Upload file of Shopware PWA on server(Server Side Rendering) - vue.js

Hii Can anyone help me to upload the Shopware PWA on the server(Server Side Rendering). I have tried almost all the methods mentioned on the nuxt js official website but I can't upload the PWA on the server. By using yarn generate, it converts the PWA on the static website so when I changed it on the backend it doesn't reflect on the PWA(like category, pages, etc) and also doesn't change the title of the website dynamically. and I have also tried this method https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/upload-nuxtjs-di-hosting/ but it also doesn't work for me.


How to make scribe generated css files use the https protocol of the whole website

I decided to use Scribe to make documentation of my api. So i generated the docs folder offline then i pushed it onto app platform.
Now when i load the page the page loads but the css files do not use the https protocol for the whole website.
I have tried checking on the Github repo to see if their anyother people with the same challenges but i do not seem to see that people are facing this issue.
I will be thankful for the help.
I tried to make changes of the scribe.php file in the config folder in my laravel project but it still refused.
I placed the base_url to be https:localhost before pushing but still getting the same error

How to create a mutli page Vue.js app without Vue-Cli?

I created a Vue.js app without using Vue CLI, so that means I did everything from scratch including setting up Webpack 4. The reason I did this was because I don't like the idea of frameworks concealing the inner workings of things so that I can't fix things myself.
As an SPA, I have got the basic demo site working with an Home and About view. But I am looking to create a multi-page app with Express. The only information on multi-page Vue.js apps seems to be linked to the pages option that only comes with Vue CLI (see here)
Is there a way to have a multi-page app for projects created without Vue CLI?
Sure, you could handle routing with Express and have the page rendered server-side.
You can use Vue official package for routing, vue-router and choose between SSR (server-side rendering) or client side.
I suggest you to check this official doc about it: https://ssr.vuejs.org/

Differences and use of vuexpress, VuePress and vue-server-renderer modules of Vue.js

I came across vuexpress, vuepress and vue-server-renderer. To me these are looking somewhere similer which I guess are not. I am not frontend developer so not able to understand exact difference and use of these three modules.
Their official sites are saying
vuexpress: Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering
engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.
VuePress: Vue-powered Static Site Generator
vue-server-renderer: server-rendered Single-Page Applications using
Node.js as the server.
vuepress and vue-server-renderer are official library from Vue.js
So what exactly are differences and use of these three modules?
The idea with Vue (from the perspective of your question) is that you create a single-page application.
vuexpress is a rendering engine you can use in an Express application if you want to use the Vue syntax to implement your Express views, i.e. you implement a dynamic website and use the Vue syntax.
vuepress is about building a single-page application in Vue that also prerenders each page (and some other goodies, such as using markdown) to improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. It is primarily used for websites with static content, such as documentation.
The point with a Vue application is to run it on the client (in the web browser). With vue-server-renderer you can run it on the server to obtain the HTML code the web browser would render if it would run in the web browser, and send it to the web browser, so the web browser doesn't need to run your Vue application, but receives the HTML it would display instead. Why? To improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. I imagine vuepress makes use of vue-server-renderer under the hood.

Where are PHP files created by BigCommerce Stencil CLI stored?

BigCommerce has a node.js app which allows you to do Stencil development locally. Part of the simulation it gives you is URLs like http://localhost:3000/cart.php for the shopping cart page. I'd like to understand how this is done and where the cart.php file could be found.
The .php files are not available for editing; these URLs are merely proxied from BigCommerce servers when you're using the CLI.
Essentially, stencil-CLI gets the data from the cart page which is then compiled via node into the HTML output (using your local template).
To my knowledge, accessing php portions of BigCommerce to post changes is not really possible. It's the same for checkout.php as well. You'll have to post changes via scss files or via using handlebars and/or js-jquery.
Here's a similar question from BC forum:

page refresh not working while using https

we have built UI using react js framework and html +css + js code is deployed inside apache 2. When I browse website it works fine but if I refresh page then I get 404. Can someone tell me how can I fix it.
Perhaps this answer is relevant to you:
Apache web server doesn't allow me to refresh on /about but on localhost its working fine
I know I also had problems related to HTML5 mode when first setting up react-router.
If you are using React-Router you are probably having this problem: React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually.
You can also see the React Router tutorial for how to set up a production Express server.