GROUP BY in a temp table - sql

I'm working on a stored procedure and altering a temp table to spit out data depending on a specific condition. This stored procedure is quite complex and has like 40 columns, however for this specific issue I simply need to group the records by the DESCR column. The other 37 columns all have the same value so it shouldn't be an issue but in this case how can I group them by their DESCR and consolidate the LATEFEE and CHG values?
The query essentially looks like this:
SELECT [columns1], [column38], t.descr t.chg, t.lateFee, (t.chg + t.lateFee) as Total
FROM #tmpStatement t
INNER JOIN dbo.Association a ON t.AssocID = a.AssocID
INNER JOIN dbo.Company c ON a.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
[all columns]
If I remove the t.chg or the t.lateFee columns from the GROUP BY clause then SQL tells me that they are invalid in the SELECT list since they're not included in the GROUP BY, however I still want those values in my table.
Currently this is the outcome of the table:
Assessment 1 0 1
Spec 0 2 2
Spec 3 0 3
Assessment 0 5 5
Res 3 0 3
What I want the expected result to look like:
Assessment 1 5 6
Spec 3 2 5
Res 3 0 3

Looking at the sample data, you probably need something as simple as:
select descr, other, sum(chg) as chg, sum(latefee) as latefee, sum(chg) + sum(latefee) as total
from t
group by descr, other


Inner join + group by - select common columns and aggregate functions

Let's say i have two tables
Id Name
1 Foo
2 Bar
CustomerId, Amount, AmountVAT, Accountable(bit)
1 10 11 1
1 20 22 0
2 5 6 0
2 2 3 0
I need a single record for every joined and grouped Customer and CustomerPurchase group.
Every record would contain
columns from table Customer
some aggregation functions like SUM
a 'calculated' column. For example difference of other columns
result of subquery to CustomerPurchase table
An example of result i would like to get
Name Total TotalVAT VAT TotalAccountable
Foo 30 33 3 10
Bar 7 9 2 0
I was able to get a single row only by grouping by all the common columns, which i dont think is the right way to do. Plus i have no idea how to do the 'VAT' column and 'TotalAccountable' column, which filters out only certain rows of CustomerPurchase, and then runs some kind of aggregate function on the result. Following example doesn't work ofc but i wanted to show what i would like to achieve
select C.Name,
SUM(CP.Amount) as 'Total',
SUM(CP.AmountVAT) as 'TotalVAT',
diff? as 'VAT',
subquery? as 'TotalAccountable'
from Customer C
inner join CustomerPurchase CR
on C.Id = CR.CustomerId
group by C.Id
I would suggest you just need the follow slight changes to your query. I would also consider for clarity, if you can, to use the terms net and gross which is typical for prices excluding and including VAT.
select c.[Name],
Sum(cp.Amount) as Total,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) as TotalVAT,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) - Sum(CP.Amount) as VAT,
Sum(case when cp.Accountable = 1 then cp.Amount end) as TotalAccountable
from Customer c
join CustomerPurchase cp on cp.CustomerId = c.Id
group by c.[Name];

SQL COUNT with condition and without - using JOIN

My goal is something like following table:
Key | Count since date X | Count total
1 | 4 | 28
With two simple selects I could gain this values: (the key of the table consists of 3 columns [t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn])
1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.table WHERE t$date >= sysdate-2 GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn
2. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.table GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn
How can I join these statements?
What I tried:
SELECT n.t$trav, COUNT(n.t$trav), FROM db.table n
LEFT JOIN (SELECT t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn, COUNT(*) as total FROM db.table
GROUP BY t$ncmp, t$trav, t$seqn) m
ON (n.t$ncmp = m.t$ncmp AND n.t$trav = m.t$trav AND n.t$seqn = m.t$seqn)
WHERE n.t$date >= sysdate-2
GROUP BY n.t$ncmp, n.t$trav, n.t$seqn
I tried different variantes, but always got errors like 'group by is missing' or 'unknown qualifier'.
Now this at least executes, but total is always 2.
4 2 2
29 3 2
51 1 2
62 2 2
16 1 2
If it matter, I will run this as an OPENQUERY from MSSQLSERVER to Oracle-DB.
I'd try
GROUP BY n.t$trav,
You typically GROUP BY the same columns as you SELECT - except those who are arguments to set functions.
My goal is something like following table:
If so, you seem to want conditional aggregation:
select key, count(*) as total,
sum(case when datecol >= date 'xxxx-xx-xx' then 1 else 0 end) as total_since_x
from t
group by key;
I'm not sure how this relates to your sample queries. I simply don't see the relationship between that code and your question.

