I get "Syntax error in UPDATE statement" with OleDB - vb.net

I am developing an information system that works with a connected data source / MS Access database. The question is kinda cliche but I can't seem to find a proper solution from the similar ones I have come across.
Here is my code for the button.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'myConnection.ConnectionString = connString
If Me.txtConfirmPasscode.Text = Me.txtNewPasscode.Text Then
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users SET Password = #ConfPasscode WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
Dim dr2 As OleDbDataReader = updateCmd.ExecuteReader 'SYNTEX ERROR IN UPDATE STATEMENT
With updateCmd.Parameters
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#value", txtUserID.Text)
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#firstname", txtConfirmPasscode.Text)
End With
Dim recFound As Boolean = False
Dim UserName As String = ""
While dr2.Read
recFound = True
UserName = dr2("Usernames").ToString
End While
If recFound = True Then
MessageBox.Show("Password changed successfully for " & UserName & ".", "Password Changed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
'updateCmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Password", CType(txtConfirmPasscode.Text, String)))
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I get a huge UPDATE statement syntax error when I reach these lines of code:
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users SET Password = #ConfPasscode WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
Dim dr2 As OleDbDataReader = updateCmd.ExecuteReader 'I GET THE SYNTAX ERROR IN UPDATE STATEMENT ERROR HERE!
I hope that I can get a solution that works without overly formatting the code. I would also like to get solutions to my code grammer / syntax that could possibly cause some other problems in the above code

Password is a reserved keyword in ms-access. You need square brackets around it, but then you have another problem. You should set the parameters BEFORE executing the query, and albeit OleDb doesn't recognize parameters by name but by position, giving a matching name with your placeholders doesn't hurt
Dim updateCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Users
SET [Password] = #ConfPasscode
WHERE [Usernames] = #UsersID", myConnection)
With updateCmd.Parameters
' First ConfPasscode because is the first placeholder in the query
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ConfPasscode ", txtConfirmPasscode.Text)
' Now UsersID as second parameter following the placeholder sequence
updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UsersID", txtUserID.Text)
End With
Dim rowUpdated = updateCmd.ExecuteNonQuery
In response to the comment below of Andrew Morton, I should mention to the problems caused by AddWithValue. In this context, with just strings, it is a performance problem, in other context (dates and decimals) could escalate to a correctness problem.
Can we stop to use AddWithValue already?
How data access code affects database performance
Also, as noted in another answer, the correct method to use for an Update query is ExecuteNonQuery, but also ExecuteReader can update your table but because it build an infrastructure required only when you have something to read is less efficient for an Update. In any case just use only ExecuteNonQuery or ExecuteReader

I notice that your execute your UPDATE command using executereader. It means that you will be returning a record after the update. On your query it only trigger update query. Maybe try putting it on stored procedure and selecting the updated records after the changes made.


How to delete a row in sql using vb.net

Sorry if its easy or basic i am brand new to sql and tables so im just trying to figure it out
Basically im trying to delete a row that the user selects
By having them click on a row then clicking a delete button but i don't know how that should look ive tried a few different ways but none of them seem to work.
No error comes up but it just dosen't delete the row
Private Sub DeleteSelectedUsers()
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=GERARD-PC\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=TestDB;User ID=AccountsUser;Password=password123"
Dim adp As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter _
("Delete * from dgrdUsers.SelectedRows(0).Cells", connection)
End Sub
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim username As String = dgrdUsers.SelectedRows(0).Cells.Item("Username").Value.ToString()
If (MessageBox.Show(Me, "Do you want to delete user " & username & "?", "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Any ideas?
The syntax required to delete a row in the database table requires at least three parts.
The DELETE command
The FROM statement to identify the table where the delete action should occur
The WHERE condition to identify the record (or records) to delete
So it is a string like this: DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition
and applied to your code you get this.
Private Sub DeleteSelectedUsers(userName as String)
Using connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = "...."
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand _
("DELETE FROM Table WHERE userName = #user", connection)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#user", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = userName
End Using
End Sub
(Table and UserName are fantasy names because we don't know what is the actual schema of your database)
Other things I have changed:
The connection is created inside a using block to be sure a proper
closure and dispose happens even in case of errors
The name of the user to remove should be passed as parameter to the
No need to use an adapter when you just need to execute a single
The query doesn't concatenate strings to build the command but use a
parameter added to the command itself and specifying a type for the
data matching the type on the database table

