I want to code a pi approximation that uses random numbers in LOLCODE.
Therefore I need the STDLIB to import a random number generator via:
The only interpreter repository for LOLCODE I've found was this.
It's not up to date and the links do not work so I don't know if the STDLIB is implemented.
Can somebody help me and link an Objective LOLCODE interpreter with working rng?
I would like to replace an existing sympy code with symengine and I would need to replace the determinant calculation (method=berkovitz) with symengine. Is it possible to select this method explicitely with symengine in python? I saw it in the c++ code but I do not know how to use it in the python environment. I am using the latest symengine version (v0.9.2).
I looked into the testcases for matrices but could not find an example. I just wonder because the method is mentioned in the c++ code of symengine and I thought it should also work from python.
Thanks for any hint.
I use Python, but I don't know how it works in Kotlin. This is an example
example => exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
Kotlin supports JSR-223. You can use the jvm scripting engine to eval kts files.
val engine = ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("kts")
You need JSR-223 library dependency. Refer to example
Short answer: this isn't practical in Kotlin.
Technically, there may be ways, but they're likely to be far more trouble than they're worth; you're far better looking for a different approach to your problem.
Unlike a dynamic (‘scripting’) language like Python, Kotlin is statically-compiled. In the case of Kotlin/JVM, you run the Kotlin compiler to generate .class files with Java bytecode, which is then run by a JVM.
So if you really need to convert a string into code and run it, you'd have to find a way to ensure that a Kotlin compiler is available on the platform where your code is running (which it often won't be; compiled bytecode can run on any platform with a JVM, and most of those won't have Kotlin installed too). You'd then have to find a way to run the compiler; this will probably mean writing your source code out to a file, starting up the compiler program as a separate process (as I don't think there's an API for calling it directly), and checking the results. Then you'd have find the resulting bytecode and load into the JVM, which will probably mean setting up a separate classloader instance.
All of which is likely to be slow, fragile, and very awkward.
(See these previous questions which cover some of the same ground.)
(The details will be different for Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native, but I think the principles are roughly the same.)
In general, each computer language has its own approach, its own mind-set and ways of doing things, and it's best to try to understand that and accept that patterns and techniques from one language don't always translate well into another. (In the Olden Days™, it used to be said that a determined programmer could write FORTRAN programs in any language — but only in satire.)
Perhaps if you could explain why you want to do this, and what sort of problem you're trying to solve (probably as a separate question), we might be able to suggest more natural solutions in Kotlin.
I do have code in mpmath that does the main part of what i do, except soling a semidefinite programming in arbitrary precision.
For that, i might be able to use SDPA-GMP, a C++ piece of software that solves a SDP in arbitrary precision using GMP as base arbitrary precision library.
Do you know if there are possibilities to call this from python ? On the over hand, is there somewhere a converter that passed from mpmath objcts to gmp ?
You might have found a solution but here is one: you can use the interface PICOS, save the problem with the extension 'dat-s' and then feed that to SDPA-GMP. This works perfectly and it's rather easy to use.
I have an errors.rs file with error_chain! {}, which exports Result, ResultExt, Error and ErrorKind.
If I use self::errors::*, IntelliJ thinks that I'm using the default Result (std::result::Result, I think). However, if I explicitly import the types using use self::errors::{Result, ...}, everything works out hunky dory.
I can tell because the standard result has two type params, but the error_chain one has only one.
In either case, it still compiles.
I'm using the standard Rust IntelliJ plugin, version
Help! Does anyone know how to get the plugin to understand what the macro is doing?
The IntelliJ-Rust plugin uses its own code parser. It allows to leverage all the IntelliJ platform capabilities (like code navigation, formatting, refactoring, inspections, quick documentation, markers and many others) but requires implementing all the language features, which is not a simple task for Rust (you can find a more in-depth discussion of the Rust compiler parser versus IDE parser in this reddit post).
Macros expansion is probably the biggest language feature that is not supported by the plugin parser at the moment. That is, the plugin sees this error_chain! call, can resolve it to its definition, but doesn't expand it to the actual code and hence doesn't know about the new Result struct that shadows the one from stdlib. Unfortunately, in some cases it leads to such false positive error messages.
I've converted this error annotation into an inspection, so in the next plugin version you'll be able to switch it off entirely or for the particular code block. The work on macros expansion is also in progress.
I have been an IDL programmer for sometime now and looking to transition to Python. I find that MPFIT's IDL version exists in Python. However, I am looking for MPFITFUN version in Python (http://www.physics.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/down/mpfitfun.pro) or something similar.
Basically, I am looking for a Python function that takes a user-defined function and uses like Levenberg-Marquardt least-squared fit (like MPFIT).
There are fitting functions built into SciPy but I do not know of any which account for uncertainties in data as MPFITFUN does.
I have found Sherpa to be an excellent modeling and fitting package for Python which accounts for uncertainties and replaces MPFITFUN: http://cxc.harvard.edu/contrib/sherpa/
Since Sherpa is produced by astronomers it has a lot of built in astrophysical models, but you can build your own function to fit with Sherpa's Levenberg-Marquardt, Nelder-Mead or Monte Carlo algorithms. I used the template from the pysherpa blog:
mpfit.py is available from https://code.google.com/p/astrolibpy/ and an older version hosted at http://cars.uchicago.edu/software/python/mpfit.html.
A good alternative is lmfit: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lmfit/, https://github.com/lmfit/lmfit-py, http://lmfit.github.io//lmfit-py/
I accidentally found that there also exists the MPFITEXPR in Python. Here's the link to the code. You can also download it via Astrolibpy project.