Generated Apk stuck at Splash Screen Expo - React Native - react-native

I have managed to produce an apk file using eas build -p android --profile preview on Expo. During the development, I was able to go past the splash screen and view the home screen. But after installing the apk file, I get stuck at the splash screen. Please help


React Native map crashes only with apk but not in local

when use google map my apk crash but in local run correctly in react native expo. in apk when go to screen apk crash
What is actul issue and how can resolve that issue
You should check the native log of your release build with:
npx react-native log-android
We can't know the issue with these informations only.

My React Native App Syncing with Expo App

I created an App in Expo first but for bluetooth printing i shift my project to react-native
then after some time i want to update something but react-native android build was failing so i just copy project removed print button and build in expo but the problem is now the already build apk hiding that print button sometimes why it is happening both are different apk different platform
one is react-native cli other is expo cli why it is syncing with each other.
Anybody having this problem ?

Issue when building react-native app vie expo

I try to build react-native expo project..
1.with eas build: -- when I download the builded .apk on a real device doesn't want to fetch any information I have error handling with alert ! And only the alert is showing
2.With expo build:android .. builds 20 minutes it says the build fails but still produce downloadable .apk when I download it on a real device now fetching works and we come to the point where the user must press a button and give permission to location to navigate to other screen where is map with directions from Google Directions API, but when you press the button and give permission its like the app freezes and won't navigate to the other screen...

Expo React native app stuck at Splash Screen after expo Publish

I am trying to build an React native application using expo. My application works fine in development environment but it stucks on splash screen " new update available, downloading" after I run expo publish command. Can Someone guide me about that why its happening so....!

Changing the Expo Icon in React Native

This is my app.json file for my project.
I'm trying to change the expo app icon with my own, but having some difficulties. I tried to run expo with expo start -c, but it didn't work. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?