thrown thereby - kotlin

I have a kotlin class with a method
loadElements(e: Iterable<Int>) {
This then constructs a new copy of that Iterable as an ArrayList<Int> within the object.
It is a requirement that all the elements in that ArrayList<Int> be non-negative. It is considered a breach of contract by the caller if that is not met. I've been led to believe that "breach of contract" is something to be tested by require(), whereas check() is for testing logic internal to that method. Is this correct ?
All the examples I have seen, have the require() as the very first lines of code within the method. Is it, however, acceptable to run require() in a loop, like this ?
public fun loadElements(e: Iterable<Int>) {
e.forEach {
moduleCount += it
if (elementCount %2 == 1)
check(elementCount %2 == 0)
Thing is, this means that part of the object's internals may already be set-up by the time the require() breach is detected: i.e., moduleCount will be wrong and computeInternalSizes() will never get called.
Now, of course I could just use a separate pass, with the first one checking for the require() condition, and then doing all the real work thereafter. This would mean that if the input came in as a Sequence<Int>, it would be forced to be terminal and multi-iterable.
If the require() throws, I would like to assume that the program cannot continue because a design error has occurred somewhere. However, if someone traps the resultant exception, and continues, I will end-up with an incoherent object state.
What is best practice for handling conditions where incoming parameter breaches won't be noticed until some significant unrewindable work has been done ?
I tried using a separate pass for checking for non-negativity. This worked perfectly well but, given that it could be coming from a Sequence or similar, I don't want to have to build the whole sequence, and then traverse that sequence again.
I tried using check(). This works, but it just shows up as an inconsistency in object state, rather than flagging up the incoming parameter validation, which is making a breach of contract look like an internal design fault, and just delaying the inevitable.
I've tried putting try/catch/finally all over the place, but this is an excessive amount of code for such a simple thing.
I'm not even sure if a program should attempt recovery if a require() fails.

In general you avoid situations like this, by reducing the scope of mutability in your code.
The difference between require and check is mostly a convention. They throw different Exceptions, namely IllegalArgumentException and IllegalStateException respectively. As the type of the Exceptions suggest, former is suited for validating the (user) input to a method whereas the latter is designed to check intermediate states during the runtime.
Exceptions in Kotlin should be handled as such, being an Exception that should not occur regularly. See also the Kotlin documentation why there are no checked exceptions in Kotlin.
You did not write the name of your surrounding Kotlin class, thus I'll call it Foo for the time being.
Rather than providing a function on Foo, that mutates the internal state of Foo, you could create new instances of Foo based on the Iterable<Int> / Sequence<Int>. This way, you only ever have an Foo object when its in a valid state.
private class Foo(source: Iterable<Int>) {
private val elementArray = ArrayList<Int>()
private val moduleCount: Int
init {
var internalCount = 0
for (count in source) {
require(count > 0)
internalCount += count
moduleCount = internalCount
if (elementArray.size % 2 == 1) {
check(elementArray.size % 2 == 0)
// ...
Alternatively, if you want / need to keep the interface as described in your question but also avoid the invalid state, you could make use of an intermediate copy.
As you're copying the incoming Iterable<Int> / Sequence<Int> into an ArrayList<Int> I assume you're not working with very large collections.
private class Foo(source: Iterable<Int>) {
private val elementArray = ArrayList<Int>()
private var moduleCount = 0
public fun loadElements(source: Iterable<Int>) {
val internalCopy = ArrayList<Int>()
for (count in source) {
require(count >= 0)
for (count in internalCopy) {
moduleCount += count
if (elementArray.size % 2 == 1) {
check(elementArray.size % 2 == 0)
// ...


