Custom field in a new ticket creation by agent: Dropdown list that its values are live updated - api

I want to create a custom field in the agent new ticket screen.
I want the field to be shown as a dropdown list where the values in the dropdown list will be values taken from an API of other service.
I know Zendesk custom fields have an option to upload a csv file with options but since I want to the values to be live updated it won't work for me.
I'm wondering whether I need to create a plugin that will do that job or Zendesk have a solution for this need.

I am not sure this is a suitable stackoverflow questions, but if you have control over the backend of the other service, it is better to automate a call from it to Zendesk custom fields API whenever there are changes to the drop down options.
However, this is a bad idea in the first place because drop down options are associated to tags. There might be conflicts with other field options or other tags used by agents. This will be a nightmare for the data analysts who rely on tags for Zendesk Explore reports, especially if you delete an options and its associated tags.


How User can add Order Line Note or at less Order Note or Metadata?

Does Saleor have some minimum implementation of interaction for receiving data from client
I need to receive some data from client for special product that will be created and send to him.
As for me the best way will be order Line Note editable by user
I've tried to add new fields to CartLine after to CheckoutLine, but it's not good way because i need to modify #saleor/sdk in frontend and modify backend API.
I've tried to esaminate different custom fields like:
customerNote (OrderAddNote)
and found that in all of them some notes can create only stuff users.
My question is:
What is the best way to have interaction with customer? If there is noting: Is it reasonable to change permission for Add Metadata o Add Note.
PS. How can I see metadata in dashboard orders
Metadata can be created / updated for a checkout without any special permissions and can be seen and edited from the Dashboard. Customer notes can be used as well, but have less features.

Add pages and products to ongoing theme under development for an existing shopify store

I have an active running shopify store, I need to upgrade it to a new theme.
First need to add pages and products in the new theme in development phase which should only go into the new theme that I am working on to develop and should not disturb the existing store. When all the product and pages for the new development theme are done I would expect to publish it.
What would be the best approach to go with this?
As currently when I go to customize the other theme it doesn't let me add specific products/ pages for that theme only.
Long story short, you can't.
If you like products to be visible to a specific theme only you will need to create a separate dev store or create hidden product ( not visible to the Online Store channel ).
For the pages is not a big problem since if you don't link ( and your search don't look for pages as well ) to them it will be hard to someone to enter then.
This is a common issue - youre doing an overhaul but don't want to disturb current business. Sure on Plus this is made easy ( If you are on plus, ask your MSM for a new dev shop and use the Transporter app ) but for non-plus stores, it can be a headache.
There's no cut and dry answer but here are some ways to get the job done.
Create your dev theme and start doing your work there, as you're doing.
For pages, as mentioned by drip's answer, don't link them and you should be fine. If you don't want search engines to index these while you're working on them, you can also add some liquid logic to your layout/theme.liquid and add the pages you don't want and have it add a meta no-index tag.
If your products are being completely reformatted, i.e. new description formats and such, create one product that has the new formatting, then export your CSV and add the new formatting in there. If you do this, be sure to export again and update your inventory values in your newly formatted sheet since they have likely changed since your export and when your new product formatting is done.
If you have new products you want to hide - give them a special product type, lets say hidden. In your smart collection rules - Type allows a 'not equal to' so set that there and also use the same no-index meta so google isn't indexing them until your ready.
Main things are - your new content can be 'live' in Shopify but if there's no where on site to link to it, its pretty safe unless someone guesses the url. then just make sure you add a band-aid so Google doesn't index them. This can also be extended to your sites search, a bit more work there but 100% doable.
The last bits that are 'always on' like your navigation - that you map all out and hustle on. Or make a new nav with a new handle and use that.
Best of luck! Have done many massive overhauls of sites and product data all while the site is live, just need to use a little finesse to work around some of the things specific to Shopify.

Can the List component be used in an edit form?

I want to be able to bring a dataset into an edit/create form because I need the respective resource in order to associate it to the main model.
Say, a store has many employees. I want , from an ui perspective, to be able to add employees to the store.
I am able to to this via a custom component, however I want to know if I am able to use the List component to fetch a certain resource, ,because I have a feeling that I'm not doing this properly now. Adminonrest has the tools to render a paginated list of resources, so how can I make better use of these tools ? Then make a custom iterator to represent the model anyway I want to (maybe even use the datagrid component). I can then attach custom actions.
What would the best pattern for this situation be ? Thanks.
No, this feature is not supported. You can display employees, using the ReferenceManyField but we don't support creating them from the Edit page.

What's the optimal way to filter a set of entities in a lookup?

I've got a lookup field on Account entity called something. Each such Something has a reference to an account. When my users click the magnifying glass, I want them to see a list of available Something records but filtered to view only such instances that link to the currently treated entity.
Also, I'll need to design such a filtration for Contact instances to only show the Something records that are related to the account that the currently regarded contact is a member of.
I can't decide between a plugin on Retrieve and some JS in OnLoad registering a fetchXML. All such operations will be done client-side. The solution needs only to work in CRM13 (and if possible apply some cool functionality in that version).
JavaScript & FetchXml are your best option here as with a Retrieve plugin you're taking the performance hit of executing on every retrieve regardless of whether the entity is being retrieved for the lookup. A filtered lookup in JS only applies for those scenarios that require a change to the field on Account.
Another other good reason for using a filtered lookup in Js is they are now a supported feature in CRM 2013 as opposed to the "hack" that was required in 2011.
Some more info on addPreSearch and addCustomFilter can be found on MSDN and there's a decent blog post providing examples here.

Facebook Event - guest list & posting settings

I'm trying to add a "create Facebook event" functionality to my application that uses Graph API. I have read their documentation and I am able to create an event with basic informations, like name, description, time, place etc.
However, the documentation doesn't mention two fields I'm especially interested in: Show the guest list on the event page and Non-admins can write on the wall.
I have investigated the data sent to Facebook while creating new event on site and it seems like these two fields are named respectively guest_list and connections_can_post. Unfortunately, adding these two fields to my request has no effect. I have tried different combinations, but they seem to be ignored.
Is it possible to set those two fields through API?
I don't believe either of those fields can currently be set via the API