Unable to upgrade selenium java from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0 in Windows - selenium

To upgrade the selenium version from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0, is it sufficient to add the selenium 4.7 jar files and edit version of dependancies in pom.xml or should we make any code changes?
Also can we directly change the version from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0 or should we upgrade from one version to next version, in series till 4.7.0?
I've added the selenium 4.7.0 jar files and edited the version of dependancies in pom.xml file. But it is showing error while running the testcases.


Installing the Subversion Plugin in studio Version: 7.4.2 fails

Installing the Subversion Plugin in studio Version: 7.4.2 fails.
Tried with http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x and other versions too.
The site http://subclipse.tigris.org appears to be abandoned, and subclipse 1.6 is an old version that is probably not compatible with the Eclipse version used for Studio 7.4.2. According to the release notes it is based on Eclipse 4.9. You should look for an updated version of subclipse that is compatible with that Eclipse version.
It seems that the current home of Subclipse is this GitHub project: https://github.com/subclipse/subclipse. Try installing from their distributions: https://github.com/subclipse/subclipse/wiki#installation

Where can we find the Selenium version compatible versions of GeckoDriver

Earlier I used this method to add gecko driver:
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/home/boo/Desktop/java/geckodriver-v0.20.1-linux64/geckodriver");
but the new update (https://selenium.dev/)
https://selenium.org/ --> https://selenium.dev/
Now it redirects so I have no idea how can I download , when I download it saves as .nupke I download from here
How can I use this .nupkg?
And there is other 4 method available
I'm using Java Maven for automation in those 4. Which one I have to choose and how can i setup?
PS: earlier I downloaded zip file and extracted and used it
Selenium and GeckoDriver are seperately maintained and published. You can download the required version of GeckoDriver from Releases - mozilla/geckodriver page.

How to check apache maven version 3.1.1 or newer is installed in a machine?

I am absolutely new to Java Enterprise Edition and can someone help me by providing the steps needed to check whether Apache maven version 3.1.1 or newer is installed in a machine?
You can check it by executing mvn -version.
if the command is not found, no version is installed correctly else there is an output of the maven version.
If you want to check it programatically you can write an java application which executes the mvn -version command and reads the result of the process.
(Search for java Runtime.getRuntime().exec )

Error installing Spring IDE 3.4.0 plugin with Eclipse Kepler: Will not be installed (Spring IDE Roo Support)

I am trying to install the plugin for Spring IDE (3.4.0) using Eclipse Marketplace for Eclipse Kepler (4.3). It is giving the error 'Will not be installed (Spring IDE Roo Support)'.
I also checked the compatibility of Spring IDE version 3.4.0 with Eclipse Kepler 4.3, and it is compatible. Any ideas on how to complete the installation?
Thank you
It seems there is some errors on versions 3.4.0 and 4.3.0 (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/spring-tool-suite-sts-eclipse-kepler-43).
Yoy could try latest releases from http://spring.io/tools/eclipse, or install STS http://spring.io/tools/sts (imho STS is the best option).
I had the same problem. It seemed to get hung in the provisioning step (83%). I installed the STS and same problem... but I waited a little longer this time and it was successful. This gave me everything I was expecting in the IDE plugin
I am just trying from https://github.com/spring-projects/sts4/wiki/Installation using Neon 2. I have had to stop and start it over and over.

bzr-eclipse 1.4 needs xmloutput >= 0.9.2

I'm trying to install Eclipse Kepler (4.3) IDE with Bazaar version control system integration on a CentOS 6.5 machine. Everything seems perfect, until I restart the IDE and want to use bazaar. It asks for xmloutput >= 0.9.2 but according to this page the latest version available is xmloutput 0.8.8
I have tried to install bzr-eclipse 1.3 or 1.2 but all the links in Eclipse are just for the latest version.
Does anybody know how to install a previous version of bzr-eclipse or how to use a correct version of xmloutput?
This problem seems to be very close to this question (resolved by upgrading to a newer version of Bazaar).