Kotlin: loop through finite values returned by a next function

Background info
A common pattern in some programming languages is to have a function that when called, returns the next value until the end of the finite sequence is reached, in which case it keeps returning null.
A common example in Java is this:
void printAll(BufferedReader reader) {
String line;
// Assigns readLine value to line, and then check if not null
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
It is similar to the iterator in the Iterator design pattern, but the iterator has a next(): Object and a hasNext(): Boolean, whereas the BufferedReader has no hasNext() check functionality, but only the form next(): Object?, in which the returned object can be null to mark the end of the sequence. I call functions such as next() a "next function" (or maybe "yield" function), but I don't know if there is an word for this pattern.
In Java, an expression can contain assignments, which allows constructs such as: (line = reader.readLine()) != null. This code assigns the nullable value of readLine() to line, and then check whether the value in line is not null. But Kotlin doesn't allow such constructs, because in Kotlin, an assignment is not an expression, so it cannot be used as loop condition in Kotlin.
What are the possible patterns in Kotlin to loop through the finite number of values returned by a next function, such as readLine()?
(Next functions can also be found for example in ZipInputStream, to go to the next zip entry.)
I'm not simply looking for a Kotlin workaround for this problem, because I can program that myself without problems. I'm looking to explore the possible patterns so that people can select one that suits their needs.
I have found some patterns myself, which I'll post here as an answer, but there may be more patterns out there, which would be interesting to know.
I've ordered to solutions by (what I believe) the best solution in descending order.
Solution 1: using built-in generateSequence (recommended)
I just found out that Kotlin has a built-in standalone generateSequence() function (located in the kotlin.sequences package).
generateSequence { br.readLine() }
.forEach { line ->
println("Line: $line")
generateSequence accepts a code block that you can provide, that must generates a value. In this case, br.readLine() is the code block, and generates either a String, or null if the end is reached. generateSequence generates a sequence that internally calls readLine() when the next value is requested from the sequence, until readLine() return null, which terminates the sequence. So sequences in Kotlin are lazy: they don't read neither know all the values ahead of time, only a single readLine() is called when for example forEach processes a single line. This laziness is usually exactly what you want, because it saves memory and minimizes an initial delay. To change it to eagerly, you can append generateSequence { br.readLine() } with .toList().
Pros 1: no additional variables.
Pros 2: just one construct (generateSequence).
Pros 3: returns a Sequence, so you can chain additional methods such as filter().
Pros 4: any sign of nullability is abstracted away. (No null keywords, nor ? nor ! operators.)
Pros 5: adheres a functional programming style.
IMO, this is the cleanest solution that I've seen so far.
Solution 2: while true loop with elvis break call
while (true) {
val line = br.readLine() ?: break
println("Line: $line")
Pros: no additional variables.
Cons: some people don't like while-true loops and break statements.
Solution 3: do-while with safe call also
do {
val line = br.readLine()?.also { line ->
println("Line: $line")
} while (line != null)
Pros: no additional variables.
Cons: less readable than other solutions.
Solution 4: next before start and at end of each iteration
This is probably the most common solution for Java programmers who are new to Kotlin.
var line = br.readLine()
while (line != null) {
println("Line: $line")
line = br.readLine()
Cons 1: duplicated next (readLine) call and a duplicated assignment.
Cons 2: reassignable var.
Solution 5: while loop with assignment using also
This is the solution generated by IntelliJ when converting Java to Kotlin code:
var line: String?
while (br.readLine().also { line = it } != null) {
println("Line: $line")
Cons: line is declared as nullable, even though it can never be null inside the loop. So you'll often have to use the not-null assertion operator if you want to access members of line, which you can limit to one assertion using:
var nullableLine: String?
while (br.readLine().also { nullableLine = it } != null) {
val line = nullableLine!!
println("Line: $line")
Cons 1: requires not-null assertion even though it can never be null inside the loop.
Cons 2: reassignable var.
Cons 3: less readable than other solutions.
Note that if you change var line: String? to var line: String, the code still compiles, but it will throw a NPE when line becomes null, even though there are no not-null assertions used.