"No value given for one or more required parameters" error using OleDbCommand

I am trying to update a record in MS Access using VB.net. This code will be under the "Delivered" button. When I try to run it, it shows the "No value given for one or more required parameters" error. Here is my code:
Private Const strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Traicy\Downloads\MWL(11-30-2021)\MadeWithLove\MadeWithLove\MadeWithLove.mdb;"
ReadOnly conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConn)
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Public Sub DeliveredUpdate()
Const SQL As String = "UPDATE DELIVERY SET delivery_status = #status"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(SQL, conn)
' Update parameter
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#status", "Delivered")
' Open connection, update, then close connection
If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0 Then
MsgBox("The delivery status was successfully updated.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Do not declare connections or commands outside of the method where they are used. These database objects use unmanaged resources. They release these resources in their Dispose methods. The language provides Using blocks to handle this.
As mentioned in comments by Andrew Morton, you should have a Where clause to tell the database which record to update. This would contain the primary key of the record. I guessed at a name for the field, OrderID. Check your database for the real field name.
Access does not use named parameters but you can use names for readability. Access will be able to recognize the parameters as long as they are added to the Parameters collection in the same order that they appear in the sql string. In some databases the Add method is superior to AddWithValue because it doesn't leave the datatype to chance.
It is a good idea to separate your database code from your user interface code. If you want to show a message box in your Catch put the Try blocks in the UI code. This way your function can be used in a web app or mobile app without rewriting.
Public Function DeliveredUpdate(ID As Integer) As Integer
Dim recordsUpdated As Integer
Dim SQL As String = "UPDATE DELIVERY SET delivery_status = #status Where OrderID = #Id;"
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(strConn),
cmd As New OleDbCommand(SQL, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#status", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = "Delivered"
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Id", OleDbType.Integer).Value = ID
recordsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
End Using 'closes and disposes the command and connection
Return recordsUpdated
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim retVal As Integer
Dim id As Integer = 1 'not sure where you are getting this value from
retVal = DeliveredUpdate(id)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If retVal > 0 Then
MsgBox("The delivery status was successfully updated.")
End If
End Sub

VB SQL DELETE Statement Not Working - No Error At All

This is my Code and it just doesn't work, I'm trying to make it Delete a record where the column staffID is equal to the variable currentStaffID although it doesn't delete the record or give an error, it just carries on and displays the MsgBox after the DELETE Statement.
Dim AreYouSureEdit = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
If DbConnect() And AreYouSureEdit = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Dim SQLCmd As New OleDbCommand
SQLCmd.Connection = cn
currentStaffID = editStaffIDTxtBox.Text()
SQLCmd.CommandText = "DELETE * STAFF WHERE staffID = #currentStaffID"
MsgBox("Record Deleted.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
End If
You're setting up your command and everything - but you're never executing it! Of course nothing happens.....
You need to add one line of code:
Dim SQLCmd As New OleDbCommand
SQLCmd.Connection = cn
currentStaffID = editStaffIDTxtBox.Text()
SQLCmd.CommandText = "DELETE * STAFF WHERE staffID = ?"
'' You need to define the parameter and set its value here!
SQLCmd.Parameters.Add("p1", OleDbType.Int).Value = currentStaffID;
'' you need to actually **EXECUTE** your DELETE query!
Also, while you're setting up a parameter in your SQL query text just fine, I don't see where you're actually defining such a parameter on your SQLCmd object - and also be aware: OleDB doesn't use named parameters (like the native SQL Server client does) - it uses positional parameters (so that's what I replaced your named parameter with just a ?). Since there's only one parameter, this shouldn't be a problem here - but you need to properly define the SQLCmd's parameter (and set its value)
Connections and Commands can use unmanaged resources so, they need to have their .Dipose methods called to release these resources. Using...End Using blocks take care of this and also .Close the connection. Your database objects must be local to the method where they are used for this to work.
Always use Parameters to avoid Sql injection.
Private Sub OpCode()
Dim AreYouSureEdit = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
If AreYouSureEdit = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Using cn As New OleDbConnection("Your connection string"),
SQLCmd As New OleDbCommand("DELETE From STAFF WHERE staffID = #currentStaffID", cn)
SQLCmd.Parameters.Add("#currentStaffID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = CInt(editStaffIDTxtBox.Text)
End Using
MsgBox("Record Deleted.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
End If
End Sub

Self learning on vb.net

Currently I'm trying to understand and learn new code commands for vb.net. i have came across three codes while researching which is
"SELECT staff_id,pass_word FROM userlogin WHERE staff_id = #staff_id AND pass_word = #pass_word")
Second code:
Dim uName As New OleDbParameter("#staff_id", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Third and last:
uName.Value = txtstaffid.Text
What are the uses of #pass_word code when you have already typed the pass_word column, Oledbparameter, and Parameters.Add?
The following code shows a bit more complete picture of what the code is doing. The Using...End Using blocks ensure that your objects are closed and disposed even if there are errors. Of course, in a real application, passwords would never be stored as plain text (too easy to hack). They would be salted and hashed but that is for another day.
Private Sub CheckPassword()
'This line assigns a Transact SQL command to a string variable.
'It will return a record with 2 columns. The #staff_id and #pass_word are parameter placeholders.
'The use of parameters limits the possibilit of SQL injection with malicious input be the user
'typing in the text box.
Dim strSQL = "SELECT staff_id,pass_word FROM userlogin WHERE staff_id = #staff_id AND pass_word = #pass_word;"
Using cn As New SqlConnection("Your connection string")
'Pass the command string and the connection to the constructor of the command.
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, cn)
'It is unneccessary to create a command variable.
'The .Add method of the commands Parameters collection will create a parameter.
cmd.Parameters.Add("#staff_id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtstaffid.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add("#pass_word", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtPassword.Text
Using dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
'All we really need to know is whether we returned a row.
If dr.HasRows Then
MessageBox.Show("Login Successful")
MessageBox.Show("Login Failed")
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub

How can I use multiple connection in If else code blocks?

