Using watchlist value without Search Key - kql

I'm new to KQL and Sentinel.
I'm trying to add validation to a query of alerts using only a column of a Watchlist.
My Watchlist are:
I would like to validate that the date in column 3 is greater than the current date. But my Search Key is defined using the name (column 1). Is there a possibility of obtaining a column without using the SearchKey and using it in a validation?
Just for remember
Name is my Search Key
For example:
let watchlist = Getwhatchlist(test)
let today = now();
| where watchlist.Date > today
| join kind=leftanti watchlist on Name


MS-Access 2021 Adding/Subtracting field entry from one table with the current value in another

I'm new to SQL and Access and am trying to take an entry from an InventoryTransactions.Quantity and summing it with another field from another table MasterInventory.QuantityOnHand. I know there is a way to do this with queries and forms but I'm kind of hitting a roadblock. Any help will be much appreciated!
InventoryTransactions.Quantity (Table)
ID | TransactionItem | TransactionType | Quantity |
[ID] = Autonumber [TransactionItem] = Lookup referencing [.ID],[.ItemName], (Checking Y/N from [.Consumable]), all from [MasterInventory] [TransactionType] - Addition, Removal (Add, Subtract) from [TransactionTypeTable] Quantity - Number
Here I want to add my record entry for Quantity in the above table and it to be added or subtracted (depending on the entry in the TransactionType field to .QuantityOnHand in this MasterInventory table
Say I've got 20 of something in [MasterInventory].[QuantityOnHand] and I enter 20 into the [ItemTransactions].[Quantity]
Saying that I selected "Addition" in [ItemTransactions].[TransactionType]
The new value in [MasterInventory].[QuantityOnHand] should now be updated to 40 for the corresponding [MasterInventory].[ID] field. (Updated to 0 if I selected "Remove" in [ItemTransactions].[TransactionType]
Let me know if you see this and need clarification please.

How to map two column using another column data

I have Five columns.
Column1: Name
Column2: surname
Column3: mapping
Column4: Mapped data
Columns contain data like
Name Surname Mapping Name1 Surname1
Now my aim is to map name column to surname by using mapping column and result should be stored at Name1 and Surname1 column. I have more data in Name and Surname column, by writing number in Mapping column it will automatically map the surname to Name (the choice is given to user for entering number in mapped column then map the data accordingly) and result should be copied in Name1 and Surname1.
I am not getting any idea to achieve this using VBA. coding Plz help me.....
Amar, there are certainly plenty of ways to go about this using Excel's built in functions, however, since you asked about a VBA solution, here you go:
Function Map(n)
Map = Cells(n + 1, 2)
End Function
Placing the above code into the VBA editor of your project will allow you to use this custom function in the same way you would any of Excel's builtin functions. That is, entering =Map(C3) into any cell should give you the result you're after (where C3 is the cell containing your mapping number). The function works by returning the data in [row n (defined in your mapping column) +1 (to account for the header row); column 2 (the column containing your surname)]. The data in column "Name1" will always be the same as that in column "Name" (so it seems). So the function in your "Name1" column would simply be =A2
If this does not solve your problem, or you need further guidance, please let me know.
#Amar, the comment by #freakfeuer is spot on. VBA is really overkill for something as simple as this and, as he points out, portability and security are both significant drawbacks. Offset is a fine alternative.

How do you return a specfic column value of a certain row in an existing table within a database?

