How to make scribe generated css files use the https protocol of the whole website - api

I decided to use Scribe to make documentation of my api. So i generated the docs folder offline then i pushed it onto app platform.
Now when i load the page the page loads but the css files do not use the https protocol for the whole website.
I have tried checking on the Github repo to see if their anyother people with the same challenges but i do not seem to see that people are facing this issue.
I will be thankful for the help.
I tried to make changes of the scribe.php file in the config folder in my laravel project but it still refused.
I placed the base_url to be https:localhost before pushing but still getting the same error


Upload file of Shopware PWA on server(Server Side Rendering)

Hii Can anyone help me to upload the Shopware PWA on the server(Server Side Rendering). I have tried almost all the methods mentioned on the nuxt js official website but I can't upload the PWA on the server. By using yarn generate, it converts the PWA on the static website so when I changed it on the backend it doesn't reflect on the PWA(like category, pages, etc) and also doesn't change the title of the website dynamically. and I have also tried this method but it also doesn't work for me.

Expire create-react-app service worker cache from users browsers

I had previously created a website for my band on using create-react-app and hosted this using S3 and Cloudfront. I recently replaced the react site using Shopify instead and domain now points to Shopify.
For new users to the site, everything works fine but old users continue to see a broken cached version of the react website, not a Shopify site. I had assumed that the cache would eventually expire for these users, but it's been like this for a couple of months now.
Looking at the Chrome dev tools network panel I notice a couple of things:
Almost everything is being served from cache - the index.html and main.js return a 200 and have a size of (service worker)
Images return a 404
The manifest.json returns a 404
I'm wondering if there's a way to expire the service worker cache? Is it possible to do this by hosting a new manifest.json file on Shopify?
Thanks in advance.
I ran into the same issue in a combination of CRA & Gatsby.
Found this Gatsby plugin which helped me.
The underlying article maybe also can help you.
tl;dr in my understanding you need to place a service-worker.js in the root directory containing the code to unregister the old service worker.

Is there any way to tell recaptcha html component to load using local recaptcha__en.js: instead to looking for it outside?

I have implemented RECAPCHA on my login page using this tutorial and it works great. It makes use of the AspNetCore.ReCaptcha package.
The issue that I'm having is that the recaptcha needs a file named recaptcha__en.js that lives outside, in a Google repository.
I'm working in a VPN that I need to use to connect to my client network, and this VPN blocks the connection to this outside .js. To unblock it or add a specific rule in the VPN, is not an option right now, so I was wondering if there's any way to tell the recaptcha html .NET core component, to read the recaptcha__en.js from my own solution.
I tried to simply include the script in my page, but the component still fails. It insists on searching for the JS outside, even if it is included in the page. If there's a way, it isn't documented anywhere that I'm aware off.
Can you help?
I don't know if you can visit other websites in your VPN at all.
If you can access other sites, you can use reCAPTCHA globally. Using will work fine in your internal network.
If you can't access any sites in your VPN, you can't use reCAPTCHA service in your project, because the Javascript content like are not static functions in a file. It's an interactive Google service.

How to allow direct access from browser to a `page` contained in a SPA on a chrome extension?

I have been working on a chrome extension using vue 3, vue-router and vue-x.
The extension is a Single Page Application, so if I understand correctly, it means that all incoming traffic should go through a root page and then vue-router handles the rendering while giving the user the impression that he changed page when in reality, he did not.
According to this part of vue-router documentation, you normally need something server side to make sure your root page is always served (nginx, apache, etc).
I need to reproduce this behaviour for my chrome-extension, and I have tried playing with the manifest.json but without any success so far. When I try to access to my other page, I have a File not found error. If I was to create an other-page.html, it renders but it wouldn't be a SPA anymore. I could try to put some hacky JS inside this other page but I was wondering if there was any more elegant way to handle this.
tl;dr: How to allow direct access from browser to a page contained in a SPA on a chrome extension.

How can I deep link into a Vue.js project on GitHub Pages?

I have a practise repository in GitHub (see
Navigate to "About" in the navigational list at the top:
You will see in the URL, it has appened /about, as expected. However, if I give people the URL, they get a 404 error from GitHub Pages.
My question is, how can I configure my Vue.js project to allow deep linking?
See link to GitHub repository
You have to add a custom 404.html page to your github pages that reroutes the request using javascript.
The first problem though is that you have enabled HTML5 History Mode, that requires a server to be set up to handle that and I don't think github pages allows for it.
Once you fixed that you have a couple of options.
Here is one example on how the 404 page uses the local storage to reroute the app.
Another is simple to change the url to a fragment instead of path, similar to the method used in this library This library maight even just work for you.