Test with Kotlin Coroutines is randomly failing

Let us suppose we have a class member whose purpose is
to bring 2 objects (let's say object1 and object2) from two different places and then create the final
result merging these two object in another one, which is finally returned.
Suppose then the operation of retrieving object1 and object2 can be done concurrently,
so this leads to a typical use case of kotlin coroutines.
What has been described so far is shown in the following example:
fun parallelCall(): MergedObject {
return runBlocking(context = Dispatchers.Default) {
try {
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
val object2 : Deferred<Object2> = async {
creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await())
} catch (ex: Exception) {
throw ex
The surrounding try block should intercept any kind of exception thrown while
object1 and object2 are retrieved, as well as in the createFinalObject method.
This latter simply merges together the awaited results from previous calls,
waiting for both of them to be accomplished.
Note that the awaiting of the deferred object1 and object2 happens almost at the same time,
since they are both awaited when passed as arguments to the createFinalObject method.
In this scenario I can perform a test using mockk as mocking library such that whenever bringObject1FromSomewhere()
throws an exception, then the creteFinalObject method is NEVER called. Namely, something like:
fun `GIVEN bringObject1FromSomewhere throws exception WHEN parallelCall executes THEN creteFinalObject is never executed`() {
every { bringObject1FromSomewhere() } throws NullPointerException()
every { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } returns sampleObject2
assertThrows<NullPointerException> { parallelCall() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject1FromSomewhere() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
//should never be called since bringObject1FromSomewhere() throws nullPointer exception
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
The problem is that the test above works almost always, but, there are some cases in which it randomly fails,
calling the createFinalObject method regardless of the mocked values.
Is this issue related to the slight difference in time in which the deferred object1 and object2
are awaited when creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await()) is called?
Another thing which comes to my mind could be the way in which I am expecting argument in the last line of the test:
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
does mockk could have any problem when any() is used?.
Further, can potentially be an issue the fact that the try { } block is not able to detect the exception
before the createFinalObject method is called? I would never doubt about this in a non-parallel environment but probably
the usage of runBlocking as coroutineScope changes the rule of the game?
Any hints will be helpful, thanks!
Kotlin version:1.6.0 Corutines version: 1.5.2 mockk version: 1.12.2
Are you sure it fails because it attempts to call the creteFinalObject function? Because when reading your code, I think that should be impossible (of course, never say never :D). The creteFinalObject function can only be called if both object1.await() and object2.await() return successfully.
I think something else is going on. Because you're doing 2 separate async tasks (getting object 1 and getting object 2), I suspect that the ordering of these 2 tasks would result in either a success or a failure.
Running your code locally, I notice that it sometimes fails at this line:
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
And I think there is your error. If bringObject1FromSomewhere() is called before bringObject2FromSomewhere(), the exception is thrown and the second function invocation never happens, causing the test to fail. The other way around (2 before 1) would make the test succeed. The Dispatchers.Default uses an internal work queue, where jobs that are cancelled before they are even started will never start at all. And the first task can fail fast enough for the second task to not being able to start at all.
I thought the fix would be to use verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } instead, but as I see on the MockK GitHub issues page, this is not supported (yet):
So even though you specify that bringObject2FromSomewhere() should be called at most 1 time, it still tries to verify it is also called at least 1 time, which is not the case.
You can verify this by adding a delay to the async call to get the first object:
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
This way, the test always succeeds, because bringObject2FromSomewhere() always has enough time to be called.
So how to fix this? Either hope MockK fixes the functionality to specify verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { ... }, or disable the verification on this call for now.

How to return an int value stuck in a for loop but a callback in Kotlin?

