How to delete a row in sql using - sql

Sorry if its easy or basic i am brand new to sql and tables so im just trying to figure it out
Basically im trying to delete a row that the user selects
By having them click on a row then clicking a delete button but i don't know how that should look ive tried a few different ways but none of them seem to work.
No error comes up but it just dosen't delete the row
Private Sub DeleteSelectedUsers()
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=GERARD-PC\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=TestDB;User ID=AccountsUser;Password=password123"
Dim adp As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter _
("Delete * from dgrdUsers.SelectedRows(0).Cells", connection)
End Sub
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim username As String = dgrdUsers.SelectedRows(0).Cells.Item("Username").Value.ToString()
If (MessageBox.Show(Me, "Do you want to delete user " & username & "?", "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Any ideas?

The syntax required to delete a row in the database table requires at least three parts.
The DELETE command
The FROM statement to identify the table where the delete action should occur
The WHERE condition to identify the record (or records) to delete
So it is a string like this: DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition
and applied to your code you get this.
Private Sub DeleteSelectedUsers(userName as String)
Using connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = "...."
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand _
("DELETE FROM Table WHERE userName = #user", connection)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#user", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = userName
End Using
End Sub
(Table and UserName are fantasy names because we don't know what is the actual schema of your database)
Other things I have changed:
The connection is created inside a using block to be sure a proper
closure and dispose happens even in case of errors
The name of the user to remove should be passed as parameter to the
No need to use an adapter when you just need to execute a single
The query doesn't concatenate strings to build the command but use a
parameter added to the command itself and specifying a type for the
data matching the type on the database table


"No value given for one or more required parameters" error using OleDbCommand

I am trying to update a record in MS Access using This code will be under the "Delivered" button. When I try to run it, it shows the "No value given for one or more required parameters" error. Here is my code:
Private Const strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Traicy\Downloads\MWL(11-30-2021)\MadeWithLove\MadeWithLove\MadeWithLove.mdb;"
ReadOnly conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConn)
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Public Sub DeliveredUpdate()
Const SQL As String = "UPDATE DELIVERY SET delivery_status = #status"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(SQL, conn)
' Update parameter
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#status", "Delivered")
' Open connection, update, then close connection
If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0 Then
MsgBox("The delivery status was successfully updated.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Do not declare connections or commands outside of the method where they are used. These database objects use unmanaged resources. They release these resources in their Dispose methods. The language provides Using blocks to handle this.
As mentioned in comments by Andrew Morton, you should have a Where clause to tell the database which record to update. This would contain the primary key of the record. I guessed at a name for the field, OrderID. Check your database for the real field name.
Access does not use named parameters but you can use names for readability. Access will be able to recognize the parameters as long as they are added to the Parameters collection in the same order that they appear in the sql string. In some databases the Add method is superior to AddWithValue because it doesn't leave the datatype to chance.
It is a good idea to separate your database code from your user interface code. If you want to show a message box in your Catch put the Try blocks in the UI code. This way your function can be used in a web app or mobile app without rewriting.
Public Function DeliveredUpdate(ID As Integer) As Integer
Dim recordsUpdated As Integer
Dim SQL As String = "UPDATE DELIVERY SET delivery_status = #status Where OrderID = #Id;"
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(strConn),
cmd As New OleDbCommand(SQL, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#status", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = "Delivered"
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Id", OleDbType.Integer).Value = ID
recordsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
End Using 'closes and disposes the command and connection
Return recordsUpdated
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim retVal As Integer
Dim id As Integer = 1 'not sure where you are getting this value from
retVal = DeliveredUpdate(id)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If retVal > 0 Then
MsgBox("The delivery status was successfully updated.")
End If
End Sub