The Problem:
I'm working in PostgreSQL 9.0 and I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to tackle the situation where you want to return a specific column value of a certain row for use in a CASE WHEN THEN statement.
I want to basically go in and set the value of table A: someRow's someColumn value, equal to the value of table B: row X's column A value, given the value of row X's column B. (More detail in "Backround Info" if needed to understand the question)
This is what I want to do (but don't know how):
Update tableA
Set someColumn
CASE WHEN given_info_column = 'tableB: row X's column B value'
THEN (here I want to return row X's column A value, finding row X using the given column B value)
ELSE someColumn END
Background Info: (Optional, for clarification)
Imagine that there is a user activity table, and a device table in an already existing database, with already existing activity performed strings that exist throughout to codebase you are working in: (for example)
id (int) | user_name (string) | activity_preformed (string) | category (string)
1 | Joe Martinez | checked out iphone: iphone2 | dvc_activity
2 | Jon Shmoe | uploads video from device: (id: 12345) | dvc_activity
3 | Larry David | goes to the bathroom |other_activity
seq (int)| device_name (string) | device_srl_num (int) | device_status (string)|
1 | iphone1 | 12344 | available
2 | iphone2 | 12345 | checked out
3 | android1 | 23456 | available
Your assignment from your boss is to create a report that shows one table with all device activity, like so:
Device Activity Report
(int) (int) (string) (string) (string) (int) (string)
act_seq |usr_id | usr_name | act_performed | dvc_name | dvc_srl_num | dvc_status
1 |1 | Joe Martinez | Checked out iphone: iphone2 | iphone2 | 12345 | checked out
2 |2 | John Shmoe | uploads video from device: (id: 12345)| android1 | 23456 | available
For the purposes of this question, this has to be done by adding a new column to the user activity table called dvc_seq which will be a foreign key to the device table. You will create a temporary table by querying from the user activity table and joining the two where User_Activity (dvc_seq) = Device (seq)
This is fine and will work great for new entries into the User_Activity table, which will record a dvc_seq linking to the associated device if the activity involves a device.
The problem is that you need to go in and fill in values for the new dvc_seq column in the User_Activity table for all previous entries relating to devices. Since the previous programmers decided to specify which device in the activity_performed column using the serial number certain times and the device names other times, this presents an interesting problem, where you will need to derive the associated Device seq number from a device, given its name or serial number.
So once again, what I want to do: (using this example)
UPDATE User_Activity
SET dvc_seq
CASE WHEN activity_performed LIKE 'checked out iphone:%'
THEN (seq column of Device table)
WHERE (SELECT 1 FROM Device WHERE device_name = (substring in place of the %))
ELSE dvc_seq (I think this would be null since there would be nothing here yet)
Can any of you help me accomplish this?? Thanks in advance for all responses and advice!
The query below uses an update-join to update the sequence number when the serial number or the name is contained within the activity_performed
UPDATE UserActivity
SET a.dvc_seq = b.seq
FROM UserActivity AS a
JOIN devices b
ON UserActivity.activity_performed LIKE '%from device: (id: ' || b.serial_num || '%'
OR UserActivity.activity_performed LIKE '%: ' || || '%'
Just an additional update on how to speed up this code based off of the correct answer given by #FuzzyTree (this would only work for the serial number, which has a standard length, and not for the device name which could be many different sizes)
Because of the LIKE used in the join, the query runs very slow for large databases. an even better solution would utilize the postgres substring() and position() functions and join the tables on the serial number like so:
UPDATE UserActivity
SET a.dvc_seq = b.seq
FROM UserActivity AS a
JOIN devices b
ON b.serial_num =
substring(activity_performed from position('%from device: (id: ' in activity_performed)+(length of the string before the plus so that position returns the start position for the serial number)) for (lengthOfSerialNumberHere))
WHERE UserActivity.activity_performed LIKE '%from device: (id: ' || b.serial_num || '%';`
In postgresql you can't do a complex CASE expresion like
CASE WHEN activity_performed LIKE 'checked out iphone:%'
The best you can do is create a function
UPDATE User_Activity
SET dvc_seq = getDeviceID(User_Activity.activity_preformed);
Here you can do IF, CASE much easier
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getDeviceID(activity text)
RETURNS integer AS
device_name text;
device_id integer;
-- parse the string activity
/* this part is pseudo code
set device_id;
IF (device_id is null)
set device_name;
search for device_id using device_name;
set device_id;
RETURN device_id;
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION get_box(text)
OWNER TO postgres;

Multi-Row Per Record SQL Statement

I'm not sure this is possible but my manager wants me to do it...
Using the below picture as a reference, is it possible to retrieve a group of records, where each record has 2 rows of columns?
So columns: Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated would be part of the first row and column: Work Notes would be a new row that spans the width of the report. Each record would have two rows. Is this possible with a GROUP BY statement?
Record 1
Row 1 = Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated
Row 2 = Work Notes
Record 2
Row 1 = Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated
Row 2 = Work Notes
Record n
I don't think that possible with the built in report engine. You'll need to export the data and format it using something else.
You could have something similar to what you want on short description (list report, group by short description), but you can't group by work notes so that's out.
One thing to note is that the work_notes field is not actually a field on the table, the work_notes field is of type journal_input, which means it's really just a gateway to the actual underlying data model. "Modifying" work_notes actually just inserts into sys_journal_field.
sys_journal_field is the table which stores the work notes you're looking for. Given a sys_id of an incident record, this URL will give you all journal field entries for that particular record:
You will notice this includes ALL journal fields (comments + work_notes + anything else), so if you just wanted work notes, you could simply add a query against element thusly:
What this means for you!
While you can't separate a physical row into multiple logical rows in the UI, in the case of journal fields you can join your target table against the sys_journal_field table using a Database View. This deviates from your goal in that you wouldn't get a single row for all work notes, but rather an additional row for each matched work note.
Given an incident INC123 with 3 work notes, your report against the Database View would look kind of like this:
Row 1: INT123 | markmilly | This is a test incident |
Row 2: INT123 | | | Work note #1
Row 3: INT123 | | | Work note #2
Row 4: INT123 | | | Work note #3

SQL statement that retrieves formulas for two different dates in db

I have three total tables. The first table 'rollup1' contains the number of views and number of clicks for a campaign, as well as a one-up number for the day field (largest number in column represents the current date) A second table 'rollup2' contains the earnings for the campaign. It also contains the same one-up number for the dayfield. The third table 'campaigns' contains the ID/names for the campaigns. = = and
I want to generate an SQL query that lists the campaign id, name, specific calculated value from yesterday, and specific calculated value from today. The specific calculated value I'm looking for is (earnings/clicks)*1000.
The results will look like:
id | name | yesterday | today
a | Campaign1 | $0.05 | $0.010
I think I can use case statements, but I can't seem to get it correct. Here's what I have so far. It calculates the formula for yesterday, but not the one for today. I need these to be side by side.
select,, rollup1.views,rollup1.clicks,rollup2.costs,round((rollup2.costs/rollup1.views)*1000,2) as yesterday
from campaigns,rollup1,rollup2
where = rollup1.campaign_id and = rollup2.campaign_id
and rollup1.dayperiod = rollup2.dayperiod
and rollup1.dayperiod = (SELECT (max(rollup1.dayperiod) -1) FROM rollup1)
Thanks for any help you can provide.