I am trying to get the size of this firebase collection size of documents, and for some reason in Kotlin, I can't seem to get this to work. I have declared a variable to be zero in an int function and I put it inside a for loop where it increments to the size of the range. Then when I return the value, it is zero. Here is the code I have provided, please help me as to why it is returning zero.
This is just what is being passed to the function
var postSize = 0
That is the global variable, now for below
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
This is the function
private fun getPostSize(first: Query){
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
for(document in documents) {
Log.d(TAG, "${} => ${}")
return postSize
private fun getActualPostSize(sizeOfPost: Int): Int {
// The number does push to what I am expecting right here if I called a print statement
return sizeOfPost // However here it just returns it to be zero again. Why #tenffour04? Why?
It is my understanding, according to the other question that this was linked to, that I was suppose to do something like this.
This question has answers that explain how to approach getting results from asynchronous APIs, like you're trying to do.
Here is a more detailed explanation using your specific example since you were having trouble adapting the answer from there.
Suppose this is your original code you were trying to make work:
// In your "calling code" (inside onCreate() or some click listener):
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
val postSize = getPostSize(first)
// do something with postSize
// Elsewhere in your class:
private fun getPostSize(first: Query): Int {
var postSize = 0
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
for(document in documents) {
Log.d(TAG, "${} => ${}")
return postSize
The reason this doesn't work is that the code inside your addOnSuccessListener is called some time in the future, after getPostSize() has already returned.
The reason asynchronous code is called in the future is because it takes a long time to do its action, but it's bad to wait for it on the calling thread because it will freeze your UI and make the whole phone unresponsive. So the time-consuming action is done in the background on another thread, which allows the calling code to continue doing what it's doing and finish immediately so it doesn't freeze the UI. When the time-consuming action is finally finished, only then is its callback/lambda code executed.
A simple retrieval from Firebase like this likely takes less than half a second, but this is still too much time to freeze the UI, because it would make the phone seem janky. Half a second in the future is still in the future compared to the code that is called underneath and outside the lambda.
For the sake of simplifying the below examples, let's simplify your original function to avoid using the for loop, since it was unnecessary:
private fun getPostSize(first: Query): Int {
var postSize = 0
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
postSize = documents.count()
return postSize
The following are multiple distinct approaches for working with asynchronous code. You only have to pick one. You don't have to do all of them.
1. Make your function take a callback instead of returning a value.
Change you function into a higher order function. Since the function doesn't directly return the post size, it is a good convention to put "Async" in the function name. What this function does now is call the callback to pass it the value you wanted to retrieve. It will be called in the future when the listener has been called.
private fun getPostSizeAsync(first: Query, callback: (Int) -> Unit) {
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
val postSize = documents.count()
Then to use your function in your "calling code", you must use the retrieved value inside the callback, which can be defined using a lambda:
// In your "calling code" (inside onCreate() or some click listener):
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
getPostSizeAsync(first) { postSize ->
// do something with postSize inside the lambda here
// Don't try to do something with postSize after the lambda here. Code under
// here is called before the code inside the lambda because the lambda is called
// some time in the future.
2. Handle the response directly in the calling code.