I get "Syntax error in UPDATE statement" with OleDB

I am developing an information system that works with a connected data source / MS Access database. The question is kinda cliche but I can't seem to find a proper solution from the similar ones I have come across.
Here is my code for the button.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'myConnection.ConnectionString = connString
If Me.txtConfirmPasscode.Text = Me.txtNewPasscode.Text Then
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users SET Password = #ConfPasscode WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
Dim dr2 As OleDbDataReader = updateCmd.ExecuteReader 'SYNTEX ERROR IN UPDATE STATEMENT
With updateCmd.Parameters
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#value", txtUserID.Text)
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#firstname", txtConfirmPasscode.Text)
End With
Dim recFound As Boolean = False
Dim UserName As String = ""
While dr2.Read
recFound = True
UserName = dr2("Usernames").ToString
End While
If recFound = True Then
MessageBox.Show("Password changed successfully for " & UserName & ".", "Password Changed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
'updateCmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Password", CType(txtConfirmPasscode.Text, String)))
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I get a huge UPDATE statement syntax error when I reach these lines of code:
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users SET Password = #ConfPasscode WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
Dim dr2 As OleDbDataReader = updateCmd.ExecuteReader 'I GET THE SYNTAX ERROR IN UPDATE STATEMENT ERROR HERE!
I hope that I can get a solution that works without overly formatting the code. I would also like to get solutions to my code grammer / syntax that could possibly cause some other problems in the above code
Password is a reserved keyword in ms-access. You need square brackets around it, but then you have another problem. You should set the parameters BEFORE executing the query, and albeit OleDb doesn't recognize parameters by name but by position, giving a matching name with your placeholders doesn't hurt
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users
SET [Password] = #ConfPasscode
WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
With updateCmd.Parameters
' First ConfPasscode because is the first placeholder in the query
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ConfPasscode ", txtConfirmPasscode.Text)
' Now UsersID as second parameter following the placeholder sequence
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UsersID", txtUserID.Text)
End With
Dim rowUpdated = updateCmd.ExecuteNonQuery
In response to the comment below of Andrew Morton, I should mention to the problems caused by AddWithValue. In this context, with just strings, it is a performance problem, in other context (dates and decimals) could escalate to a correctness problem.
Can we stop to use AddWithValue already?
How data access code affects database performance
Also, as noted in another answer, the correct method to use for an Update query is ExecuteNonQuery, but also ExecuteReader can update your table but because it build an infrastructure required only when you have something to read is less efficient for an Update. In any case just use only ExecuteNonQuery or ExecuteReader
I notice that your execute your UPDATE command using executereader. It means that you will be returning a record after the update. On your query it only trigger update query. Maybe try putting it on stored procedure and selecting the updated records after the changes made.

Trying to delete a record from my access database in visual basic studio 2010

Private Function CreatePlayerAdapter(ByVal playerDBconnection As OleDbConnection) As OleDbDataAdapter
// Initiating instances for the function
Dim dataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim parameter As OleDbParameter
// establishing the string to tell where to delete record from and how to find the record i want.
// PlayerIDTextBox.Text is a text on a form that is populated from the database after selecting a list of name (this works correctly) // connection is already open and is directed to correct place
Dim sql As String = "DELETE * FROM Players WHERE ID ='" & CInt(PlayerIDTextBox.Text) & "'"
myCommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, playerDBconnection)
parameter = myCommand.Parameters.Add("ID", OleDbType.Char, 3, "ID")
parameter.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
dataAdapter.DeleteCommand = myCommand
Return dataAdapter
End Function
// i call this function after executing a button click.
//ListPlayerComboBox.Text is populated with the names and needs it a name to fill PlayerIDTextBox.Text(works correctly)
Private Sub RemovePlayerButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RemovePlayerButton.Click
If ListPlayerComboBox.Text = " " Then
MsgBox("Please Select a Player.")
End If
End Sub
// no errors occur. However, nothing is done in the database. help please?
1)Never leave your OleDbConnection Open. Only allow it to be opened when you actually need it. This will save you from a lot of headaches later on. The reasons why can be found on following stackoverflow question.
2) There is no reason to return an OleDbDataAdapter if you don't intend on using it.
3) Use your parameters correctly : see below example2
4) Keep in mind that there are some restricted keywords in Access. Luckely for you ID isn't one. The restrictedKeywords can be found here: Keywords
I'm probably missing some further points here. Anyone should be free to add em.
Why not adjust your Function CreatePlayerAdapter to the following:
1) Without parameters
Private Sub CreatePlayerAdapter(ByVal playerDBconnection As OleDbConnection)
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim sql As String = "DELETE * FROM Players WHERE ID =" & CInt(PlayerIDTextBox.Text)
myCommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, playerDBconnection)
End Sub
2) With parameters
Private Sub CreatePlayerAdapter(ByVal playerDBconnection As OleDbConnection)
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim sql As String = "DELETE * FROM Players WHERE ID = #playerId"
myCommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, playerDBconnection)
Dim param As New OleDb.OleDbParameter(#playerId", CInt(PlayerIDTextBox.Text))
End Sub
The method ExecuteNonQuery executes the query passed to the command on the specified OleDbConnection and returns the number of rows affected. More info Here