I want to use multiple connection in if else code block but it's giving the following error when I checked in a Messagebox :
"Argument prompt cannot be converted to string"
Here is my code :
Com.CommandText = "Select * FROM Table1 WHERE ID=" & txtID.Text & " AND DOR=#01/01/1900# AND Paid = '0' ORDER BY DOI"
Dr = Com.ExecuteReader
If Dr.Read = True Then
txtInstNo.Text = Dr(2)
txtInstAmount.Text = Dr(4)
If MsgBox("Wait! You're not allowed to do it. Do you still want to continue ? ", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Or MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Alert") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Dim Con As New OleDbConnection
Dim Comm As New OleDbCommand
Dim Dr2 As OleDbDataReader
Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database.accdb"
Comm.Connection = Con
Comm.CommandText = "Select * FROM Table1 WHERE ID=" & txtID.Text & " AND DOR=#01/01/1900# AND Paid = '0' ORDER BY DOI"
Comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dr2 = Comm.ExecuteReader
MsgBox(Dr2) <-- Here I got that error
If Dr.Read = True Then
txtInstNo.Text = Dr(2)
txtInstAmount.Text = Dr(4)
MsgBox("Sorry, no record found",MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Alert")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Your query might be returning entire rows, objects, widgets or whatever. As #Andrew Morton pointed out, it's a Data Reader. It's not going to implicitly convert your result. You'll have to manipulate your reader result and convert it to a string to do anything useful. You'll also have to handle if your DataReader returns a null result, which when converted should be "" an empty string.
If you just want to see what Dr2 contains, you could try MsgBox(CStr(Dr2)). No error handling, if it throws an exception.
There are a few things which could be modified in your code to make it a bit shorter and so easier to track down what is not working. It is easier to isolate a problem if you have the minimal amount of code which shows the problem: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
I'll show my suggestion for a minimal amount of code on a new form which should help you narrow down where the problem is, and then I'll go over why I have written it that way and what could be going wrong.
Option Strict On
Option Infer On
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database.accdb"
Dim sql = "SELECT InstNo, InstAmount FROM Table1 WHERE ID = ? AND DOR = #01/01/1900# AND PAID='0' ORDER BY DOI"
' lists to hold the retrieved data
Dim instNos As New List(Of String)
Dim instAmounts As New List(Of String)
' get the data
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(connStr)
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter With {.ParameterName = "#ID",
.DbType = DbType.String,
.Value = txtID.Text})
Dim rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While rdr.Read
End While
End Using
End Using
' act on the data
If instNos.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox(String.Format("No records were found for ID ""{0}"".", txtID.Text))
txtInstNo.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, instNos)
txtInstAmount.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, instAmounts)
End If
End Sub
End Class
The code.
I start with Option Strict On to make sure that all data types match up and I haven't done anything else silly which Visual Studio can point out to me.
I use Option Infer On so that I don't have to type out the type of variables when the compiler can infer what they are.
I used just one Button on the form along with the three named textboxes as we are going for minimal code.
I set up the two strings which are going to be used in one place at the top of the sub because it is easier to maintain the code that way. Normally, you would declare variables just before they are used to minimise their scope.
I specified exactly which columns I want from the database. There is no point retrieving all of them with *. I had to guess what the columns are called - you will need to put in the actual names if they are different.
The result of a query to the database might have more than one record, so I initialise Lists for the data. (Your query has an ORDER BY so I assume that there could be more than one record.)
The Using statement makes sure that resources are released cleanly whatever else happens.
For OleDb, parameters are normally represented by a ?. (If there is more than one, they are all represented by question marks and the parameters must be added in the order in which they are to be put into the query.) I had to guess at the data type for the ID column - please put in the correct type. When you create the parameter, you can still use a meaningful name for it, even though it is ignored by the computer.
Next, the data (if any) is read. I do nothing else at this point except read the data to keep it fast and tidy. I assumed that the data to be retrieved is strings, hence the GetStrings. You should adjust that if required, and also the types of the Lists to match.
Now that the data has been read, I act on it. If there was no data, show an appropriate message, and if there was data then I put it into multiline textboxes to show it. Note that I wrote multiline: if it was a single line textbox then only the last line would be visible. Other ways of displaying it could be more useful, for example a DataGridView - in which case I might have read the data into a DataTable or a list of some class.
What could go wrong.
In your query, you have AND DOR = #01/01/1900# - is this correct?
In your query, you have AND PAID = '0' - is PAID actually a string? If it is a number then it should be AND PAID = 0. (The DB should convert the string "0" to the number zero, but why make it do extra work?)
Now that you have multiline textboxes for the results, you can see if it just happens that the last records found happened to be blank, and are simply not visible in a single-line textbox.
Finally, are you sure it is using the correct database file?