You might have noticed in the above solution 1, you are really just creating an intermediate callback step, because you already have to deal with the callback lambda passed to addOnSuccessListener. You could eliminate the getPostSize function completely and just deal with callbacks at once place in your code. I wouldn't normally recommend this because it violates the DRY principle and the principle of avoiding dealing with multiple levels of abstraction in a single function. However, it may be better to start this way until you better grasp the concept of asynchronous code.
It would look like this:
// In your "calling code" (inside onCreate() or some click listener):
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
val postSize = documents.count()
// do something with postSize inside the lambda here
// Don't try to do something with postSize after the lambda here. Code under
// here is called before the code inside the lambda because the lambda is called
// some time in the future.
3. Put the result in a LiveData. Observe the LiveData separately.
You can create a LiveData that will update its observers about results when it gets them. This may not be a good fit for certain situations, because it would get really complicated if you had to turn observers on and off for your particular logic flow. I think it is probably a bad solution for your code because you might have different queries you want to pass to this function, so it wouldn't really make sense to have it keep publishing its results to the same LiveData, because the observers wouldn't know which query the latest postSize is related to.
But here is how it could be done.
private val postSizeLiveData = MutableLiveData<Int>()
// Function name changed "get" to "fetch" to reflect it doesn't return
// anything but simply initiates a fetch operation:
private fun fetchPostSize(query: Query) {
first.get().addOnSuccessListener { documents ->
postSize.value = documents.count()
// In your "calling code" (inside onCreate() or some click listener):
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
fetchPostSize(first) { postSize ->
// Do something with postSize inside this observer that will
// be called some time in the future.
// Don't try to do something with postSize after the lambda here. Code under
// here is called before the code inside the lambda because the lambda is called
// some time in the future.
4. Use a suspend function and coroutine.
Coroutines allow you to write synchronous code without blocking the calling thread. After you learn to use coroutines, they lead to simpler code because there's less nesting of asynchronous callback lambdas. If you look at option 1, it will become very complicated if you need to call more than one asynchronous function in a row to get the results you want, for example if you needed to use postSize to decide what to retrieve from Firebase next. You would have to call another callback-based higher-order function inside the lambda of your first higher-order function call, nesting the future code inside other future code. (This is nicknamed "callback hell".) To write a synchronous coroutine, you launch a coroutine from lifecycleScope (or viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope in a Fragment or viewModelScope in a ViewModel). You can convert your getter function into a suspend function to allow it to be used synchronously without a callback when called from a coroutine. Firebase provides an await() suspend function that can be used to wait for the result synchronously if you're in a coroutine. (Note that more properly, you should use try/catch when you call await() because it's possible Firebase fails to retrieve the documents. But I skipped that for simplicity since you weren't bothering to handle the possible failure with an error listener in your original code.)
private suspend fun getPostSize(first: Query): Int {
return first.get().await().count()
// In your "calling code" (inside onCreate() or some click listener):
lifecycleScope.launch {
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val first = db.collection("Post").orderBy("timestamp")
val postSize = getPostSize(first)
// do something with postSize
// Code under here will run before the coroutine finishes so
// typically, you launch coroutines and do all your work inside them.
Coroutines are the common way to do this in Kotlin, but they are a complex topic to learn for a newcomer. I recommend you start with one of the first two solutions until you are much more comfortable with Kotlin and higher order functions.