Updating database with BindingSource data

This is my first post in here, but this forum already helped me a lot.
First, sorry for my English, i'm from Brazil and i'm trying to write without a translator.
I'm developing a software for a supermarket, but i'm having problems with the connection to the database. I'm trying to make all the connections and transactions programmatically (DataSets, BindingSources and so).
I've already managed to connect with SQL Server Express 2008, using a Function ("consulta") inside a Module ("db"):
Dim ad As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
Function consulta(ByVal tabela As String, Optional opt As Boolean = False, Optional optparam As String = "") As DataSet
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim connstring As String = "Data Source=NOTEBOOK\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SysMarket;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=admin;Password=XXXXXX"
Dim conObj As New SqlConnection(connstring)
Dim sql As String
If opt = True Then
sql = "SELECT * FROM " & tabela & " " & optparam
sql = "SELECT * FROM " & tabela
End If
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, conObj)
ad.SelectCommand = cmd
ad.Fill(ds, tabela)
Return ds
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Erro na consulta" & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.ToString, "Erro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return ds
End Try
End Function
And this is a part of the main code where I make a SelectQuery and put into a BindingSource:
Dim ds As DataSet = db.consulta("departamentos")
Private Sub cad_departamento_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
BindingSource1.DataSource = ds
BindingSource1.DataMember = "departamentos"
TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", BindingSource1, "id")
TextBox2.DataBindings.Add("Text", BindingSource1, "departamento")
End Sub
But my problem is when I have to Update the database, by adding, editing or deleting some item from BindingSource. Because in the Module I've closed the connection to the SQL Server. So I will need reopen this connection and then, somehow "read" the DataSet with the change and Update the database?
Someone could explain this to me or show me a example?
Thank you.
You will use a data adapter to save the data, just as you used one to retrieve the data. You will have to create an InsertCommand if you want to insert new records, an UpdateCommand if you want to update existing records and a DeleteCommand if you want to delete existing records. You can write those yourself or, if the conditions are right, you can use a command builder to do it for you.
If your query is based on a single table and you want to insert/update all the columns you retrieve back to that same table then a SqlCommandBuilder may be your best bet. You simply pass in the query and the command builder will use it to generate the action commands. That gives you limited flexibility but if you're just doing single-table operations then you don't need that added flexibility.
Such a method might look something like this:
Public Sub SaveChanges(tableName As String, data As DataSet)
Dim query = "SELECT * FROM " & tableName
Using adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(query, "connection string here")
Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
adapter.Update(data, tableName)
End Using
End Sub
I did what you said, but when I open the Form again, the new data are not there.
I made some changes in the code, perhaps because it did not work
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
db.SaveChanges("departamentos", "INSERT INTO departamentos VALUES('', " & TextBox2.Text & ")", ds)
ds = db.consulta("departamentos")
End Sub
And the code in the Module
Function SaveChanges(tableName As String, query As String, data As DataSet)
Using adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(query, "Data Source=NOTEBOOK\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SysMarket;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=admin;Password=XXXXX")
Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
adapter.Update(data, tableName)
Return True
End Using
End Function

How to stop inserting same record in table using

I am using VB.NET and below code on button click event.
Protected Sub ibtnSendInvites_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ibtnSendInvites.Click
Dim emailList As New List(Of String)
Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("LocalSqlServer").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
For Each curRow As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim chkSelect As CheckBox = CType(curRow.Cells(1).FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox)
Dim emailLabel As Label = CType(curRow.Cells(1).FindControl("lblEmailAddress"), Label)
If chkSelect.Checked Then
cmd = New SqlCommand("uspInsertDelegate", con)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CourseID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Session("CourseID")
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CPUserID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CType(curRow.Cells(1).FindControl("lblCPUserID"), Label).Text
cmd.Parameters.Add("#StatusID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 25
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CreateUser", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Session("LoggedInUser")
End If
For Each email As String In emailList
Dim message As String = "Please confirm your booking "
Dim subject As String = "UserPoint Course Booking Invitation Email"
Dim from As String = ""
SendEmail.SendMessage(subject, message, from, email, "")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I want to throw exception if user tries to insert same record having same CourseID and CPUserID.
Put a unique index on the DATABASE table on those two columns. You'll get an exception back if you try to insert a duplicate.
ON Delegate (CourseID,CPUserID)
Or alter the Sp to check first
Or Add a insert trigger on the DB that will raise and exception.
Ok in your catch
Instead of getting it to throw an exception you could change your stored procedure "uspInsertDelegate" to check if the row already exists before trying to do the insert, and report back whether or not it did it.
I would also create the unique index in the database as Preet says, just to be on the safe side.
Two options really - query the table first to see if the row exists and throw a custom exception (wrap the whole thing in a transaction), or, enforce this in the DB with a unique constraint/index (you should do this anyway). The DB will then raise an error back when you try it...