Select percentage of rows that have a certain value - SQL

Say I have a table like this in Sequel Pro:
SaleID VendorID
1 A
2 C
3 E
4 C
5 D
And I want to find the percentage of sales in which Vendor C was the vendor. (Obviously in this case it is 40%, but I'm working with much bigger tables). How would I do that? I was thinking something using the Count function, but I'm not sure how I would do it exactly. Thanks!
select sum(case when vendorID = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) * 100 / count(*)
from your_table

DB2 SQL filter query result by evaluating an ID which has two types of entries

After many attempts I have failed at this and hoping someone can help. The query returns every entry a user makes when items are made in the factory against and order number. For example
Order Number Entry type Quantity
3000 1 1000
3000 1 500
3000 2 300
3000 2 100
4000 2 1000
5000 1 1000
What I want to the query do is to return filter the results like this
If the order number has an entry type 1 and 2 return the row which is type 1 only
otherwise just return row whatever the type is for that order number.
So the above would end up:
Order Number Entry type Quantity
3000 1 1000
3000 1 500
4000 2 1000
5000 1 1000
Currently my query (DB2, in very basic terms looks like this ) and was correct until a change request came through!
Select * from bookings where type=1 or type=2
select * from bookings
left outer join (
select order_number,
max(case when type=1 then 1 else 0 end) +
max(case when type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as type_1_and_2
from bookings
group by order_number
) has_1_and_2 on
type_1_and_2 = 2
has_1_and_2.order_number = bookings.order_number
bookings.type = 1 or
has_1_and_2.order_number is null
Find all the orders that have both type 1 and type 2, and then join it.
If the row matched the join, only return it if it is type 1
If the row did not match the join (has_type_2.order_number is null) return it no matter what the type is.
A "common table expression" [CTE] can often simplify your logic. You can think of it as a way to break a complex problem into conceptual steps. In the example below, you can think of g as the name of the result set of the CTE, which will then be joined to
WITH g as
( SELECT order_number, min(type) as low_type
FROM bookings
GROUP BY order_number
JOIN bookings b ON g.order_number = b.order_number
AND g.low_type = b.type
The JOIN ON conditions will work so that if both types are present then low_type will be 1, and only that type of record will be chosen. If there is only one type it will be identical to low_type.
This should work fine as long as 1 and 2 are the only types allowed in the bookings table. If not then you can simply add a WHERE clause in the CTE and in the outer SELECT.

Access SQL query to mailmerge

How can I transform this table from this
id name
1 sam
2 nick
3 ali
4 farah
5 josef
6 fadi
id1 name1 id2 name2 id3 name3 id4 name4
1 sam 2 nick 3 ali 4 farah
5 josef 6 fadi
the reason i need this is i have a database and i need to do a mail merge using word and I want to print every 4 rows on one page, MS word can only print one row per page, so using an SQL query I want one row to represent 4 rows
thanks in advance
You don't need to create a query for this in Access. Word has a merge field called <<Next Record>> which forces moving to the next record. If you look at how label documents are created using the Mail Merge Wizard, you'll see that's how it's done.
Updated - Doing this in SQL
The columns in simple SELECT statements are derived from the columns from the underlying table/query (or from expressions). If you want to define columns based on the data, you need to use a crosstab query.
First create a query with a running count for each person (say your table is called People), and calculate the row and column position from the running count:
SELECT, Count(*)-1 AS RunningCount, int(RunningCount/4) AS RowNumber, RunningCount Mod 4 AS ColumnNumber
FROM People
LEFT JOIN People AS People_1 ON >=
(You won't be able to view this in the Query Designer, because the JOIN isn't comparing with = but with >=.)
This query returns the following results:
id Rank RowNumber ColumnNumber
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1
3 2 0 2
4 3 0 3
5 4 1 0
6 5 1 1
Assuming this query is saved as Positions, the following query will return the results:
TRANSFORM First(Item) AS FirstOfItem
SELECT RowNumber
SELECT ID AS Item, RowNumber, "id" &( ColumnNumber + 1) AS ColumnHeading
FROM Positions
UNION ALL SELECT Name, RowNumber, "name" & (ColumnNumber +1)
FROM Positions
) AS AllValues
GROUP BY AllValues.RowNumber
PIVOT AllValues.ColumnHeading In ("id1","name1","id2","name2","id3","name3","id4","name4");
The UNION is there so each record in the People table will have two columns - one with the id, and one with the name.
The PIVOT clause forces the columns to the specified order, and not in alphabetical order (e.g. id1, id2 ... name1, name2...)