Iterate through a set and print only one message instead of one for each item on set

I'm trying to iterate through a set to find an item. If the item is found, I want it to print a certain message and another message if item is not found. So far, it works but it print a message for each item on the set, whereas I only want one message to display: either if the item was found with the price or the message that it wasn't found. I understand this is happening because of the for loop but I'm not sure how to get it to display the not found message only once and iterate through the set all the same.
This is the code:
fun getArticleOut(code:String) {
fun onSuccess(price: Int): String {
return "Price is $price"
fun onError(): String {
return "Article not found"
for (i in house.articles) {
if (i.code.equals(code)) {
val price = calculatePrice(
articleType = i.articleType,
totalTime = i.totalTime.toInt(),
hasCard = !i.hasCard.isNullOrEmpty()
} else {
Just to clarify:
data class House(val articles: MutableSet<Articles>)
data class Articles(val code: String,
var articleType: ArticleType,
var totalTime: Calendar,
var hasCard:String?=" ")
The direct answer is the break statement, which breaks out of a for or while loop.  You'd then have to move the onError() call outside the loop, with some way of telling whether the loop completed or not.  For example:
var found = false
for (i in house.articles) {
if (i.code == code) {
val price = calculatePrice(
articleType = i.articleType,
totalTime = i.totalTime.toInt(),
hasCard = !i.hasCard.isNullOrEmpty())
found = true
if (!found)
If you don't need to do anything after both cases (as in the code in question), then you could simplify it to return, and avoid the flag:
for (i in house.articles) {
if (i.code == code) {
val price = calculatePrice(
articleType = i.articleType,
totalTime = i.totalTime.toInt(),
hasCard = !i.hasCard.isNullOrEmpty())
However, there are probably better approaches that don't need manual iteration.  Kotlin's standard library is so powerful that any time you find yourself writing a loop, you should stop and ask whether there's a library function that would make it simpler.
In particular, you could use find(), e.g.:
val article = house.articles.find{ it.code == code }
if (article != null) {
val price = calculatePrice(
articleType = article.articleType,
totalTime = article.totalTime.toInt(),
hasCard = !article.hasCard.isNullOrEmpty())
} else {
That makes the code easier to read, too.  (Note that the code is now saying what it's doing, not how it's doing it, which is usually an improvement.)
There are also deeper design questions worth asking, which could lead to further simplifications.  For example:
If code is a unique identifier for Article, another option would be to make articles a Map from code to the corresponding Article; both checking and removal would then be constant-time operations, so more efficient as well as more concise.  (Of course, that depends on how often you're doing these lookups, and what else is setting or using articles.)
Or you could override Article.equals() to check only the code.  Then you could create a dummy Article with the code you're looking for, and do a simple in test (which uses the set's contains method) to check for its presence.  Accessing and removing the ‘true’ one in the set would be harder, though, so that may not be a good fit.
Would be neater for calculatePrice() to be defined to take an Article directly?  (Obviously that depends on whether it could be calculating the price of anything else too.)  Could it even be a method or extension function on Article?  (That probably depends whether the price is conceptually a property of the article itself, or whether it's specific to the getArticleOut() function and any surrounding code.)
Also worth pointing out that the code in the question has a nasty bug (which all these changes also work around), which is that it's trying to modify a collection while iterating through it, which is dangerous!
If you're lucky, you'll get an immediate ConcurrentModificationException showing you exactly what went wrong; if you're less lucky it'll continue but do something unexpected, such as skipping over an element or giving an apparently-unrelated error later on…
Which is another reason to avoid manual iteration where possible.
(The only safe way to remove an element while iterating is to manage the Iterator yourself, and use that to do the removal.)

How to modify variables outside of their scope in kotlin?

I understand that in Kotlin there is no such thing as "Non-local variables" or "Global Variables" I am looking for a way to modify variables in another "Scope" in Kotlin by using the function below:
class Listres(){
var listsize = 0
fun gatherlistresult(){
var listallinfo = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
listallinfo.addOnSuccessListener {
listResult -> listsize += listResult.items.size
the value of listsize is always 0 (logging the result from inside of the .addOnSuccessListener scope returns 8) so clearly the listsize variable isn't being modified. I have seen many different posts about this topic on other sites , but none fit my usecase.
I simply want to modify listsize inside of the .addOnSuccessListener callback
This method will always be returned 0 as the addOnSuccessListener() listener will be invoked after the method execution completed. The addOnSuccessListener() is a callback method for asynchronous operation and you will get the value if it gives success only.
You can get the value by changing the code as below:
class Demo {
fun registerListResult() {
var listallinfo = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
listallinfo.addOnSuccessListener {
listResult -> listsize += listResult.items.size
listallinfo.addOnFailureListener {
// Uh-oh, an error occurred!
fun processResult(listsize: Int) {
print(listResult+"") // you will get the 8 here as you said
What you're looking for is a way to bridge some asynchronous processing into a synchronous context. If possible it's usually better (in my opinion) to stick to one model (sync or async) throughout your code base.
That being said, sometimes these circumstances are out of our control. One approach I've used in similar situations involves introducing a BlockingQueue as a data pipe to transfer data from the async context to the sync context. In your case, that might look something like this:
class Demo {
var listSize = 0
fun registerListResult() {
val listAll = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
val dataQueue = ArrayBlockingQueue<Int>(1)
listAll.addOnSuccessListener { dataQueue.put(it.items.size) }
listSize = dataQueue.take()
The key points are:
there is a blocking variant of the Queue interface that will be used to pipe data from the async context (listener) into the sync context (calling code)
data is put() on the queue within the OnSuccessListener
the calling code invokes the queue's take() method, which will cause that thread to block until a value is available
If that doesn't work for you, hopefully it will at least inspire some new thoughts!